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"We Don't Do Walking Away"


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A great speech, or one of the worst coined phrases in Rangers' History?

At the time when McCoist coined the "We Don't Do Walking Away" phrase, everyone thought it was brilliant, fantastic Ally, go on son. Now I fully believe it's one of the worst coined phrases in Rangers' history. A phrase that means our poor excuse for a Manager, now actually can't walk away, because it'd leave him red-faced after coining such a phrase, well that and the £425,000 a year obviously.

Is it just stubbornness that's stopping Ally from walking away? Or is He delusional and fully believes that he is doing a good job, that he can be the man to take Rangers forward?

I just don't understand, how a man that claims to love Rangers as much as he does, can't see that he's hurting the club by staying, that he's actually dragging us down, ruining everything that he once originally stood for, the only thing he is actually standing for now is that fucking shitey phrase "We Don't Do Walking Away..... for £425k"

Ally, you have to do walking away. For the good of Rangers, and for the good of yourself, because in years to come if you don't walk away, you will look back on this time of your life, that if you were doing a good job, should of been happy and enjoyable, with sadness and regret. Because failure to walk, will result in you being hounded.

It's sad to think that we could hound a "club legend" out of the club, but needs must. It's time to surrender Ally, or we're going to force you to.

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I cannot allow myself to forget how important that phrase was at the time. How it galvanised the support and summed up our feelings when we were in that desperate time. How much we were crying out for someone at the club to talk to us, keep us believing and how he was pretty much the only person doing it.

So, no, I won't allow petty things like cup ties to take away from it, I still remember how I felt during those dark days.

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I cannot allow myself to forget how important that phrase was at the time. How it galvanised the support and summed up our feelings when we were in that desperate time. How much we were crying out for someone at the club to talk to us, keep us believing and how he was pretty much the only person doing it.

So, no, I won't allow petty things like cup ties to take away from it, I still remember how I felt during those dark days.

100% this - when the chips were realy down and we needed leadership, guidance snd hope there really was only one man standing up for us and that was Ally!

From the rumours it was Ally that refused to cave during the whole fiasco of title stripping attempts.

We pride ourselves with our mottos of 'loyalty' and 'no surrender' but some of these things mean nothing to some, especially those who not only want him out but use vitriolic against him! The minimum he deserves is some respect!

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I honestly think he's staying in hope of a pay off.

Signing a contract for £800k+ a year shows that. I don't believe for a second that he says he didn't look at the wage. He was bought.

He knows the board can't afford it, so he's saying and picking up his wage. It is sickening. If the man had some decency he would have put his hands up and said I'm not the best man for the job.

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100% this - when the chips were realy down and we needed leadership, guidance snd hope there really was only one man standing up for us and that was Ally!

From the rumours it was Ally that refused to cave during the whole fiasco of title stripping attempts.

We pride ourselves with our mottos of 'loyalty' and 'no surrender' but some of these things mean nothing to some, especially those who not only want him out but use vitriolic against him! The minimum he deserves is some respect!

I have plenty of respect and affection for the player, but as a manager and as a person his character is very questionable.

Just so I know, when was the last time he showed the fans any sort of respect?

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100% this - when the chips were realy down and we needed leadership, guidance snd hope there really was only one man standing up for us and that was Ally!

From the rumours it was Ally that refused to cave during the whole fiasco of title stripping attempts.

We pride ourselves with our mottos of 'loyalty' and 'no surrender' but some of these things mean nothing to some, especially those who not only want him out but use vitriolic against him! The minimum he deserves is some respect!

I do honestly believe that the statement on the pitch that day did galvanise the support and aye he was the best man to be in place at that time, but times change and I would rather say "cheers Ally you did your best" than get to fuck your not cutting it and dragging us down.

Sometimes it doesn't matter about the respect you have for a certain individual in football it's all about what's right for the club and no one man is bigger than that including Ally.

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I do honestly believe that the statement on the pitch that day did galvanise the support and aye he was the best man to be in place at that time, but times change and I would rather say "cheers Ally you did your best" than get to fuck your not cutting it and dragging us down.

Sometimes it doesn't matter about the respect you have for a certain individual in football it's all about what's right for the club and no one man is bigger than that including Ally.

couldnt argue with this, he's had his chance and proved he's not up to the job. Sadly it's an expensive mistake we've made and will be paying for it for many years to come.
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I honestly think he's staying in hope of a pay off.

