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on the whole a decent piece. the hidden investors part annoys me though.

are we no longer allowing anonymity when itsis asked for?

we are not entitled to know, the people clearly want anonymity, collectively they own less than 11% of the club, I do not see the issue.

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Is that correct?

What was the actual shareholder breakdown at that time then?

Yes its correct.

BPH and Margarita have always held circa 10%. The faceless fans have held as many shares as them.

The Easdales have always held over 25% of voting rights but nobody has ever questioned this other 10%.

Most of our support have focused on faceless investors which actually make up 90 % of our shareholders while the charlatans in the dugout having been walking away with millions in loot for doing the square root of feck all.

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The ones for which Easdale holds proxy - but that is not a stand alone statement nor a matter of curiosity - it is tied into the other matters of concern which I have raised.

The concern is based upon what has been happening at our club - particularly in recent weeks and the lack of clarity regarding the statements emanating from within the club itself.

I dont know how many times I have said it on this forum but I will say it again - we need to stop looking at individuals and start focussing on facts.

What he said (tu) (tu) (tu)

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Yes its correct.

BPH and Margarita have always held circa 10%. The faceless fans have held as many shares as them.

The Easdales have always held over 25% of voting rights but nobody has ever questioned this other 10%.

Most of our support have focused on faceless investors which actually make up 90 % of our shareholders while the charlatans in the dugout having been walking away with millions in loot for doing the square root of feck all.

It is a small point CV - but focussing on a small point amidst a catalogue of failings is not helpful either. As I said it would not even be an issue for me if it was not for the cataclysmic failings in other areas and the concerns which have been evident in recent weeks.

Why is it men like Wallace and Nash seem to be getting squeezed out whilst the likes of Easdale is preferred - surely that should set alarm bells ringing for us given the relevant curriculum vitaes of the respective parties.

What we must not do is ignore the warning signs - even if they happen to be highlighted or raised by people we dont necessarily see eye to eye with, or wholeheartedly disagree with or maybe dont even like.

As a support we cannot afford to repeat the mistakes made under Whyte where we allowed distrust of the media to cloud our judgement.

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"Why is it men like Wallace and Nash seem to be getting squeezed out whilst the likes of Easdale is preferred - surely that should set alarm bells ringing for us given the relevant curriculum vitaes of the respective parties."

Rather than wax lyrically would it not be better just getting to the point and producing some facts on such matters if that's your real concern

Wee drug dealers mates can spout pish and whip the uneducated within our support into a frenzy with a rumour ,you don't want to be like them do you? I know you discuss matters with that walloper Graham but there is absolutely no need to be like him or his kin.

Don't beat about the bush and give us the evidence.

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you remember incorrectly.

Maybe senility is setting in a wee bit quicker than I'm aware of. :rolleyes:

OK so I got the percentage wrong but the point I was trying to make was that the evasiveness of the Board at that particular meeting regarding one of the major shareholders was indecisive.

The then finance director, Brian Stockbridge, was asked directly several times to name the people behind Blue Pitch Holdings and following whispered discussions with the Chairman he then stated that as he was not sure of the answer or of any implications that maybe involved in giving one and that the Board would check out the details with a view to make an announcement at a later date following which this announcement was never made.

In other words the shareholders were fobbed off and I think this is one of the points that D'Art is making.

OK, so it's the prerogative of any shareholder to remain anonymous but why all the cloak and dagger stuff?

Do they have something to hide and if so why?

Obviously the shareholding percentages have changed a bit since then but the evasiveness still exists especially when it comes to making a decision regarding the position of our current football management team.

They must surely be aware of the current dissent that exists within the vast majority of our fans, so why not make some sort of statement regarding these issues

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Why is it men like Wallace and Nash seem to be getting squeezed out whilst the likes of Easdale is preferred - surely that should set alarm bells ringing for us given the relevant curriculum vitaes of the respective parties?

"But but but James and Sandy built up the Clyde Coaster from scratch and its now a twice hourly service providing a lifeline route for Jakies wanting to get to Millport in the summer.

Plus they pure done well in making a mint aff they cash business private hire taxis.

Sandy also done good at thon sellin computer malarky, until it went a bit bad, but the good was better than bad surely no?

That fucking Wallace done hee haw at IMG, MTV Europe or Man City before us, did he not...."

Said no-one, ever, except the usual few loonballs on here...

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McCoist i think genuinely thinks he is doing a great job, i don't see him walking away unless the fans start chanting for him to GTF. McCoist will look after No1 and make sure he gets every penny owed in his contract.

I agree 1000% with this mate. I think most do that look at the situation objectively -- i.e. WHY is he still here? The issue is -- as GOAT rightly posted -- he will go from an absolute hero to an absolute zero. That will destroy him and us in the long term. (Not the club mind.)

