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king statement


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Imagine my surprise that the same people are showing more blind loyalty to the board.

He is absolutely spot on with some of his comments here. He wants answers from the board.

I have said it before I am willing to allow allow the current board the 120 day period to sort the club out but it's becoming apparent that they are holding off for ST money.

And then what? Still too many unanswered questions here and we need to wise up.

He's clearly saying he will put millions in, but isn't going to hand it to guys who he doesn't trust.

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Exceptional circumstances - when you think the board are not working in the interests of the club, and the only way you could shift them was to boycott. Say Green came back for some extra dosh, or even Whyte. Would that push you over the edge?

I'd have Green back tomorrow and Whyte has had nothing to do with us for nearly two years.

Sorry but your so-called exceptional circumstances aren't anywhere near exceptional enough

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King's may be rich but he is only human and I think he's seriously misguided here to say the least, I've respected his previous investment before but he's just crossed a line for me with the season ticket stuff, he could have made his points without trying that game.

based on what? Media statements?
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Dave King the voice of reason,you can spin it whatever way you want; but he is at the cery least worth listening to. the fact is we are not in a good position at this point of time.

Hoping against hope,that Graham Wallace has something up his sleeve.??????

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Doc I said that in an earlier post mate, I am simply saying we should heed the warnings and ask some questions, how that is done i dont know, but Dave King is one of us, and up untill today I didnt think he had an agenda, until today. I still think the agenda is to take control of shares by right of a shares issue, but I like you HATE the fact were toying with the clubs existance to bully other people.

dunny mate why should we heed kings warnings

this is the same guy that said we would be in admin by xmas.

his warnings mean less than nothing to me.

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What if the signings don't work out? We need another 'one of' investment then?

No, unless someone else is willing to give a continual flow of free money (highly unlikely). That doesn't mean it's not a decent strategy to attempt if someone is willing to give you a one off cash injection. As with any strategy, poor use of the money will cause failure. I suppose if they don't work you have to fall back on a solid infrastructure that we must also make sure is there. I'm not saying go for signings with no foundations. I do fear that without any kind of lift we are going to stay second fiddle for a long time. I'd also fear it became a sort of degrading negative feedback loop causing them to strengthen and us to weaken in the long term. I do accept Dave Kings view that without this kind of boost we are likely looking, at very least, a long period of dominance. At very least it's a strong possibility (which is bad enough). I just think that with such a boost it's less likely. And I don't think such a cash injection necessarily means going back to the bad old ways of negligent spending either. I'm certainly willing to listen to his (or anyone else's) proposals in regards to this kind of investment.
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I'm not conversing about the topic at hand, I'm quoting you to reply to the sheer horrible attitude myself and many others have had to endure, thus forcing us away from what was once a great forum.

Avoiding your points? What points? That I'm a taig scum for not agreeing with whatever opinion it is you hold? Yes, in that case I most certainly am avoiding your points and will continue to do so. Discussing this subject with a person of your mindset is not in my interests.

I've made the point about how badly withholding season ticket money will hurt the club, do you even dispute that? Any name calling is out of frustration that any Rangers fan could want that.
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So they've pocketed all those millions? Did they break into our houses to get it?

Be as pedantic as you like. We all know what's happening here.

Some want to close their eyes AGAIN. Some want to do something about it. Me? I'm almost at the end of my tether.

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I refer to my thread a few days ago. Support the club on a fortnightly basis.

The real question is - does your season ticket purchase benefit the club or certain investors?

Quite frankly, I don't think anyone can answer that with any certainty

I predicted this weeks ago I really think the RST/RSA will come out with a message to support the club but pay at the gate rather than money up front for a ST

Watch this space!

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Is this pile of utter shite faced cluster fucking mess ever ever gonna end?

Sick to my back teeth of this for some time now.

Sick of being taken for a ride by "every and any person who holds power within Ibrox.

i am just as sick of people who WANT power at ibrox telling us the sky is falling.
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Be as pedantic as you like. We all know what's happening here.

Some want to close their eyes AGAIN. Some want to do something about it. Me? I'm almost at the end of my tether.

Even if you think it's that bad it only becomes a self fulfilling prophecy if funding is withdrawn
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No, unless someone else is willing to give a continual flow of free money (highly unlikely). That doesn't mean it's not a decent strategy to attempt if someone is willing to give you a one off cash injection. As with any strategy, poor use of the money will cause failure. I suppose if they don't work you have to fall back on a solid infrastructure that we must also make sure is there. I'm not saying go for signings with no foundations. I do fear that without any kind of lift we are going to stay second fiddle for a long time. I'd also fear it became a sort of degrading negative feedback loop causing them to strengthen and us to weaken in the long term. I do accept Dave Kings view that without this kind of boost we are likely looking, at very least, a long period of dominance. At very least it's a strong possibility (which is bad enough). I just think that with such a boost it's less likely. And I don't think such a cash injection necessarily means going back to the bad old ways of negligent spending either. I'm certainly willing to listen to his (or anyone else's) proposals in regards to this kind of investment.

So was I, and I can sort of agree about us needing a boost for a top flight challenge albeit we need to be prudent rather than constantly tossing money at it as before.

Do you think his season ticket comments were really needed though?

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Like many supporters, I bought shares in the last IPO,. Would I buy if there was a share issue-- not with this board in charge.

Normally buy my season ticket in a One of payment. However, with possibly 550K going to Ahmad, and 1.5M to be paid back to wonga, think I will play safe and pay it up.

Don't care what any spin doctor says on here, I will never feel Rangers are safe until every hedge fund backed director has left the building.

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Bloody hell, he had the option to put his hands in his pockets at many of the shares issues and also had the option of putting forward a plan with appropriate funding to offer to buy the club and hasn't done either, he doesn't deserve to speak for me and tell me what to do, him and these other supposedly Rangers men who bleated to the press etc and did fuck all to help the club, at least people like the Easedales HAVE put their hands into their pockets and provided the club with funding.

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How can King pump millions in at the moment?

I thought we have to wait for the share offering for him to do that.

if all he wants to do is put money in then he can easily do so by having a contract drawn up with terms of investment.

or he can WAIT until we have a share issue and he can take whatever is left AFTER the current investors have had their share.

we are a PLC and have rules and regulations to follow.

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