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Ibrox Stadium Exterior Renovation Ideas

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After seeing the other stadium upgrade thread, it reminded me of some subtle changes to the outside of the three joined stands that I would love to see happen. I suspect many Bears will have had similar visions in their heads as myself. A few of you probably have even better ideas that could be implemented. I'm no Archibald Leitch and I did this just using MS Paint, but thought this deserved it's own thread rather than posting in the other one. Mod's can move this there if they feel it doesn't.

Before Renovation


After Renovation


Red arrowed lines indicate the club's crest and stand name at the side of the Bill Struth Main Stand, which I'd like to see painted in 2 locations on each of the other stands, with their own names in the same vintage style.

White arrowed line is highlighting the cladding at the top of the club deck stair towers, that just screams out to be continued along the bare concrete support column just below the roof line of the Copland and Broomloan stands.

Blue arrowed line is the blue framed glass tiles in the stair towers. I'd like to see the large rectangular open sections along the top of the Copland and Broomloan Stands filled in with the same blue framed glass tiles. If these gaps are required for ventilation, re-route it elsewhere discreetly. Install blue lighting behind this new glass for a night time display.

It occurred to me that these gaps were probably designed deliberately for wind dissipation or some other factors I have overlooked. Hopefully though that isn't the case and they could be filled in how I suggested.

The side partitions of the Copland and Broomloan stands at the Main Stand, I would also like to see the blue framed glass tiles fitted here. Replacing the discoloured plastic sheeting. Surely that can be done without it affecting accoustics much or the structure due to extra weight.

Then just general cleaning up of the rest of the roof's painted areas and exterior brick work of the joined stands would be welcomed. Maybe a colour change for the outside of Argyle House to match everywhere else.

We could also install a large "One Outdoor Media" advertising LED screen above the Megastore on the post supports and an identical one on the other side of the Govan Stand, which could be used to generate significant funds. We were meant to get one of these outside Ibrox in 2013, but it never happened and was only ever announced on the Elonex subsidiary's website.

To pay for them and other renovations, I'd sell strictly limited stadium naming rights now for the next two years for an up front fee covering the required costs. Before RM goes into meltdown at me suggesting that, I think there is a way to do this without changing the name. I believe it's been done in other sports, with the new aforementioned exterior screens simply displaying an association with a stadium sponsor. It could also be displayed on the perimeter track electronic boards up until kick off and after full time.

For example, "Sports Direct Welcomes You To Ibrox Stadium" & "Sports Direct Wishes You A Safe Journey From Ibrox Stadium". That particular choice might not prove too popular but I'd have no qualms with it myself. EA Sports or something along those lines would be perfect.

There has to be an acceptable company, that for the price of reasonable renovation costs get to be associated with our iconic stadium and it's name for a short two year spell. Rather than actually changing it. Any money made off the Ibrox name in this way should be wisely spent on it's upkeep. Surely we could make enough from that initially to fund this or other slight cosmetic improvements, if mine aren't viable or desired.

Ibrox is and always will be the best, just needs a little sprucing up using revenue raised to do that specifically for the time being.

Due to popular demand in the other thread, I removed the Family Stand sign from the Broomloan roof.

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Again i don't see the need for any major changes bar a lick of paint and a good clean job.

The stadium looks fantastic as it is and is one of very view traditional looking stadiums left in Europe these days.

In any case it's a long way off if any changes are to be made to the stadium given where we are and where we are planning to get to and any money we have will need to be implemented into the footballing side of things and no stadium redeovelopments or renovations.

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I agree with your reply Godfather, especially about costs we need to use elsewhere now, not on refurbishment and the stadium just needing some minor cosmetic work. I was also trying to think of a way to generate a cash stream that the club didn't need to earmark for anything else to make it happen sooner.

Like you said though, maybe not the time now and a refurbishment of some kind will happen in future when it's higher on the priority list.


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I don't think the exterior needs any more than a good blast with a power washer.

The red brick finish complements the Main Stand facade, and looks more classy than the steel and glass shopping centre look of modern day stadia, not to mention that green and grey MDF monstrosity in the East End.

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I think this would be a great move by the club.. You are right thought what happened to the screen which was meant to be fitted outside IBROX according to the EloneX website.

But i am under the impression EloneX provides the screens and then the company pays EloneX to advertise a company on the screens. - Due to EloneX has Artwork specification page for the EloneX owned screens etc at IBROX.

See Here:- http://oneoutdoormedia.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Rangers_Spec-Sheet.pdf

I am not against Stadium renaming, if a large portion of the money is used for improving the stadium. Did the club not get a small grant from the Glasgow Council due to them hosting an event at the Commonwealth Games:Glasgow?

