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Well a lot of our support just embarrassed and disgraced themselves


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Actually such a brass neck that fans are getting called tarriers for spending hours leafleting ibrox and displaying banners against the board. What would people suggest is done? Nothing, just go for round 2 down the swanny.

If you were one of them handing out the leaflets today, well done.

Your efforts are being lauded right now by Cosgrove, Spears and K Jackson on sportsound.

So you obviously did the right thing for Rangers eh.

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That the current board are unfit and are greedy, and we want them out of our club. We want our club in the hands of people we can trust, and the right people to take it forward.

The current board are a bunch of stuttering, lying, useless, idiotic bastards.

Trying to pull Rangers fans into court, to waste money on legal fees against it's own support? Disgraceful.

Sack the Board! Sack the Board! Sack the Board!

Show me proof...

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They are acting like tarriers because they are full on pushing their agenda and lies to damage Rangers and the current board, before the facts are known.

Why dont they just wait for the accounts and vote accordingly??

Pushing their lies, yet you then say before the facts are known, so how is it a lie if we don't know the facts? I understand what your saying about waiting to find out before acting, but people are of the viewpoint - why wait to act incase its too late? After some of the stuff that's happened to us I can definitely understand people wanting to act rather than sitting on our hands waiting for the worst to happen. Their entitled to protest, just as much as your entitled to drown them out.
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let's get it straight, these self obsessed malcontents are NOT Rangers supporters!! With a group of around two to three hundred they are also certainly not even representative of the wider Rangers fan base, but nothing other than mini's right wing bum kissing brigade. Heard one on snyde and jesus wept we are in trouble with fans like that. Publicly he played right into the hands of the haters of our club with his accusations of wrong doing.

They have done nothing but harm the club, end of!

I hope mini does the right thing and go hang himself, after he gets run out of town at the AGM and takes these so called supporters with him!

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let's get it straight, these self obsessed malcontents are NOT Rangers supporters!! With a group of around two to three hundred they are also certainly not even representative of the wider Rangers fan base, but nothing other than mini's right wing bum kissing brigade. Heard one on snyde and jesus wept we are in trouble with fans like that. Publicly he played right into the hands of the haters of our club with his accusations of wrong doing.

They have done nothing but harm the club, end of!

I hope mini does the right thing and go hang himself, after he gets run out of town at the AGM and takes these so called supporters with him!

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Show me proof...

Proof of what?

That the Rangers board came out and said that such protests would be "Inappropriate behaviour"

And that Chris Graham has been told the Rangers Board are trying to haul him into court? And anyone else that goes to great lengths to discourage people from the current board?

Do some research for yourself; before you even make a thread of this nature. You're a fucking idiot and clearly just a handwringer. Sitting there as if everything's okay and that chants like Sack The Board are embarrassing. Get tae mate.

Trying to say fans can't have a voice basically. You're the only timish person here. Back to the east for you.

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I'm not saying they are lies not am I saying people aren't entitled to voice their opinion however what I am saying is until there are some facts to go on.....demanding resignations and holding protests is pointless especially when the vast majority don't know what they are protesting about!

you will never get answers if you don't ask questions, and we must find out if they have been up to the tricks the flyer mentioned. You can't wait on facts to suddenly appear the only way we will get to the truth is by putting pressure on those with the answers, and the best way to do that at a football ground is during the game. Would much rather a chant where if you agree you can take part, than a group of say 5 or 6 fans getting to question the board behind closed doors when i personally wouldn't know them from Adam. As someone said before no group can speak for all the fans, the only people who can do that are the fans themselves, and since today clearly showed the majority are unhappy then the club must respond.

people who are waiting on facts are deluded, where do you think they will come from? The accounts will be the same as last year, lacking in detail with everything lumped in together. That's how they got away with 100% bonuses and 5% of every deal we just can't financially afford to wait anymore.

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If you were one of them handing out the leaflets today, well done.

Your efforts are being lauded right now by Cosgrove, Spears and K Jackson on sportsound.

So you obviously did the right thing for Rangers eh.

And why would I care about something so stupid like that? Fortunately my skins a lot thicker than that to care about a couple of bellends on a radio talking about today. If anything maybe it will further enhance the pressure.

Are you actually insinuating that you shouldn't stand up against something because the media will all talk about it and it won't look very good? Plenty of pricks in Rangers suits do that already for us. They'll be talking about something a lot worse if nothing can be changed.

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You would have to read this thread to believe it. Embarrassing. Just as well we got the full backing of the crowd at the game, which makes this online pish irrelevant.

Quite right Zappa. Suspect that you won't be applying to join The Head in the Sand Loyal either.

Pish when the new recruits get pumped onto the Backshift isnt it.

North Rd is obviously on a break.

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Proof of what?

That the Rangers board came out and said that such protests would be "Inappropriate behaviour"

And that Chris Graham has been told the Rangers Board are trying to haul him into court? And anyone else that goes to great lengths to discourage people from the current board?

Do some research for yourself; before you even make a thread of this nature. You're a fucking idiot and clearly just a handwringer. Sitting there as if everything's okay and that chants like Sack The Board are embarrassing. Get tae mate.

Trying to say fans can't have a voice basically. You're the only timish person here. Back to the east for you.

I've never been called a handwringer before. :lol:

So, you have no proof then?

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Proof of what?

That the Rangers board came out and said that such protests would be "Inappropriate behaviour"

And that Chris Graham has been told the Rangers Board are trying to haul him into court? And anyone else that goes to great lengths to discourage people from the current board?

Do some research for yourself; before you even make a thread of this nature. You're a fucking idiot and clearly just a handwringer. Sitting there as if everything's okay and that chants like Sack The Board are embarrassing. Get tae mate.

Trying to say fans can't have a voice basically. You're the only timish person here. Back to the east for you.

With a name such as yours, do you speak for a certain group if fans?

As surely that's what a name of that type means, or are you another self appointed representative??

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One for you and Paisleybear:

Say we do "sack the board", who do you suggest we employ to replace them?

Counter question

So because no-one is in the limelight we should just accept this for the best there is?

I do understand what you're saying but this is so bad that it needs fixed asap.

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How do you get proof without asking hard questions or ruffling some feathers?

They were able to use the accounts to fool us last year shame on you if you allow anyone to do it again.

So...once again, no proof?

Fuck it sack ra board!

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Counter question

So because no-one is in the limelight we should just accept this for the best there is?

I do understand what you're saying but this is so bad that it needs fixed asap.

But to sack the board we need to line up replacements no?

The club can't move forward without board members.

Until their is a proven choice of people to replace those already in place I shall remain on the fence.

I will speak out once the accounts are published.

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None around me in the Main Stand were joining in...I actually think people think when some of them are out they are gone from the club...Stockdale, Mather etc are and will be still employed.

Would much rather talk about the fantastic football we played today, we were a delight to watch.

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