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***Glasgow 2014 thread***


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A great night of sport i enjoyed watching the judo and the swimming drama

with the heatwave it actually feels like summer

With the athletics yet to start and Ibrox for the rugby - onwards and upwards

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Tried to speak to Nat loving relation about CG.

She was upset cause red white and blue smoke used. Referred to the games as the Scottish games and berated guys that she supported at the Olympics cause they were not team Scotland.

How fucking pathetic is that?


I know you're passionate and all but do you think you could try and go a few seconds without bringing up the bloody referendum? You must be a fucking nightmare on Facebook.

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I know you're passionate and all but do you think you could try and go a few seconds without bringing up the bloody referendum? You must be a fucking nightmare on Facebook.

I was relating what someone else said. I am not on FB.

Savvy people know the CG will be exploited by nats.

Had you read my other comment I was clear in enjoying all the home nations doing well.

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I was relating what someone else said. I am not on FB.

Savvy people know the CG will be exploited by nats.

Had you read my other comment I was clear in enjoying all the home nations doing well.

All this "Vote No!!!!!" stuff.

You're preaching to the choir on here I'd imagine. And nobody else is going to be persuaded by your SNP obsession. How about we have this thread for sport.

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I know you're passionate and all but do you think you could try and go a few seconds without bringing up the bloody referendum? You must be a fucking nightmare on Facebook.

Is that cauld weather getting to you in Melbourne, cobber.....Aye? :pipe::000000082:

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All this "Vote No!!!!!" stuff.

You're preaching to the choir on here I'd imagine. And nobody else is going to be persuaded by your SNP obsession. How about we have this thread for sport.

I thought independence had nothing to do with the SNP?! Could that be another lie shove down deluded minds? And this thread can be about sport once fat ass salmond clamps it, we wouldn't be talking about the big vote

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Tam Fatboy Cowan's slant on the opening ceremony.

By TAM COWAN Published: 3 hrs ago

BAD news — the Commonwealth Games lasts for 11 days.

Good news — that’s nine of them up already after the opening ceremony...

Went on a bit, eh? Although, to help save a bit of time, it was good of Susan Boyle to miss out some of the words from Mull Of Kintyre.

Glasgow’s got totally carried away with the 2014 Games. Can you imagine it was the Olympics rather than its school sports day wee brother?

But I’ve also got the bug (not the sickness and diarrhoea one, thankfully) and your Motherwell correspondent took in the triathlon at Strathclyde Park. Just to see if it was different from the usual three disciplines of drug-dealing, dogging and throwing stones at the swans.

At London 2012, I loved the opening and closing ceremonies — it was just the boring bit in the middle I couldn’t stand — and Gary Lineker almost spoiled a brilliant show on Wednesday night by reminding us there was lawn bowls, swimming and cycling from 9am the next day.

Sorry, Gaz, not interested.

After the fireworks display (the most spectacular one at Parkhead since Rangers went into administration) I would have moved straight on to the closing ceremony.

During that first half-hour, I wonder how many English viewers were hoping they could also vote for Scottish independence?

After the welcome from Craig Hill (sorry, Karen Dunbar), we had SuBo’s haunting rendition of Mull Of Kintyre with those unforgettable lyrics: “Mull Of Kintyre, oh la-la, hmm-hmm-hmm...”

Then, of course, John Barrowman shocked the worldwide audience and sparked a Twitter frenzy by — wait for it — talking in a Scottish accent!

The gay snog? Brilliant. This will probably now be known as a Glasgow Kiss and it gets it right up the backward nations who’d probably ban the relay race as it involves an athlete grabbing hold of another man’s baton.

I also loved the Tunnock’s Teacake costumes. Wonder if that was Plan A before Jilli Blackwood opted for the tartan parade kit?

Part of the dancers’ routine involved setting out hundreds of seats. I couldn’t help wondering if they were the same ones the Celtic fans took from Fir Park last December?

About 4,500 athletes took part in the parade (if there’s a shortage of rooms in the village, I hear Jersey will let the Germans move in with them) and it was great watching competitors from all over the world, er, showing the crowd their mobile phones.

(Oh, a special mention for Tiswas legend Bob Carolgees for providing the wee dog.) There was a crowd of 40,000 inside Celtic Park (although Peter Lawwell insists it was 46,000) and the whole country was tuned into the BBC1 coverage at 8pm.

Well, apart from Kaye Adams and family as she was on All Star Mr & Mrs at the same time on STV...

I’d strike a special bravery medal for the guys with the ceremonial flag wearing the dazzling white suits. What a bold choice of outfit with the norovirus still kicking about, eh?

(I think the slogan for the 2014 Glasgow Games should be: If the norovirus doesn’t make you sh**e yourself, the ticket prices will).

My pal Stevie reckons they should start every race with the command: “On your skidmarks... GO!”

Other highlights? What about the old boy getting out of his wheelchair to hand Sir Chris Hoy the Queen’s baton?

First thing on Thursday morning, he apparently got a call from Atos saying he was fit for work.

I also loved the Tunnock's Teacake costumes


I also loved Gordon Matheson’s speech. It was heard by a worldwide audience of a billion people — whether they had a TV set or not — and I’m told the fireworks complained that he was too loud.

At one point, it was feared his shouty voice might bring down the Red Road flats.

The main VIP — the Queen — was driven straight into the stadium. She was put off leaving the car outside after being approached by a snottery-faced urchin who said: “Haw, missus, ten bob to look after your Daimler.”

With a nod to the London Olympics, I was hoping Her Maj was going to parachute into Parkhead on the back of her racehorse.

Yep, her prize stallion failed a drugs test this week — and was immediately given a wildcard entry into one of the swimming events.

Hearing God Save The Queen inside Celtic Park was like hearing Zadok The Priest during John Barnes’s stint as manager.

An even bigger shocker was how long it took Prince Imran to open the baton.

I wouldn’t ask for his help with a new jar of pickles.

Still, for the first time in 200-odd days, at least this finally made the Queen’s baton a little bit interesting.

Wouldn’t it have been great if the message read out by Her Maj had said: “I knew it’d take ages to open that feckin’ thing...”

Actually, in front of a big crowd at Celtic Park, I think the Queen missed a trick when she read out her own personal message.

She should have said: “For the last time, it was the company — not the club — that died.”

PS. On a serious note, the legacy of the Commonwealth Games will help Scotland for generations to come.

Yeah, I reckon the spot fines for the Games Lanes should raise at least £400billion.

TEXT JOKE OF THE WEEK: Inspired by the Commonwealth Games, my doctor told me that exercising can add years to your life. He’s right. Went for a five-mile jog this morning and I now feel like I’m 85.

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