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Time for our big hitter CEO to step up and show some leadership.

It is obvious that, when McCoist leaves, there will be the terrible sound of scratching nails on marble as he is dragged across the lobby and thrown on to PRW.

He is useless and also shameless - he will NEVER resign (can't remember whose fault it was yesterday but not his) and is happy to take the criticism, the boos - and the big salary.

So it now up to Wallace to prove he is not a spineless lackie for Ronnie and Reggie and actually show some leadership .

Robbie Neilson said the usual "hard place to come and get three points" - is it fuck.

Hibs , Hearts and Rangers will win most games against the other sides in this division so the matches between us are critical - that is why that result was do important.

Wallace - step up and solve the problem, earn your salary.

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The thing is we need to be pumped oot the League cup, or Petrofac Training cup if Mccoist has any chance of getting his P45, & I'd like to see us go far in these, if not win one of them this season. So although I want Ally oot, I don't want it at the expense of the team getting knocked oot of a cup.

Maybe we need some tough love?

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According to Jackson today he and the easdales have a poor relationship. Wallace hadball bit had nerlinger and then they kod it.

Going by his article it would seem allys job is safer than many of us had hoped

How could the easdales ko the offer to nerlinger, surely they dont have that much power

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I genuinely forgot for a moment that he was actually still employed at the club. Where has he been? I reckon he's been 'offed' by the Easdales and they now have a look-a-like sitting in the director's box on match days (but they can't have him doing interviews due to his strong Port Glasgow accent).

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I honestly think we're stuck with Ally until we lose any opportunity to be promoted to the Premiership. Fuck, I think they'd end up letting him stay and try again. It's ridiculous.

We need to force someone to do something. Force Ally to resign or force Wallace to sack him. He'll have to do it sooner or later if more people stop turning up to games. We'll lose out on a lot of money and it might be cheaper for us to just pay Ally off.

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The thing is we need to be pumped oot the League cup, or Petrofac Training cup if Mccoist has any chance of getting his P45, & I'd like to see us go far in these, if not win one of them this season. So although I want Ally oot, I don't want it at the expense of the team getting knocked oot of a cup.

Maybe we need some tough love?

I think we would have to be sitting 3 points above the relegation play-offs with 1 game left before Ally is given the bullet.

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I think we would have to be sitting 3 points above the relegation play-offs with 1 game left before Ally is given the bullet.

Any other manager of any other cluyb would have been sacked years ago if they had done the job McCoist had done.

He should have been out on his arse after two European pub teams knocked us out of the CL and then Europa.

Since then it's been red neck after red neck with him in charge yet he still saunters about the dugout at Ibrox arms folded taking us all for idiots.

There should be no mistake in letting those in charge know our feeling now, they have to know we don't back the man anymore and want him gone A.S.A.P.

Ally McCoist must never manager another Rangers game EVER again.

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Results and money. Money and results. Two very visible sides of the same coin at Ibrox right now. The link between them may never have been stronger or more essential. And there lies part of the problem for the CEO and Board.

They need more money since a portion of the Support that could buy STs has elected not to do so. Outcome - lack of budgetary certainty and cashflow issues over a season.

A winning team playing well helps the money. If it is not winning and/or not playing well then then there are two outcomes that may loom large to a Board: fans drift away so reduced income, and losing out on promotion with loss of opportunity to earn more and maybe a further reduction in income if more fans stay away next season.

So at some point if this continues much longer the balance would be bound to be tipped against continuing to run the Club on an 'as is' basis. By that I mean steps would need to be taken to plan for the worst ie no promotion at the end of this season but neverthless hoping it can be turned around. That would mean more cost reductions - possibly much more savage than Nash has already achieved. And a change of team leadership and coaching by aiming off to next season unless by some quirk of circumstance the opportunity still presented itself at the end of this season. That would immediately take the pressure off the players and enable some form of reconstruction to take place and a clearout of a bloated squad. How much longer is longer? I'd say by the end of the 4th league game and especially if we find ourselves 10 - 12 points adrift of the leaders at that stage. That sounds like worst case but right now it seems to me that the Club is locked onto a flight path for worst case with insufficient corrective action being taken to steer to the course and objective set out in the business Review.

I don't think a CEO or Board would make the changes now but I do think they'd put the Manager on notice that at end of Aug if matters on the pitch are not turned around dramatically then its activate the plan for worst case and take it from there. A CEO and Board simply cannot afford to run Rangers as though it was a top flight club if the actual reality is that less than mediocre on-field results and performances combine to scupper the objective of promotion this season and drive fans away. The other factor they have to consider is whether to go for a raising of funds by offering more shares. If you could do without the £4m it would raise by more aggressive cost cutting plus selling a few players then maybe thats what you do.

