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Well a lot of our support just embarrassed and disgraced themselves


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You know what if certain supporters want to chant sack the board and whatever that is their right, i wish they had chosen a game when our Armed Forces were not present, but there you go. I am not against those people having their democratic right to protest but as i say its a shame it had to be yesterdays thrilling display from both our team and our Armed Forces anyway it didnt seem to bother the players much :uk:

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I have not provided you with any such information. You can continue your infantile baiting games all you want but it won't make it any more true.

You remind me of the kids in school who would always be boasting about how many games they go to in an attempt to prove how big of a fan they are, in the mythical world of a child football fan. Most grow out of it eventually.

You tend to find most adults don't feel they need to convince people that they're a 'big' supporter. They don't feel the need to constantly remind people of how many games they go to. They just go along and support the team, that's enough.

You really don't do irony do you? If they just 'went along to support the team' why did a group spend a portion of the game going round the ground with banners that had no message of support for the team and disrupt peoples enjoyment of the game with their antics?

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Both sides of this argument have valid points.

Had McColl, Mini and their minions been this vocal and organised before SDM and the bank sold us down the river to Whyte, its possible we would not be having this discussion today. Mini was part of TBK who talked and talked spread rumours and innuendo via various media outlets, but when push came to shove were found seriously lacking in substance.

This is now being repeated by the same people, using the same tactics..

At the AGM if shareholders are not happy with any of the dealings of the board. Financial or other, a motion of no confidence in the board can be put, if this is passed by a majority, the board is removed.

Nominations for new office bearers are called for, etc etc.

Why then are bears both for and against the present board engaging in this public slanging match. Which all our detractors are loving.

Wait til the AGM and have faith in the good sense of the shareholders. If there has been any wrongdoing I'm sure the guilty parties will be slung out on their collective ears.

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Do you think the boards doing a good job like?

Regardless of whether the board is doing a good job or not, we should be supporting the players 100 % during a game, and yesterday we also had very important guests who should have been the main focus.

There are proper channels for complaint, send a letter or go to an AGM, or even request a meeting. No one has a right to disrupt an entertainment many others have gone to in good faith and payed good money to see.

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Both sides of this argument have valid points.

Had McColl, Mini and their minions been this vocal and organised before SDM and the bank sold us down the river to Whyte, its possible we would not be having this discussion today. Mini was part of TBK who talked and talked spread rumours and innuendo via various media outlets, but when push came to shove were found seriously lacking in substance.

This is now being repeated by the same people, using the same tactics..

At the AGM if shareholders are not happy with any of the dealings of the board. Financial or other, a motion of no confidence in the board can be put, if this is passed by a majority, the board is removed.

Nominations for new office bearers are called for, etc etc.

Why then are bears both for and against the present board engaging in this public slanging match. Which all our detractors are loving.

Wait til the AGM and have faith in the good sense of the shareholders. If there has been any wrongdoing I'm sure the guilty parties will be slung out on their collective ears.

This makes far too much sense.....for some! I am neither for or against the current board. I will wait until the evidence comes out. Mini and his minions may have had some chance, if they had gone about their campaign in the correct manner. Financial backers, a vision, a plan that all supporters could buy into. Ask the right questions at the AGM, but no, a protracted public slanging match, a smear campaign full of lies, innuendo and deception that has done the club no end of harm and gave our haters another feeding frenzy. The way he has went about it, I could not support him now, even if the accounts turn out to be a crock.

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Given yesterday was supposed to be about recognising and honouring the achievements and commitment of our Armed Forces, yesterdays protest should not have occured.

It was good to see the team on the pitch produce a performance worthy of the occasion.

Taking away the opinions on the reason for the protest - having been at the match I fail to see how the protest took anything away from the Armed Forces " thank-you" . The troops rightly got a rousing reception and seemed to enjoy it very much. Two minutes of chanting etc during the game is hardly going to upset men and women who face war is it.

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Regardless of whether the board is doing a good job or not, we should be supporting the players 100 % during a game, and yesterday we also had very important guests who should have been the main focus.

