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*** Rm Erskine Lunch Fund - Fundraising Completed!


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Did I hear someone ask what the Erskine Lunch Fund is?

If you're unfamiliar with it, it's probably worth reading this thread. At least that way you'll know what you're actually being mugged for in 2 weeks time. :D

Erskine shouldn't exist i hate that people donate to it as the government should be taking the responsibility for looking after it genuinely makes me sad that it is needed

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I'm pretty sure even if it was 100% government funded there would still be well wishers that would like to contribute to such a worthy group of recipients.

I certainly would.

I agree that more help should be given by the relevant local authority or from Government funding but we are where we are & we can only do our best to show how much we appreciate the sacrifices and hardships faced by the Erskine residents and indeed those who have passed away.

Thanks for the heads up gb, will do my bit when the time comes.

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I'm pretty sure even if it was 100% government funded there would still be well wishers that would like to contribute to such a worthy group of recipients.

I certainly would.

I agree that more help should be given by the relevant local authority or from Government funding but we are where we are & we can only do our best to show how much we appreciate the sacrifices and hardships faced by the Erskine residents and indeed those who have passed away.

Thanks for the heads up gb, will do my bit when the time comes.

The guys and girls involved with Erskine are genuine heroes but there sacrifices deserve to be honoured and properly so rather than relying on donations to keep them running same with MacMillan

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As you know, the Fund doesn't do politics.

What I will say is that all the residents in Erskine are already extremely well-looked after. Our donations are not about meeting their basic needs, they are about providing 'special treats' of a more personal nature, like match tickets for Bears, the Jim Baxter picture for Alan, or the whisky for everyone!

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As you know, the Fund doesn't do politics.

What I will say is that all the residents in Erskine are already extremely well-looked after. Our donations are not about meeting their basic needs, they are about providing 'special treats' of a more personal nature, like match tickets for Bears, the Jim Baxter picture for Alan, or the whisky for everyone!

Fully understand that GB but again no way should the public be providing that for the heroes re-presented by Erskine i have and will never donate a single penny to them in the hope that the government finally wakes up to the fact it sent these heroes to potentially die and they came back they deserve better

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Know it's getting late on in the day for Saturday...but I'll stand 2 tickets for Saturday for Veterans (or 1+1).

Excellent Offer Ian (tu)

But luckily it's not needed on this occasion - we have plenty of cash available for tickets, and a few free tickets too (we still need more though!). (tu)

But don't worry, we'll be launching the Erskine Lunch Fund fundraiser soon, so we'll get your money off you one way or another. :D

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So, back on topic...

I've just found out that Rangers had already supplied tickets to Erskine for Armed Forces Day - why did we ever doubt they would? :lol:

So all that's needed is two tickets for Erskine Park Home. I'll get them sorted today, along with the 6 tickets for Combat Stress. (tu)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome to the


discussion thread 2014/2015.

1. What is the Erskine Lunch Fund (ELF)

As most of us know, The RM Sponsors' Fund is bound by its 'charter' to spend its money exclusively on Rangers FC.

This proved problematic when we wanted to buy a group of Erskine Veterans their lunch in the Argyle Restaurant as part of an Ibrox day out - because the restaurant is operated by Azure, and not by Rangers, so our rules forbade us from paying for the lunch.

Undeterred we simply launched another fund where members could donate money specifically to support Erskine, without the restriction of having to spend the money on Rangers FC.

Our target was £80.

One year later, and we've raised £2087.96 from over a hundred Lunch Fund Members.


We've spent £1747.56 of that on the following:

£440 - Cash Donation to our 4 Erskine Home towards their Christmas festivities

£378.00 - 7 Symon Suite Hospitality tickets (v Albion Rovers)

£360.00 – Argyle Restaurant Lunch for 3 groups of Erskine Veterans)

£180.00 – D-Day Whisky donation from Keeps01

£120 - 3 x Rangers Commemorative photo (Ibrox 140 Years)

£110 – Erskine Veterans Ibrox Lunch

£90 – tips to Ibrox Tour Guides, Argyle Restaurant Waiting Staff and Ibrox Megastore Staff for taking care of our 3 parties

£80 - 20 Erskine Calendars for resale to members

£49.56 - various memorabilia including old programmes and DVDs for Erskine Homes

£40 - Christmas presents for Alan, an Erskine Veteran (Jim Baxter memorabilia)

£20.00 - 4 x Pie and Bovril for Combat Stress residents

And we currently have £340.40 remaining:

£160 of that is earmarked for our 4th Ibrox Day Out (for Erskine Bishopton, our 4th sponsored Home)

The Lunch Fund's Big Fundraiser starts in November, before Remembrance Day, and kind of continues until Hogmanay :D

But I think we should have a small fundraiser in the near future (like £2 to £3 each) just because I don't like the Fund being so close to empty in case we get another call for help for Erskine and don't have the cash to help them.

The Sponsors' Fund itself also continues to support Erskine whenever it can of course, by buying official Rangers FC products and services for the benefit of Erskine Veterans.

To find out more about what the ELF has been up to, have a look at these Erskine Lunch Fund threads from the last year or so.


And here are some great photos of some fantastic memorabilia items donated by RM members as part of our RM Erskine Football Memories Programme - whereby we donate Rangers and other memorabilia to Erskine Homes for use in their football-based dementia therapy sessions - and also for the benefit of any Veteran Bears who would appreciate them (For example every Bear in Erskine Park home who wanted one got an Ibrox snowglobe and a Broxi Beanie Bear :D - And there are one or two Nacho Silk scarves floating around too ;) )


Anyway, hope that enlightens any of you who weren't sure what the Erskine Lunch Fund is all about, and hope to see you answering the call when it's time for more donations.

And now on to this season's news...

November already. Doesn't time fly.

Time to Launch this Year's Erskine Fundraiser...

I don't have time to write one of my usual rambling essays, so this is a soft-launch for all the members who already know the score.

Please Donate to the RM Erskine Lunch Fund. I think a fiver is a fair-sized suggested amount, but even £2 is very greatly appreciated.


(Please add your username to the PayPal payment, to help us match up donations to the right Funds.)

This year our targets include:

Cash donations towards Christmas Dinner Celebrations.

Material Support towards the development of the new Sporting Memories Room in Erskine Park Home

An Ibrox Day Out for Erskine Bishopton Home (We promised it ages ago!)

Some other things, if we have any money left.

(Note: Erskine Lunch Fund Donations are separate from RM Sponsors' Fund Donations, and are wholly exempt from the Sponsors' Fund's 'Rangers-Only' Spending Policy.)

Any questions, or suggestions, PM me.

You can also have a read of previous Erskine Lunch Fund threads here...


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