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An insult to the Rangers support ?


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It must be great being a journalist rather than a blogger, the former seem to have a considerable degree of latitude when it comes to “the truth”, bloggers on the other hand live or die on the accuracy of their most recent efforts.

Hugh Keevins latest piece in the Daily Record is a master-class in the art of the curve ball.

YOU come back from a very pleasant trip to Germany and Holland in the more than affable company of Ally McCoist and what do you get?

There’s a fight for the moral high ground involving two sets of supporters who are as bad as each other.

Some of the singing during Rangers’ trip away was deeply regrettable. The same could apparently be said for the behaviour of the Celtic fans in Brentford on Saturday.

“Apparently” ?

It should come of course as no surprise to a support who Hugh decided to compare to Nazis with his now infamous “Nuremberg Rally comment” A comment which duly earned him a 6 month suspension from Radio Clyde, but not from the Ibrox. In fact it seems Hugh would have to embark on genocide to earn a ban from Ibrox.


Some would argue, that comparing a group of football supporters, to one of the most vilest regimes ever to have inhabited this earth, is a feat of such dehumanisation that it ranks right up there with genocide.

For when it comes to Rangers, Hugh seems to think that this dehumanised group are not entitled to the right of a trial and hearing.


I doubt I’m the only one angered by Keevin's Judge Dread impersonation. In fact, I know I’m not as it features and is highlighted in the excellent “Follow We Will” publication.

Furthermore, some of Keevin's recent rants appear to have caused angst within Ibrox. Keevins appears to be fascinated with our signing of Jon Daly given the attention devoted to it it by Mr Keevins.

There was a difference of opinion arising from the interpretation of something I’d written about Rangers last week and the chairman took me aside for a quiet word.

Nothing so vulgar as a row, simply the subtly-put expression of the club’s standpoint accompanied by that cold-eyed stare that reporters used to get when Walter was running the team and had been caused upset.

An ear bashing but without any visible scarring that would show up in court, if you know what I mean.

And no concessions for the over 60s, not when the one advancing the club’s point of view was a year older than me.

No harm done. Happens every day in this line of work. Nothing to see here

Actually I beg to differ Mr Keevins – I think there is plenty to see. I see a man whose treatment of our club and it's support has been deplorable. You have misrepresented the facts, you have attempted to set the agenda of our guilt and you have described our support in manner which is quite frankly unforgivable.

Allow me to adorn that Judge Dread outfit for a moment and simply say that your continued presence and access to Ibrox is a considerable insult to all who support Rangers.

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What singing is he talking about? I never heard anything bad in Holland/Germany ... maybe he means the lads with the flutes in Germany in the Gutersloh game who added to the atmosphere and who even the Rangers players appreciated whilst warming up. Last time I checked, playing the flute wasn't illegal but cunts like Keevins will have it as bad as singing disgusting songs about Lee Rigby.

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I think some of the so called journalist like keevins spiers the bald bbc bigot should be up on incitement charges as they wont be happy till their manipulations of the scum end up with decent Rangers fans being hurt or killed.

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Keavins english and speirs should be banned for life from ibrox,the club should refuse interviews to the newspapers,all interviews should be done on the club website,all club information should come out through our own media

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You have to laugh at this senile disgrace for a "journalist".....so does photographic evidence of pitch invasions and damage to a pitch during a friendly not count? I can only imagine the portrayal we would have received should our fans came even close to acting like them....I will give Celtic credit in that they stuck to their guns and banned the prick for much less than what we have been subjected to under his poisoned pen...how many times will ally or Walter have to "pull him aside" for a quiet chat before it sinks in that this man will print or say anything to damage the credibility of our club and fans.....

Also slightly OT but what about the rocket justifying the bus attack because if the licence plate? The mentality of these people is incomprehensible...

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Keavins english and speirs should be banned for life from ibrox,the club should refuse interviews to the newspapers,all interviews should be done on the club website,all club information should come out through our own media

Unfortunately our executive/management are totally out of touch with the fan in the street, it doesn't do to dampen the head of steam on the gravy train that provides a lucrative living for all of them and is stoked by fans hard earned.

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The wee shug will the ill-fitting suits................I think shug carries the scares of hatred depwithin him....from his jig with little hobbit mccarra during an away trip when they heard their beloved immigrants had won that evening to the look on their faces the next morning at breakfast when challenged about it.

