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European Commission seek explanation on Celtic land deals

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Fantastic read

Yip willie haughey owns the ground oh dear and i saw a dhim on pzj twitter earlier this week say well if he did why is there a 1.3% depreciation in the accounts every year for it.


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soulboy - "Yip willie haughey owns the ground oh dear and i saw a dhim on pzj twitter earlier this week say well if he did why is there a 1.3% depreciation in the accounts every year for it."

One explanation might be that he owns the land while the club own the stadium built on it. The problem there is if the stadium is the entity being used as security on the mortgages as it has little or no sell on value to the bank other than to sell it for a pittance to whoever would take over the club. As an entity the stadium has no alternate use, and any other one would have to be agreed with the owner of the land, and I wouldn't expect Mr H to grant that any time soon.

There is one ting that is nagging away at me about all of this, when c****c fans bought shares what company name is on them, and what assets does that company have? One would presume that it would be the parent PLC, and that would be the company whose AGM they attend, but is it? When they were setting up the c****c three name structure were new share certificates issue to their fans? If they have shares bearing the name of c****c football and athletics club were they issued for the company that was wound up or are they for the new co that was latter formed and subsequently renamed as that?

No doubt that answers to these questions will be supplied to c****c fans thanks to PZJ and the support of Rangers.

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cummnockbear - "http://oi61.tinypic.com/35au33c.jpg"

The problem that I have with the description of the meeting held on 24/10/13 is that Mr Almunia received a delegation that included both representatives of GCC ad c****c. Surely it would have been better to meet them as separate delegations so that any differences in their descriptions of the circumstances involved could be assessed.

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cummnockbear - "http://oi61.tinypic.com/35au33c.jpg"

The problem that I have with the description of the meeting held on 24/10/13 is that Mr Almunia received a delegation that included both representatives of GCC ad c****c. Surely it would have been better to meet them as separate delegations so that any differences in their descriptions of the circumstances involved could be assessed.

Even if that was the case to be met separately i'm sure the bastards would have had their stories straight before hand.

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cummnockbear - "http://oi61.tinypic.com/35au33c.jpg"

The problem that I have with the description of the meeting held on 24/10/13 is that Mr Almunia received a delegation that included both representatives of GCC ad c****c. Surely it would have been better to meet them as separate delegations so that any differences in their descriptions of the circumstances involved could be assessed.

That might be the problem, there is not much difference between the councilors involved and supporters and shareholders of c****c (tu) IMHO

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soulboy - "Yip willie haughey owns the ground oh dear and i saw a dhim on pzj twitter earlier this week say well if he did why is there a 1.3% depreciation in the accounts every year for it."

One explanation might be that he owns the land while the club own the stadium built on it. The problem there is if the stadium is the entity being used as security on the mortgages as it has little or no sell on value to the bank other than to sell it for a pittance to whoever would take over the club. As an entity the stadium has no alternate use, and any other one would have to be agreed with the owner of the land, and I wouldn't expect Mr H to grant that any time soon.

There is one ting that is nagging away at me about all of this, when c****c fans bought shares what company name is on them, and what assets does that company have? One would presume that it would be the parent PLC, and that would be the company whose AGM they attend, but is it? When they were setting up the c****c three name structure were new share certificates issue to their fans? If they have shares bearing the name of c****c football and athletics club were they issued for the company that was wound up or are they for the new co that was latter formed and subsequently renamed as that?

No doubt that answers to these questions will be supplied to c****c fans thanks to PZJ and the support of Rangers.

As the stadium is heritable property, Haughey is the heritable proprietor of it as his name seems to be the only one on the Land Certificate. So, in legal terms, he is the one who has a "real right" of ownership of it. I dare say that there will be back letter or contract with one of the Celtic companies regarding the stadium but that doesn't give Celtic the right of ownership of it. The true significance of this would be seen if Haughey were to become bankrupt, as the stadium would form part of his estate.

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As the stadium is heritable property, Haughey is the heritable proprietor of it as his name seems to be the only one on the Land Certificate. So, in legal terms, he is the one who has a "real right" of ownership of it. I dare say that there will be back letter or contract with one of the Celtic companies regarding the stadium but that doesn't give Celtic the right of ownership of it. The true significance of this would be seen if Haughey were to become bankrupt, as the stadium would form part of his estate.

a little bit of digging on willie might put their stadium in dire straits, that's if he has any skeletons in his cupboard!!
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a little bit of digging on willie might put their stadium in dire straits, that's if he has any skeletons in his cupboard!!

Right enough!! Lord Willie gives to RC Cash For Kids every year..... Proves he really is a good guy......

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As the stadium is heritable property, Haughey is the heritable proprietor of it as his name seems to be the only one on the Land Certificate. So, in legal terms, he is the one who has a "real right" of ownership of it. I dare say that there will be back letter or contract with one of the Celtic companies regarding the stadium but that doesn't give Celtic the right of ownership of it. The true significance of this would be seen if Haughey were to become bankrupt, as the stadium would form part of his estate.

Haugheys building a multi million £ mansion for himself as we speak the cunts never in a million years going bankrupt
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wonder how many people never thought much would come of the rangerstaxcase blog, even though it would go on to be proven in a court that this tax evasion sceme was legal, the damage was already done as everyone and their dog found as guilty before the case was heard :pipe:

I dont think the effort, time and expense these guys at football tax havens, PJZ and all the other folk helping to bring this to our attention is for nothing, they are being investigated by the fair trade commision, and the amount of stick PJZ gets just proves to me that they are certainly uncovering uncomfortable home truths that they dont like. :thumbup:

more power to their pens I say, I appreciate their efforts (tu)

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I had a look at the Parkhead title sheet that's up on the footballtaxhavens website. In my view it doesn't show that Wille Haughey owns their ground. That title sheet relates to the Superiors' interest under the old feudal land system. Superiorities were all abolished a few years ago. The feu has now been converted to absolute ownership. So, the true owner of the ground is the successor to the original feu granted in 1911 - one of the Celtic companies I'd expect - and the Co-op will have a security over that interest. There's plenty other dirt for the Commission to wade through though!

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Tell us more about the fair trade commission investigation ? :000000082:

You got me, was i bad, I meant the state aid investigation ( in my head it amounts to lacking in fair trade as they are being afforded an unfair advantage because of their unhealthy relationship with the biggest council in the country) :thumbup:

so apart from my imagined investigation, the rest was ok :ph34r:

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MisterC - "Please let something come of this!"

Keep the faith bud, this is one that will take time, these people aren't just going to roll over, and put their hand up. They'll fight it at every turn and will go down screaming that they were the ones who were cheated. As I say this will take time, but they will be brought to justice. The one thing we actually have going for us is how big this scam really is.

When things get that big mistakes are made, and these are the sort of mistakes being exposed by folk like PZJ, it might even go down to the unearthing of one or two documents that have been over looked and tie everything else together. So settle in for the long haul and keep the faith, this isn't going to go away.

Have to agree with this and if i had to put money on it then I'd say westthorn and london rd school are the best bets due to the fact it was a listed building and was pulled down due to an allegedly dodgy report.
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