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Ally we need huge cash injection to mount challenge.


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Correct, and everyone knows this.

Ally is just saying the same as we have all been saying, that we will need another cash injection.

Not read the thread yet, but I am gonna hazzard a guess that some are beating ally up for these comments, comments that everyone should agree with :lol:

'Hey look, Ally has said something.....I simply MUST criticise him for it!'

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'Hey look, Ally has said something.....I simply MUST criticise him for it!'

only on the basis of him being profligate, learning nothing from our recent past and having little clue about football tactics.

Mind you, we could borrow the entire Arsenal squad, get beaten by east fife and you would still be making excuses.

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only on the basis of him being profligate, learning nothing from our recent past and having little clue about football tactics.

Mind you, we could borrow the entire Arsenal squad, get beaten by east fife and you would still be making excuses.

Thanks for keeping me updated on the latest from Imaginationland.

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Not actually justifying Ally on this thread, as the thread is about whether we will need to spend again. I was just pointing out that your argument was ridiculous. You don't seem to have countered.

If you had a semblance of a point that had any relevance I would have countered, as it is it needed no countering being clearly deflective and irrelevant.


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The aim is getting to and staying in the Champions League. No matter how good our coaching staff are or the talent that we have in the youth, we will need to spend. The much vaunted Barca spend every year and look at the talent they already have, we will need to do the same. The only question is when should we spend? Ally is reminding all of the people playing “I want to be on the board” game that serious cash is going to be needed for the football club to keep moving forwards and this will be the case no matter who is the manager.

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I have to be honest and say that we do need further investment to buy players (within reason) to compete in the top league again as the current team is not good enough.

I believe that if Wallace, Law and Mohsni were injured or suspended we would struggle over the season in the top league.

It pains me to say it but that lot are getting free titles and have an eye on getting 10 in a row so no doubt they will invest too. I have no idea about their debts or finance but playing in the Champs League must help them.

That is why I believe that we need the wealth of Dave King (Ashley doesn't appear interested and McColl won't put his hand in his pocket).

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For years prior to the admin we, the fans, were talking about buying young players with potential and selling them on a few years later with more experience.

Celtic now do this, and the way the media creams itself about this 'policy' would have you believe they found the grand unified theory.

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In Monshi, MacLeod, Black, Law Templeton & Wallace I think we have a decent core of players to build around, but considering that we lost 20-25 million pounds worth of players between January-August 2012 anybody who doesn't think we are going to need an injection of cash to rebuild the squad to the level it was at prior to administration is kidding themselves on.

How we spend that money is going to be key, but we will certainly need that injection to get back to the level expected/required.

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Draw your own conclusions about how good or bad we were in the transfer market compared to Septic. Don’t let the last years 2 years distort your thinking. When we went in to the red it was by about 1.5 to 2.5 million; which in my opinion is not bad considering football clubs eat money.

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We will need to spend no doubt about it but spending wisely would be much cheaper than throwing millions at short term solutions. Mohsni for example now i think he should be good enough for the spl and he cost us nothing but his probably modest wages, we would need 4 or 5 top players 1 or 2 for each position defence, midfield and attack, hopefully if we give guys like McKay, Aird, Stoney, Telfer, Walsh, Ramsey, Hardie, Gasparotto and others enough chances then some of them surely will be at least decent squad players for the spl. Lets spend but spend wisely rathen than throwing big money around for the sake of it.

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I'm in no doubt that serious money would need to be spent to get back to the very top quickly and to get into CL quickly. It may be less of an issue if we were all prepared to wait for a good number of years before that was achieved and with less money spent. Somehow I can't see a lpatient 'we'll get there eventually with low spending' line being held if year after year we did not overtake them and win the league. The pressure on the Board and the Manager to spend to get the extra edge / quality to succeed would not be able to be contained. But it would have to be if the money simply was not there. I think Walter Smith made a point over a year ago when the decision was made to be sent to the 3rd Div that there was a risk that when Rangers won the right again to play in the top league that we would be uncompetitive. I took it at that time to mean that mid table finishes or even 2nd place finishes year after year would not be acceptable at Ibrox. I think the same view would most likely still hold good at this time. Despite all the Board stuff enough people need to be planning to generate the sort of cash that would be needed assuming the plan remains to get back to the top in the fastest possible timescale. If that is not happening, or not featuring as part of the debate about who is best placed to lead the Club at Board level then that really would be a serious flaw. Talking about it is not enough. Tangible action would be needed.