Now if we lose against Falkirk on Friday the grace period for the Manager and coaching staff will be reduced even furhter and at the same time it brings the decisions for the CEO and Board even closer with the pathway increasingly narrowing to a 'back him or sack him' decision either of which may have very long lasting consequences for Rangers.

Ibrox may yet need to become no place for old thinking, old ideas, old ways of working, old footballers and those who coach who play yesterdays approach to the game and tactics in todays era.

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Any other manager of any other cluyb would have been sacked years ago if they had done the job McCoist had done.

He should have been out on his arse after two European pub teams knocked us out of the CL and then Europa.

Since then it's been red neck after red neck with him in charge yet he still saunters about the dugout at Ibrox arms folded taking us all for idiots.

There should be no mistake in letting those in charge know our feeling now, they have to know we don't back the man anymore and want him gone A.S.A.P.

Ally McCoist must never manager another Rangers game EVER again.

One of the biggest problems is that for the past 3 seasons or so,our team is so fucking static and can be read like a book by opposing managers.The thing that saved us in the last 2 seasons is that the majority of managers didn't have the quality of players to take advantage of the situation, but managers like Neilson have that extra bit of quality in their ranks to combat us.

Our squad is badly put together and disjointed to the point where all we can do with subs is replace like with like. No rhyme or reason to the make up of our squad was made in regards to the system we would play and it looks like players were bought just for the sake of having bodies on the payroll.

Ally has made a pigs ear of it.

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The only thing I can think of is to vote with our feet for the next home game. It would hurt, but I'm thinking that it would be best to rip a plaster off quickly instead of pulling it off slowly bit by bit. The club cannot afford to have attendances dwindling for the season, so if we protest by all agreeing to not go to the next home game then it may be enough to force a change.

The only thing these guy in charge understand is money, we as a fan base have been raped for money as it's not been used wisely in any way. It's been friviously spent and it's about time we all showed how pissed we are at this and McCoists management.

Of course, a lot will still attend, but if enough agree then it may be enough to force a change. To not coordinate things and say I'll not be back really doesn't help the issue. We are strong in numbers not as one. I know our support isn't united, but we have to try to unite now for the good of the club.

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I sent the under noted email to Wallace this morning. I doubt that he'll see it or, if he does, that he'll give it the slightest consideration.

For the attention of Grahame Wallace, CEO

I decided after the Ramsdens Cup Final that I would not renew my season ticket, and would not return until McCoist is gone.

Despite my feelings of guilt, I have not renewed and I will not return until McCoist, McDowell and Durrant have departed.

When I last emailed I said that my decision had nothing to do with our boardroom 'wrangles', and everything to do with the dire aimless, disjointed, disorganised football we're playing - and I am even more confirmed in that view having watched our pretty pathetic pre-season and our first two competitive games of the season.

Our pre-season in the Highlands and our tour of North America was a demoralising waste of time and money. I cannot see how we enhanced our 'brand' with the dire performances we served up to our American and Canadian cousins! We could have saved a significant sum by remaining at home.

The inescapable fact is, we're a poor team, with no heart or soul; no committment, no 'steel' and no real talent or ability. We fail in all of the basics and quickly become a disorganised rabble when put under any degree of pressure. That has been the case throughout Ally McCoist's tenure as manager.

The players are spoiled, lack any kind of motivation and are part of McCoist's increasingly embarrassing excuse machine.

I think many, many fans are perilously close to the end of their tether (if not already there!), and there is a real danger that they will vote with their feet and stay away.

Until we have a TOTAL change of the management team - until McCoist, McDowell, Durrant etc. are sacked - the team (and the club as a whole) has no future other than as 'also rans' in an average to poor league.

These are sad days for me that, after 40 years following the Gers, I've come to this sorry pass. Yes, I've seen some poor teams in my time - but NONE as gutless and as poor and ill-lead as this one!

In truth, I never thought I'd see the day that I wouldn't want to go to Ibrox to cheer on my team, but that's how I feel at the moment. I'm not afraid to lose to a better side, I just don't want to be embarrassed by my own team and a manager who will cling to the most cringeworthy excuse to justify his total inability to organise and motivate his team.

