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Born Under A Union Flag : A Response


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I'm Scottish, it does concern me. I've lived under the English/BBC way of letting the Scots know how insignificant and inferior they are for most of my live. We can do far better being independent, in my loud mouthed opinion. :lol:

Would you like Salt and Vinegar with that big chip on your shoulder?
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I'm Scottish, it does concern me. I've lived under the English/BBC way of letting the Scots know how insignificant and inferior they are for most of my live. We can do far better being independent, in my loud mouthed opinion. :lol:

What a chip you have on your shoulder

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Doesn't seem to my kind of book if I'm honest.

We do seem to have a different kind of supporter today in these ever changing times. And that's alright , but to ignore , or even worse , rewrite the history which has made our great club what it is today is ignorant to say the least.

I wouldnt overlook it gm based on the contents of one chapter - there are many views and essays within it which Im confident would appeal to you more.

Chapter 7 features a ding dong battle of a debate between Alan Bissett and John DC Gow - worth the admission money alone !

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Could just about say the same thing about how many native Americans/Mexicans do you have to "dispose" of before you steal their land and kid on you have been there forever.

Do you now see, after reading my stupid statement, just how similar yours sounds.

Bottom line says you no longer have the right to discuss the political implications of this referendum, as you are no longer domicile in the forever United Kingdom.

You gave up the right to comment and therefore are an irrelevance, you are most likely another anti- English ex-pat, who probably bullshits the yanks that you came to America because you had no freedom in Scotland, and will sit and 'greet your eyes oot" on Hugmananny, and vocalise to all and sundry how Scottish you are.



That certainly is the most ignorant comment I've read today. If you read my previous comments you would understand. :7326:
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I'm Scottish, it does concern me. I've lived under the English/BBC way of letting the Scots know how insignificant and inferior they are for most of my live. We can do far better being independent, in my loud mouthed opinion. :lol:

Seriously ?

Awwwwwwww Got bless your wee tartan slippers

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Freedom of speech?

I was born in Scotland to Scottish parents. I have a European Union (UK) passport. Regardless of which way I would vote, I am not allowed to vote as I do not live in Scotland although some Polish guy staying in Glasgow can. That does not seem right to me.

The Polish guy who lives in Glasgow may or may not pay taxes to the government but he will have to live with the outcome of the vote , why should you get a vote when you Don't live here and won't have to deal with the concequnces if it all goes tits up

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John Ure Primrose was chairman of our club as well as Lord Provost of Glasgow. He also shared the platform with Lord Carson in Glasgow, when he was rallying support against the Home Rule Bill

Never knew that (tu)

Our clubs history never ceases to amaze me.

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I'm Scottish, it does concern me. I've lived under the English/BBC way of letting the Scots know how insignificant and inferior they are for most of my live. We can do far better being independent, in my loud mouthed opinion. :lol:

Do you think the ship building industry in Govan would do far better in your vision. ?

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I bought and read the book and Gail's chapter was the hardest 1 to get the old head round in my opinion. She clearly has different views and beliefs from the majority of people stepping foot in Ibrox, and certainly 99% of our away support. If i shared her views i think i'd struggle to share a ground with people who had views at completely different ends of the spectrum from me and who are all fairly vocal in expressing these songs via songs and flags. Fair play to her though, it takes some set of balls to openly admit to being a republican, nationalist rangers supporter.

Ps thought the book was a great read! As Dart said, the Bissett vs Gow chapter was fantastic as was McKillops (tu)

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I'm Scottish, it does concern me. I've lived under the English/BBC way of letting the Scots know how insignificant and inferior they are for most of my live. We can do far better being independent, in my loud mouthed opinion. :lol:

It doesn't concern you if you stay in another country and would not have to suffer the potential ramifications that a yes vote might bring to this country.

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The Polish guy who lives in Glasgow may or may not pay taxes to the government but he will have to live with the outcome of the vote , why should you get a vote when you Don't live here and won't have to deal with the concequnces if it all goes tits up

I am a British Citizen and can return to the UK whenever I want to. I could choose to live in my native country or not. Of course it has ramifications for me and, unlike most Poles (allegedly), I do pay taxes within the UK.

If I told you I would not vote yes, would that have made you respond to me differently? And, for the record, I have no wish to see the break up of a Union I fought for and would have voted NO if I had been allowed to vote.

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The patronage of the Marquis of Lorne and Lord Rosebery in the very early days of The Rangers gave ample direction and credence to our being the Establishment club.......and all that goes and went with the tenets of The Establishment are reflected in the history of the World's most successful club.....we bend the knee to none and certainly not rome...ever.

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It doesn't concern you if you stay in another country and would not have to suffer the potential ramifications that a yes vote might bring to this country.

I'll probably move back at some point, with my family, so I'm concerned. I don't believe all the fear stuff being spouted by the No campaign. It's simply classic psychology - playing to the fear in people. And it's every effective.

For its small size Scotland has contributed a great deal to the world. It is respected and admired the world over . Many people abroad just can't understand why anyone would want their country to be ruled by another. Can you imagine if Denmark decided to be ruled by Germany? Or Sweden by Russia? Of course not, it's absurd.

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That certainly is the most ignorant comment I've read today. If you read my previous comments you would understand. :7326:

There you go now, typical response, probably due to the inferiority complex that you seem to subscribe was due to the Westminster/BBC (England) browbeating they put into your fragile mind, and now you seem to have transported it to the colonies with you.

Best to see a therapist about that Hamish or it will eat you up, and all the good weather in the state of California will not help you i'm afraid.


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I'm glad that as Rangers supporters we have differences of opinion and are glad we have these debates. it shows that we don't subscribe to herd mentality. being proud of our cultures and traditions is one thing, and we very much have a protestant identity, but in my opinion aligning with bigotry is quite another, and in 21st century Britain I don't think there is a place to shout ftp any more.


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Were we formed as a, specifically, Protestant boys club, as Matt Taylor is quoted as saying?

Didn't sectarianism only come into play in 1888?

I understood the other lot were formed with the intention of stopping Catholic boys from mixing with Prods.

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