It appears that Ally cannot be saved from himself?

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"Why is it men like Wallace and Nash seem to be getting squeezed out whilst the likes of Easdale is preferred - surely that should set alarm bells ringing for us given the relevant curriculum vitaes of the respective parties."

Rather than wax lyrically would it not be better just getting to the point and producing some facts on such matters if that's your real concern

Wee drug dealers mates can spout pish and whip the uneducated within our support into a frenzy with a rumour ,you don't want to be like them do you? I know you discuss matters with that walloper Graham but there is absolutely no need to be like him or his kin.

Don't beat about the bush and give us the evidence.

Well in between my latest LSD trip I managed to read Bill McMurdo's latest blog....

If what I am told is correct, then Dave King has yet to provide proof of funds to those who champion his getting involved at the club. This includes Philip Nash and Graham Wallace.
I would expect that Philip Nash, Graham Wallace and possibly Norman Crighton may leave the scene, with sturdy replacements being appointed. It is my understanding that some shareholders are actually seriously considering calling for an EGM to effect dramatic change in boardroom personnel immediately.

But you are right...lets not be concerned, lets ignore the alarm bells, lets not learn any lessons from the Whyte period.

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"hidden the identity of investors"

That old chesnut.

That to keep the Blue Tims onside?

You could just have said Super is rather pish at managing our club rather than wasting 2 minutes of our lives. If you have a blog just post a link to the article instead of pasting it on here.


"hidden the identity of investors"

That old chesnut.

That to keep the Blue Tims onside?

You could just have said Super is rather pish at managing our club rather than wasting 2 minutes of our lives. If you have a blog just post a link to the article instead of pasting it on here.


Well you know what to do,don't read it (tu)
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This season can be compared to a crucial 90 minute match

The board need to substitute Ally as he is not performing

Do they do it now, in the first half?

That would be unusual and I can't see it happening

Do they do it at Christmas - half time as it were?

That would be the sensible option, especially as a new share issue may soften the financial blow

Or do they wait, like Ally normally does, until it's too late for the substitute to make any meaningful impact?

It's a big call but one that has to be made

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This season can be compared to a crucial 90 minute match

The board need to substitute Ally as he is not performing

Do they do it now, in the first half?

That would be unusual and I can't see it happening

Do they do it at Christmas - half time as it were?

That would be the sensible option, especially as a new share issue may soften the financial blow

Or do they wait, like Ally normally does, until it's too late for the substitute to make any meaningful impact?

It's a big call but one that has to be made

My fear Mr B is they take the Christmas option by which time it may well be too late.

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Well in between my latest LSD trip I managed to read Bill McMurdo's latest blog....

But you are right...lets not be concerned, lets ignore the alarm bells, lets not learn any lessons from the Whyte period.

Bill said" if what he is told is correct." Bill is saying he doesnt know if its true or not. Therfore there is no evidence as yet to suggest Wallace is being squeezed out. Their are to many gullible souls within our support so its best to deal in facts.
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Interesting that the club haven't backed Ally but can we afford to let them all go?

What do you think the reaction from the fans would be if Sandy Easdale came out and said McCoist had his full backing and that of the Board? :lol: :lol:

Come to think of it how would the Struths and the UoF react? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Interesting that the club haven't backed Ally but can we afford to let them all go?

You could give them all their notice and put them on gardening leave. You have the same monthly outgoings so its not a big financial impact.

You bring in a new management team and even if that costs you 400 k pa, by the end of the 2nd year you will have saved well over 0.5 million.

We can afford to get rid of Ally tomorrow.

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If the Board actually sent McCoist on leave just now. The increase in ticket sales could actually pay for the new manager over the rest of the season. in 12 months time we might have a team playing nice football and have a hefty chunk in the bank to boot.

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An excellent summation D'Art.

The nettle needs to be grasped - it's not a case of not being able to afford sacking the current management regime, we can't afford to keep them.

The 30k + crowd on Monday night will soon be plummet to under 10k given the product on display.

If Ally was the "real Rangers" man that he purports to be he would do the decent thing and fall on his sword.

On planet reality however he will hang on for dear life to his over inflated salary and wait for his pay off - then to run to his friends in the media to sell his story and soul as a precursor to his tell all book.

The man lives in his own little bubble and probably thinks he is doing a marvelous job - we as a support need to point out the truth to him.

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This season can be compared to a crucial 90 minute match

The board need to substitute Ally as he is not performing

Do they do it now, in the first half?

That would be unusual and I can't see it happening

Do they do it at Christmas - half time as it were?

That would be the sensible option, especially as a new share issue may soften the financial blow

Or do they wait, like Ally normally does, until it's too late for the substitute to make any meaningful impact?

It's a big call but one that has to be made

Ironically though; a substitution in the first half vs hibs was exactly what was needed.

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