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Latest from William Poole. Limond, Haggerty and Philth.


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Tin Helmet on here, but I do have a (slight) degree of sympathy for Haggerty. A young woman, with an HND in journalism, she no doubt had/has aspirations to make a career as a serious journalist. These, it would appear, have gone forever. Her association with Phil McAnagaram has effectively tarred her with the same sectarian brush that has stained him. And, if you'll excuse me extending the metaphor, this is a stain that will never be glossed over. I gather that the chaps at VB are at this very minute compiling a dossier on some of the activities of young Miss Haggerty that she would no doubt wish to remain private, or at the very least hidden from her family.

However, by setting herself up, or being set up, as the poster girl for those who wish to play the Irish card she has left herself open to public scrutiny. I hope, for her sake, that her blogs and twitter musings, past, present or in the future contain nothing that could be construed or indeed proved to be either Sectarian or Racist. I hope, for her sake, that she is prepared to take the stand in a Court of Law and provide evidence against those of the Celtic Supporting fraternity who have advocated physical attacks on her, as I gather Strathclyde's finest are currently investigating these threats. The mere fact that these threats have been issued demonstrate what happens when you lie down with wolves. Miss Haggerty has already discovered that any criticism, no matter how accurate or slight, of Paranoid FC or its supporters is simply not tolerated.

Mr Anagram is happy to make his filthy slurs from the safety of his bolt hole in Ireland, Miss Haggerty, I assume, wishes to remain in Scotland. Fame is a double edged sword and Miss Haggerty, is about to find out that the supporters of the most successful team in Scottish history have long memories.

That wouldn't be the same "Tim Helmet" that is allegedly to have been filmed being inserted on numerous occasions into Miss Haggerty's private parts?

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Tin Helmet on here, but I do have a (slight) degree of sympathy for Haggerty. A young woman, with an HND in journalism, she no doubt had/has aspirations to make a career as a serious journalist. These, it would appear, have gone forever. Her association with Phil McAnagaram has effectively tarred her with the same sectarian brush that has stained him. And, if you'll excuse me extending the metaphor, this is a stain that will never be glossed over. I gather that the chaps at VB are at this very minute compiling a dossier on some of the activities of young Miss Haggerty that she would no doubt wish to remain private, or at the very least hidden from her family.

However, by setting herself up, or being set up, as the poster girl for those who wish to play the Irish card she has left herself open to public scrutiny. I hope, for her sake, that her blogs and twitter musings, past, present or in the future contain nothing that could be construed or indeed proved to be either Sectarian or Racist. I hope, for her sake, that she is prepared to take the stand in a Court of Law and provide evidence against those of the Celtic Supporting fraternity who have advocated physical attacks on her, as I gather Strathclyde's finest are currently investigating these threats. The mere fact that these threats have been issued demonstrate what happens when you lie down with wolves. Miss Haggerty has already discovered that any criticism, no matter how accurate or slight, of Paranoid FC or its supporters is simply not tolerated.

Mr Anagram is happy to make his filthy slurs from the safety of his bolt hole in Ireland, Miss Haggerty, I assume, wishes to remain in Scotland. Fame is a double edged sword and Miss Haggerty, is about to find out that the supporters of the most successful team in Scottish history have long memories.

have you ever read her tweets? I had the displeasure of fellow bears retweeting her bile when I was an avid user. She is a disgraceful dispicable.....I would say human being, but swamp mhutant is more apt!! I have no sympathy for her, she milks the victim card for all it's worth.

She is as much a victim as I am a Timothy...and before anyone says...I am ALL about Rangers.

I don't h*te many people but she is definitely up there with Phil too many stupid names and that toxic bawbag pal of his! >:(

Rant over.

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have you ever read her tweets? I had the displeasure of fellow bears retweeting her bile when I was an avid user. She is a disgraceful dispicable.....I would say human being, but swamp mhutant is more apt!! I have no sympathy for her, she milks the victim card for all it's worth.

She is as much a victim as I am a Timothy...and before anyone says...I am ALL about Rangers.

I don't h*te many people but she is definitely up there with Phil too many stupid names and that toxic bawbag pal of his! > :(

Rant over.

Like the rest of them they "hate clever"

Too many of our fans don't and fall right in to their trap.

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very good article,I`m not a fan of Limmy`s but the way AH is being promoted as a totally innocent victim is absolute rubbish.

Wish I`d screen captured some of her old tweets.

very good article,I`m not a fan of Limmy`s but the way AH is being promoted as a totally innocent victim is absolute rubbish.

Wish I`d screen captured some of her old tweets.

I'm sure someone has screen scrapes of her tweets an other ammunition ready to blast the cow and he HND to hell.

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Tin Helmet on here, but I do have a (slight) degree of sympathy for Haggerty. A young woman, with an HND in journalism, she no doubt had/has aspirations to make a career as a serious journalist. These, it would appear, have gone forever. Her association with Phil McAnagaram has effectively tarred her with the same sectarian brush that has stained him. And, if you'll excuse me extending the metaphor, this is a stain that will never be glossed over. I gather that the chaps at VB are at this very minute compiling a dossier on some of the activities of young Miss Haggerty that she would no doubt wish to remain private, or at the very least hidden from her family.

However, by setting herself up, or being set up, as the poster girl for those who wish to play the Irish card she has left herself open to public scrutiny. I hope, for her sake, that her blogs and twitter musings, past, present or in the future contain nothing that could be construed or indeed proved to be either Sectarian or Racist. I hope, for her sake, that she is prepared to take the stand in a Court of Law and provide evidence against those of the Celtic Supporting fraternity who have advocated physical attacks on her, as I gather Strathclyde's finest are currently investigating these threats. The mere fact that these threats have been issued demonstrate what happens when you lie down with wolves. Miss Haggerty has already discovered that any criticism, no matter how accurate or slight, of Paranoid FC or its supporters is simply not tolerated.

Mr Anagram is happy to make his filthy slurs from the safety of his bolt hole in Ireland, Miss Haggerty, I assume, wishes to remain in Scotland. Fame is a double edged sword and Miss Haggerty, is about to find out that the supporters of the most successful team in Scottish history have long memories.

fuck sympathy! The Hag has a well developed and fully functioning bigot/sectarian streak without any help at all from mad phil or any other rhepublucan terrorist lovers. Scum one and scum all i hope they perish in the shitstorm of hate they have created for themselves.

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have you ever read her tweets? I had the displeasure of fellow bears retweeting her bile when I was an avid user. She is a disgraceful dispicable.....I would say human being, but swamp mhutant is more apt!! I have no sympathy for her, she milks the victim card for all it's worth.

She is as much a victim as I am a Timothy...and before anyone says...I am ALL about Rangers.

I don't h*te many people but she is definitely up there with Phil too many stupid names and that toxic bawbag pal of his! > :(

Rant over.

Dont worry STG. you're held in higher esteem than the bigot ever will be :)

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Perhaps someone can clarify her position with regards to her level of qualifications.

She's not the brightest, from a family that are far from intellectuals. Pretty sure she left Rothesay academy with no highers.

I do believe that her academic background has relevance here as she tries to position herself as someone capable of informed opinion.

I don't believe that her personal life or any mistakes she might have made there are any of our business and what's happening in certain places online is bullying.

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