There are proper channels for complaint, send a letter or go to an AGM, or even request a meeting. No one has a right to disrupt an entertainment many others have gone to in good faith and payed good money to see.

The troops were the main focus and we one 8.0 so your clearly talking out your arse

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Taking away the opinions on the reason for the protest - having been at the match I fail to see how the protest took anything away from the Armed Forces " thank-you" . The troops rightly got a rousing reception and seemed to enjoy it very much. Two minutes of chanting etc during the game is hardly going to upset men and women who face war is it.

Yet the after match talk in the media has been about the protest! Yesterdays game should have been entirely about the team and the troops. I wonder why they picked this particular game when, if they are correct, they would have had much more support at the next game (post accounts).

I still want transparency from them and a reason why fans should back a group 'led' by a man that's done time for drug offences and has a firearms conviction? His record (actual not implied) makes Sandy Easdale seem like a saint in comparison.

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The troops were the main focus and we one 8.0 so your clearly talking out your arse

Nice attempt at deflection.

For me, and I suspect the rest of the fans, the demo was an unwelcome distraction. If you wish to justify the demo during a game, then please try to do so. As I said before a demo during the game is offensive to many, especially those who have turned up to specifically support the team.

Have you contacted the club directly with your concern, or just left it to a bunch of idiots to wave banners ?

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Nice attempt at deflection.

For me, and I suspect the rest of the fans, the demo was an unwelcome distraction. If you wish to justify the demo during a game, then please try to do so. As I said before a demo during the game is offensive to many, especially those who have turned up to specifically support the team.

Have you contacted the club directly with your concern, or just left it to a bunch of idiots to wave banners ?

The rest of the fans? A would say a good 80% clapped the banners? And am far from a fan of the union bears, follow follow and the likes. The board need to go though.

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Taking away the opinions on the reason for the protest - having been at the match I fail to see how the protest took anything away from the Armed Forces " thank-you" . The troops rightly got a rousing reception and seemed to enjoy it very much. Two minutes of chanting etc during the game is hardly going to upset men and women who face war is it.

Was sat next to the troops in BF4 and most of them stood up and joined in, heard a women behind me say to one of the soldiers that she wouldn't be taking part in any protest as this is their day, he laughed and told her she could do what she wants but he would be taking part and was happy to know that the support are keeping on top of things!

On another note why were they not allowed to accept scarfs from fans this year?

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Maybe it should be left to the last 5 mins, but, Every Bear there today should be standing up against this Board.

Why? Do you have factual information that they are inept? Or are you an individual who makes judgments based on Internet rumours, innuendo and rhetoric? If you have factual information as to why we should be "standing up against the board" please share.....



Can someone just state exactly what the current board are so guilty of AND back it up with hard evidence.

Then tell me exactly what steps the McColl group would take to make it all better AND also back that up with hard evidence.

I'm prepared to admit that I ain't got a scooby what goes on with either of these factions but I'm surprised by the number of people who know it all! You must read different papers from me.

I'm waiting for the accounts and to hear what's said at the AGM. I think I'll be better placed to form my conclusions after that.

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Can someone just state exactly what the current board are so guilty of AND back it up with hard evidence.

Then tell me exactly what steps the McColl group would take to make it all better AND also back that up with hard evidence.

I'm prepared to admit that I ain't got a scooby what goes on with either of these factions but I'm surprised by the number of people who know it all! You must read different papers from me.

I'm waiting for the accounts and to hear what's said at the AGM. I think I'll be better placed to form my conclusions after that.

Good post, and to sensible for some of the hate gang.

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during the 18th and 72nd minutes fans did a banner display saying sack the board.

edit. this also included around 1/2 to 3/4 of the stadium (my opinion on numbers)standing up and singing sack the board.

i was in the minority, fucking embarrassing, people joining in like fucking lemmings with no idea why they where protesting

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Can someone just state exactly what the current board are so guilty of AND back it up with hard evidence.

Then tell me exactly what steps the McColl group would take to make it all better AND also back that up with hard evidence.

I'm prepared to admit that I ain't got a scooby what goes on with either of these factions but I'm surprised by the number of people who know it all! You must read different papers from me.