Or perhaps it's a price shug has to pay for his alleged debts being settled back in the 90s by a prominent immigrant fan, who knows why shug is like this................I mean he is after all a boxing man who was shunted into football journalism.............then again perhaps his being blind to facts is why he allegedly had 4 priest at the nuptials of his daughter, so he could have confession as and when required............you have to think the end result is that shug has deep hatred forour Club as we, because of the location our club found themselves in became the opposite as to the Club shug loves, who were founded on what one can only describe as deeply disturbing reasons.

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The wee shug will the ill-fitting suits................I think shug carries the scares of hatred depwithin him....from his jig with little hobbit mccarra during an away trip when they heard their beloved immigrants had won that evening to the look on their faces the next morning at breakfast when challenged about it.

Or perhaps it's a price shug has to pay for his alleged debts being settled back in the 90s by a prominent immigrant fan, who knows why shug is like this................I mean he is after all a boxing man who was shunted into football journalism.............then again perhaps his being blind to facts is why he allegedly had 4 priest at the nuptials of his daughter, so he could have confession as and when required............you have to think the end result is that shug has deep hatred forour Club as we, because of the location our club found themselves in became the opposite as to the Club shug loves, who were founded on what one can only describe as deeply disturbing reasons.

But.............But..........But he's a Clydebank fan!! :matron:

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His use of the word "apparently" was I think because he's been away following us on the German trip. So he wasn't in the UK to see what went on.

The "regretable singing" is not expanded upon either by himself or any of the comments on the hotline....so what was it ?

We know he's a tim and it's strange the Record should send him to report on our pre season friendlies

also remember 4 priests has been banned from Parkhead so he gets on Lawell's tits as well

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If any Bear in possession of a strong stomach wants to troll through back editions of ra Sellik view from 30-35 years past, then you will be genuinely surprised(maybe not) to see the frequency of photographs of Nuremberg Hugh contained within the pages. You see, back in the day when Easterhouse Rocket-Launchers CSC, ra Balaclava Bhoys CSC, Armalite Amigos CSC, ................ etc had their POTY Dinner/Dance, their preferred choice of main speaker/host was the then Scotsman football scribe, Hugh Keevins. Ra View would have a picture of a smiling Shug at the top table and a few paragraphs of Hugh's speech. Ra unrepentant bold Shug would always conclude his delivery with the rabble rousing, "our day will come".

Nuremberg Hugh has been banned from ra Stydome for a year, he is desperate to even up this situation by a banning from Ibrox. I say his Editors at the Daily Record(Alan Rennie) and Radio Snyde(Jim Delahunt) should be doing more to ensure he is allowed to ply his trade. However, both these Sellik supporting clowns do not want to upset Peter.

If the Rocket-Launchers csc(it's a real club) ever invite ra Shugster back, it will be for the purpose of target practise.

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Keevins is a turd, and just like his fellow journos, harbours a deep resentment of all things Rangers and will sink to any depth to pen any words that will provoke a reaction in order to keep himself in the spotlight.

Cue Toxic Tommo. Knows sweet hee haw about football but managed to blog dozens of self righteous times about our demise during our darkest hours. Gets himself noticed and his profile raised tho huh?

And Britney the proven liar? Well what more needs said?

They're all just a**ehole journos with an agenda, but I agree with those who demand they be banned from Ibrox.

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I agree, some of his ramblings can be offensive, some ridiculous. But I think we should rise above banning from Ibrox.

I think banning the likes of keevins would be rising above their standards - although they do set the bar pretty low to begin with.

They offer us nothing.

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His use of the word "apparently" was I think because he's been away following us on the German trip. So he wasn't in the UK to see what went on.

The "regretable singing" is not expanded upon either by himself or any of the comments on the hotline....so what was it ?

We know he's a tim and it's strange the Record should send him to report on our pre season friendlies

also remember 4 priests has been banned from Parkhead so he gets on Lawell's tits as well

Nothing to stop him verifying his sources JH.

Of course perhaps it was better left at "apparently" than providing confirmation.

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I agree,it would just fan the flames they like to create.....

Yeah. Also it would be a notch on his gun. This and I just don't like the idea of banning journalists. Free press etc. I think we should gather evidence if we believe in an agenda/bias and complain through the proper channels that I would imagine exist.

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Yeah. Also it would be a notch on his gun. This and I just don't like the idea of banning journalists. Free press etc. I think we should gather evidence if we believe in an agenda/bias and complain through the proper channels that I would imagine exist.

Would you ban someone from your house who compared your family to Nazis and made up lies and smears about them ?

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