This is not just a matter for the Board or Directors or potential investors though. It may be that the Club would yet again need to rely on the Support to reach even deeper into pockets to create a player fund. The stakes for success are so high. And unfortuntately the performance of those who were responsible for the Club being ejected from the SPL leads to mistrust over the stewardship of money so asking Supporters to dig deeper could be a tough selling job for any Board. But it may be necessary because I for one would not place any great reliance on big-name investors coming in. They may do and that would be great but I don't believe it should be assumed it will happen. Same goes for another IPO. I may be too cautious on these potential investment channels but it seems to me that Supporters may themselves be one of the main routes by which serious money and cash surplus is generated. The other being sales of players ie the amount we generate in sales being very much higher than the amount paid out in transfer fees in the years before we return to the top flight which is when much more serious money would be needed if we are to be competitive (ie back to the very top) if the first few seasons.

I would definately like to hear from those who aspire to run our Club what they will do in the short term to generate a significant multi-£m war chest for player purchase aimed off at the time we hope to be back in the top flight. Wish list stuff of hoping for big-name investor injections of cash or more raised through shares are all very well but creating cash generation schemes now with funds ringfenced for a player war chest would, in my view, be more useful to hear. I don't think there is any part of the Support that would not want Rangers to have a very healthy cash surplus for player acquisition if it needed to do so to gain that extra level of quality needed to excel at the top. There are of course risks eg that Directors would sit fat dumb and happy in their blazers and directors boxes and watch-on as money is frittered away, and that poor choices of player aquisitions are made. I don't like these risks and the Club's track record with money is nothing to write home about. But I suspect that at some stage enough trust would need to be invested in them to deliver on getting us back to the top that would make the risk worth taking. Why? because the stakes for success are so high that it may simply be that we cannot afford not to dig deeper as Supporters to help achieve it. To be clear, this should not be about reducing the effort needed to bring young players through into the first team and for them to excel. It is about a management and coaching and scouting system that together put the best blend of experience and youth to achieve the goal and at the same time to generate surplus funds through player sales.

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The only way to stop them dominating for the next decade is to spend big on our return. We also need to improve the overall quality of the squad year on year in preparation for the return.

Whether or not you think Ally is the person to spend that money is a different argument, but if you don't think we will need to invest at least £10M on the squad to compete then you are truly deluded.

Like it or not they have got it absolutely bang on at the moment. They are making good money from the CL and also buying good young players and selling them on for massive profits.

Makes the decision to get rid of our scouts a bit strange doesn't it?

Are we the only club our size in the world with no scouts?

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I'm really sick of the "youth solution" pack we have on here, sure if we do unearth a real prospect give him a chance. The truth though is very, very different. The real prospects will always head south because even the lower ranked EPL teams can pay the way more than we can in Scotland. McCoist's job is to win the league and get us back into the top tier, he's doing that.

If we were to play the amount of young players some on here would wish for there is a very good chance that we would be in danger of having to spend an extra year away from the top. We would certainly not be winning every league game as youth brings with it inconsistency, at that costs you points. We saw that last year when some of the young players were excellent one week and looked as if the had seen a ball the next.

The real joke is that the very ones who advocate the youth first team approach then start screaming for management changes when we do go through a bad patch, it's suddenly a case of it's the managers fault for not coaching them properly. Truth be told there are some on here who would certainly sacrifice our recovery so that they could get McCoist fired.

Anybody who doesn't realise what will be needed to put a team in the SPL with a chance of winning it is either kidding themselves or will be willing to have the club play second fiddle to them. Rangers win trophies, we do it fair and square and we're not going to be there to make up the numbers. Maybe watching c****c do 10 or 12 in a row while we finished second or third with our team of prospects would suit some on here, but it sure as hell wouldn't suit me. When we do re-enter the SPL I want us to have a sporting chance of winning it that year not to play second fiddle to them. I want their fans to know that the only way they could get the run of titles they have done is through our absence, and that when we return it will be business as usual, Rangers top them second where they belong.

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Thing is with no European football and not for 3 years can we afford to pump in more than 10 million pounds with a real possibility of no CL for a few seasons the way the co efficient is just now unless we beat Celt*c to the title (which will be a real challenge given they have made over 25-30 million in 2 seasons from CL and player sales).

This again is another reason I'm fucked off with Naismith and friends leaving for bugger all when we could have done with that money.

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