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Should have stuck with Charles Green.


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I'd have been happy for Ally to leave after one season, go somewhere in England cut his teeth and come back in a few years when he's got some experience under his belt.

who in England would employ him? No man is bigger than the club and his distancing himself from all matters financial or any difficult decisions is becoming embarrassing. Rangers will be Allys first and last managerial role.
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I'd have been happy for Ally to leave after one season, go somewhere in England cut his teeth and come back in a few years when he's got some experience under his belt.

Experience,you having a laugh,he was under the best manager we have ever had....what the fck has he done wrong under the restrictions he has had to endure....

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he would not have cut ST prices. CORRECT

he had a cap on wages. Never heard of this?

he kept our titles. We kept our titles. They were won on the field. Charles couldn't have gave two fucks about our titles. Remember this is the same man who would not even pay for representation on this major issue for us last season. We did that.

he wouldve limited the amount of leeches that have surfaced since he left. Leeches suck the life blood from their host. I appreciate what Charles achieved for us. I truly am grateful but I would like to question who these leeches that have surfaced are and how does Charles differ?

shoved out of the club for a slur that wasnt becoming of Rangers, but a possible 2nd administration looming is ok for the club? No it isn't. Don't worry bud, it really isn't. Of more concern is can we COMPETE for the title the year after next? Our title rivals in two years will have had the financial benefit of Champions league money funding their huge wage bill. If somehow they jammy their way to the group stages the next two years then they CAN outspend us which will in turn lead to better players and probably more points on the board (group stages won't happen IMHO anyway, luck eventually runs out).

does anyone else think we shouldve stuck with Green. I liked Green and enjoyed his no nonsense interviews. My ancestory comes from Sheffield so I had a wee soft spot. The time was right however. Green couldn't give a shit about us. He tried to make some money and succeeded tremendously. Enjoy retirement Charles. Thanks for the BALLS last year when we were out-gunned on all sides. We continue to hold our head high.

10 pages long but only read the first page. Christchurch says it all but I've given the OP the courtesy of answering his questions.

CG had his good points for sure and I enjoyed his time at Rangers

but thats all water under the bridge now alas and no point analysing it to death

I don't see a 2nd administration lurking around the corner though; people are getting carried away perhaps?

and if say there is a 2nd admin lurking somewhere then how the hell did that come about because the club started with a clean slate under CG and with the financial situation stablised

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Just to go back to an earlier part of this thread, TBK had NO bid for Rangers as a newco, only for a CVA, which would not have been accepted. There is no world in which PM would have saved Rangers.

Why would TBK bid for a newco before a newco was required?

When was this newco auction i missed?

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