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Two things I'd do to Ibrox:

1) remove the two screens and fill it with extra seats or atleast make it so the screens don't take up so much room.

2) give the stadium a good scrubbing.

other than that...ibrox is a great stadium. you just need to look at it and you know how old and rich our clubs history is. it doesnt look modern and i like it that way.

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I would love to see 3 tiers on all the stands, with the top tiers given over to parents with kids, at no charge for the kids. (up to u/14 when with their parents). Most of us older crowd got our first taste of Ibrox getting lifter over the turnstiles with the club turning a blind eye to it as they knew it guaranteed future Rangers fans.

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After seeing the other stadium upgrade thread, it reminded me of some subtle changes to the outside of the three joined stands that I would love to see happen. I suspect many Bears will have had similar visions in their heads as myself. A few of you probably have even better ideas that could be implemented. I'm no Archibald Leitch and I did this just using MS Paint, but thought this deserved it's own thread rather than posting in the other one. Mod's can move this there if they feel it doesn't.

Before Renovation


After Renovation


Red arrowed lines indicate the club's crest and stand name at the side of the Bill Struth Main Stand, which I'd like to see painted in 2 locations on each of the other stands, with their own names in the same vintage style.

White arrowed line is highlighting the cladding at the top of the club deck stair towers, that just screams out to be continued along the bare concrete support column just below the roof line of the Copland and Broomloan stands.

Blue arrowed line is the blue framed glass tiles in the stair towers. I'd like to see the large rectangular open sections along the top of the Copland and Broomloan Stands filled in with the same blue framed glass tiles. If these gaps are required for ventilation, re-route it elsewhere discreetly. Install blue lighting behind this new glass for a night time display.

It occurred to me that these gaps were probably designed deliberately for wind dissipation or some other factors I have overlooked. Hopefully though that isn't the case and they could be filled in how I suggested.

The side partitions of the Copland and Broomloan stands at the Main Stand, I would also like to see the blue framed glass tiles fitted here. Replacing the discoloured plastic sheeting. Surely that can be done without it affecting accoustics much or the structure due to extra weight.

Then just general cleaning up of the rest of the roof's painted areas and exterior brick work of the joined stands would be welcomed. Maybe a colour change for the outside of Argyle House to match everywhere else.

We could also install a large "One Outdoor Media" advertising LED screen above the Megastore on the post supports and an identical one on the other side of the Govan Stand, which could be used to generate significant funds. We were meant to get one of these outside Ibrox in 2013, but it never happened and was only ever announced on the Elonex subsidiary's website.

To pay for them and other renovations, I'd sell strictly limited stadium naming rights now for the next two years for an up front fee covering the required costs. Before RM goes into meltdown at me suggesting that, I think there is a way to do this without changing the name. I believe it's been done in other sports, with the new aforementioned exterior screens simply displaying an association with a stadium sponsor. It could also be displayed on the perimeter track electronic boards up until kick off and after full time.

For example, "Sports Direct Welcomes You To Ibrox Stadium" & "Sports Direct Wishes You A Safe Journey From Ibrox Stadium". That particular choice might not prove too popular but I'd have no qualms with it myself. EA Sports or something along those lines would be perfect.

There has to be an acceptable company, that for the price of reasonable renovation costs get to be associated with our iconic stadium and it's name for a short two year spell. Rather than actually changing it. Any money made off the Ibrox name in this way should be wisely spent on it's upkeep. Surely we could make enough from that initially to fund this or other slight cosmetic improvements, if mine aren't viable or desired.

Ibrox is and always will be the best, just needs a little sprucing up using revenue raised to do that specifically for the time being.

Due to popular demand in the other thread, I removed the Family Stand sign from the Broomloan roof.

They arrows would look stupid stuck to outside of the stadium.

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I think this would be a great move by the club.. You are right thought what happened to the screen which was meant to be fitted outside IBROX according to the EloneX website.

But i am under the impression EloneX provides the screens and then the company pays EloneX to advertise a company on the screens. - Due to EloneX has Artwork specification page for the EloneX owned screens etc at IBROX.

See Here:- http://oneoutdoormedia.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Rangers_Spec-Sheet.pdf

I am not against Stadium renaming, if a large portion of the money is used for improving the stadium. Did the club not get a small grant from the Glasgow Council due to them hosting an event at the Commonwealth Games:Glasgow?

Do you get commission for every time you manage to slip EloneX into a post?

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