It's time to 'bite the bullet' Mr. Wallace, and take the appropriate (and vitally necessary) action, before Ibrox becomes a wasteland!

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I sent the under noted email to Wallace this morning. I doubt that he'll see it or, if he does, that he'll give it the slightest consideration.

For the attention of Grahame Wallace, CEO

I decided after the Ramsdens Cup Final that I would not renew my season ticket, and would not return until McCoist is gone.

Despite my feelings of guilt, I have not renewed and I will not return until McCoist, McDowell and Durrant have departed.

When I last emailed I said that my decision had nothing to do with our boardroom 'wrangles', and everything to do with the dire aimless, disjointed, disorganised football we're playing - and I am even more confirmed in that view having watched our pretty pathetic pre-season and our first two competitive games of the season.

Our pre-season in the Highlands and our tour of North America was a demoralising waste of time and money. I cannot see how we enhanced our 'brand' with the dire performances we served up to our American and Canadian cousins! We could have saved a significant sum by remaining at home.

The inescapable fact is, we're a poor team, with no heart or soul; no committment, no 'steel' and no real talent or ability. We fail in all of the basics and quickly become a disorganised rabble when put under any degree of pressure. That has been the case throughout Ally McCoist's tenure as manager.

The players are spoiled, lack any kind of motivation and are part of McCoist's increasingly embarrassing excuse machine.

I think many, many fans are perilously close to the end of their tether (if not already there!), and there is a real danger that they will vote with their feet and stay away.

Until we have a TOTAL change of the management team - until McCoist, McDowell, Durrant etc. are sacked - the team (and the club as a whole) has no future other than as 'also rans' in an average to poor league.

These are sad days for me that, after 40 years following the Gers, I've come to this sorry pass. Yes, I've seen some poor teams in my time - but NONE as gutless and as poor and ill-lead as this one!

In truth, I never thought I'd see the day that I wouldn't want to go to Ibrox to cheer on my team, but that's how I feel at the moment. I'm not afraid to lose to a better side, I just don't want to be embarrassed by my own team and a manager who will cling to the most cringeworthy excuse to justify his total inability to organise and motivate his team.

It's time to 'bite the bullet' Mr. Wallace, and take the appropriate (and vitally necessary) action, before Ibrox becomes a wasteland!

Hope to fuck he reads it and hopefully hundreds more come his way.

ALly has to be forced out this club

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I sent the under noted email to Wallace this morning. I doubt that he'll see it or, if he does, that he'll give it the slightest consideration.

For the attention of Grahame Wallace, CEO

I decided after the Ramsdens Cup Final that I would not renew my season ticket, and would not return until McCoist is gone.

Despite my feelings of guilt, I have not renewed and I will not return until McCoist, McDowell and Durrant have departed.

When I last emailed I said that my decision had nothing to do with our boardroom 'wrangles', and everything to do with the dire aimless, disjointed, disorganised football we're playing - and I am even more confirmed in that view having watched our pretty pathetic pre-season and our first two competitive games of the season.

Our pre-season in the Highlands and our tour of North America was a demoralising waste of time and money. I cannot see how we enhanced our 'brand' with the dire performances we served up to our American and Canadian cousins! We could have saved a significant sum by remaining at home.

The inescapable fact is, we're a poor team, with no heart or soul; no committment, no 'steel' and no real talent or ability. We fail in all of the basics and quickly become a disorganised rabble when put under any degree of pressure. That has been the case throughout Ally McCoist's tenure as manager.

The players are spoiled, lack any kind of motivation and are part of McCoist's increasingly embarrassing excuse machine.

I think many, many fans are perilously close to the end of their tether (if not already there!), and there is a real danger that they will vote with their feet and stay away.

Until we have a TOTAL change of the management team - until McCoist, McDowell, Durrant etc. are sacked - the team (and the club as a whole) has no future other than as 'also rans' in an average to poor league.

These are sad days for me that, after 40 years following the Gers, I've come to this sorry pass. Yes, I've seen some poor teams in my time - but NONE as gutless and as poor and ill-lead as this one!

In truth, I never thought I'd see the day that I wouldn't want to go to Ibrox to cheer on my team, but that's how I feel at the moment. I'm not afraid to lose to a better side, I just don't want to be embarrassed by my own team and a manager who will cling to the most cringeworthy excuse to justify his total inability to organise and motivate his team.

It's time to 'bite the bullet' Mr. Wallace, and take the appropriate (and vitally necessary) action, before Ibrox becomes a wasteland!

Good read, hope someone actually listens
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