I'm waiting for the accounts and to hear what's said at the AGM. I think I'll be better placed to form my conclusions after that.

for me personally i don't really like any of the groups put forward so far.

The current board i would remove because they are just not moving in the right direction.I think all of us wanted to see a percentage of the ipo and ST money to be used to develop our scouting worldwide and our youth development with a mind to finding and encouraging young talent at rangers which we could sell on at a later date.

- No movement or clear plan regarding hiring our own scouts ( i think at this moment we have none).

- No strategy for youth development made public or any sign the club intends to do anything else but buy in talent. (evidence is we have no scouts so how do we find young talent all our signings so far have came through x players or agents)

-No backbone. we should have received damages from several places now but have refused to use the courts to deal with those who lie to damage our club.We should have also taken the sfa spl to the footballing courts. To not demand the sack for bbc staff after the montage of mccoist commiting suicide and the various articles etc is not strong enough.

-As a member of the board i would have expected any with Rangers as their main agenda to have stepped forward and put pressure on Stockbridge and any others to remove their 100% bonuses as well as ensuring wages were in line with roles and experience. I would not expect them to wait till the fans find out then make promises to sort this out which they have once again not done.

-Agreeing and taking too long to cut the management wage bill especially when we all know Ally and co always work with the clubs best interest at heart.

-They rightly or wrongly cause division amongst the fans to a degree that is now effecting the experience of visiting Ibrox on match day, are any of them individually so good at their jobs or putting in enough money to merit this? the easiest way to stop this would be the removal of the board and qualified replacements interviewed and hired on merit or cold hard cash.

-Refusing to be open and public about any deals that shareholders or board members are agreeing with the club were the deal could be seen as deceiptful. The lack of information on loans or deals amongst shareholder owned companies leaves to much space for greed to be the main motivation instead of whats the best deal for Rangers.If these deals are in the best interest of the club then there is no need for keeping them quiet.(100% bonuses,5% deals, loans etc)

-£22m gone with nothing new ventured other than the opening of two shops. Expected the cash to be used to open new revenue streams not just the continuation of the old.

-Not informing the fans what is the business plan/strategy for edmiston house and the carpark. Who owns these and any future revenue they generate. would expect a clear and concise business plan in place before we spent over £2m. Since these will most likely be used to generate income from fans their input should have been sought and encouraged.

-No major shareholder has handed over cash without expecting almost immediate returns. I understand how business works but i don't see how an institution like ours can be ran solely as a business for profit. I want people who are willing to spend some money to see rangers grow and reach the stature we the fans deserve, without the need of a get rich quick scheme.I want people who understand the difference between a business and an institution like Rangers.( i see no evidence of this from anyone on the board)

-I want the best people for each role at the club to be approached and enticed to the club. they must have vast experience in their field which must be pertinent to our future plans and ambitions. This should be coupled with a drive to find those willing to buy a place on our board for the privilage and honour of being at the driving seat of the biggest club in the world.I would also like a limited number of spaces for those who are looking to make a profit as this will give the board the balance it needs, i just don't want it to be all of them.

i would expect all of these to be applicable to the current regime and to those who step forward. If you don't bring anything to the table other than the same desire to be involved at the club that all us fans have then i am afraid the club does not need or want you on the board.

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Three posters using the same prose?! One and same!

They are just repeating what they've been told to say. I want to know who is really pulling the strings. There is no way that the thug and his cohort are doing this unaided, I have an idea who is the puppetmaster and I'm sure you do too.

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That the current board are unfit and are greedy, and we want them out of our club. We want our club in the hands of people we can trust, and the right people to take it forward.

The current board are a bunch of stuttering, lying, useless, idiotic bastards.

Trying to pull Rangers fans into court, to waste money on legal fees against it's own support? Disgraceful.

Sack the Board! Sack the Board! Sack the Board!

So go on then

Tell us where we can find people we can trust to take theclub forward.

They seem to be remarkably thin on the ground.

Please don't mention mince as they are even worse proven liars, reckless spenders and money grabbers.

Any ideas on your new board or shall we just run without one.

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