Signing a contract for £800k+ a year shows that. I don't believe for a second that he says he didn't look at the wage. He was bought.

He knows the board can't afford it, so he's saying and picking up his wage. It is sickening. If the man had some decency he would have put his hands up and said I'm not the best man for the job.

If he's just staying for the pay off, he really is just a spiv.

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I cannot allow myself to forget how important that phrase was at the time. How it galvanised the support and summed up our feelings when we were in that desperate time. How much we were crying out for someone at the club to talk to us, keep us believing and how he was pretty much the only person doing it.

So, no, I won't allow petty things like cup ties to take away from it, I still remember how I felt during those dark days.

Yes, because it's just cup ties that are the problem with McCoist's management.

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At the time he came out with that phrase it was in relation to him abandoning a sinking ship. He stayed which was fantastic, sticking up for us and starting us off on our journey back. But the further we climb the more obvious his failings as a manager. Time for him to put his hands up and say ' I tried my best but it's not workin, time for someone else to have a go.' Forever a legend, never a manager.

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Of course the clown won't walk away. This will be his last job in football so he will wait for his last paycheck becasue who else will be fucking dumb enough to give him another job in management. End of the season we will have to put up with him at least. Already the biggest joke in British football so lets see how much more he will degrade us.

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For me he didn't walk away when the club needed him and its support the most. If he leaves now it's under totally different circumstances as his limited ability has taken us as far as it can. The clubs future is uncertain but not on the scale it was in 2012 when he coined the phrase!! Do the right thing Ally and say games a bogey!!

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A great speech, or one of the worst coined phrases in Rangers' History?

At the time when McCoist coined the "We Don't Do Walking Away" phrase, everyone thought it was brilliant, fantastic Ally, go on son. Now I fully believe it's one of the worst coined phrases in Rangers' history. A phrase that means our poor excuse for a Manager, now actually can't walk away, because it'd leave him red-faced after coining such a phrase, well that and the £425,000 a year obviously.

Is it just stubbornness that's stopping Ally from walking away? Or is He delusional and fully believes that he is doing a good job, that he can be the man to take Rangers forward?

I just don't understand, how a man that claims to love Rangers as much as he does, can't see that he's hurting the club by staying, that he's actually dragging us down, ruining everything that he once originally stood for, the only thing he is actually standing for now is that fucking shitey phrase "We Don't Do Walking Away..... for £425k"

Ally, you have to do walking away. For the good of Rangers, and for the good of yourself, because in years to come if you don't walk away, you will look back on this time of your life, that if you were doing a good job, should of been happy and enjoyable, with sadness and regret. Because failure to walk, will result in you being hounded.

It's sad to think that we could hound a "club legend" out of the club, but needs must. It's time to surrender Ally, or we're going to force you to.

It may not sit well with many but he is taking the club to the gutter with his Managerial style and decision making .He has to go and be told so in no uncertain terms .
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For me he didn't walk away when the club needed him and its support the most. If he leaves now it's under totally different circumstances as his limited ability has taken us as far as it can. The clubs future is uncertain but not on the scale it was in 2012 when he coined the phrase!! Do the right thing Ally and say games a bogey!!

See outside this wee goldfish bowl ,not one person knows this phrase .It will be used to beat us with if Ally leaves but do you not think our rivals and haters have enough ammunition to last a life time with the total fuck up that Ally has made of his stewardship .
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I honestly think he's staying in hope of a pay off.

Signing a contract for £800k+ a year shows that. I don't believe for a second that he says he didn't look at the wage. He was bought.

He knows the board can't afford it, so he's saying and picking up his wage. It is sickening. If the man had some decency he would have put his hands up and said I'm not the best man for the job.

Or upped his performance & made it look like the team was run by a guy earning that amount of money.

If you'd swapped the jerseys, apart from a 20 minute spell, you'd have thought Alloa were Rangers, such was the tempo, movement & accuracy of their play.

For the money McCoist's paid, you'd expect at least the ability to give the players a bollocking - even that appears beneath our man.

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He said it as a fan.

And he said 'we' on behalf of all of us, to make sure that we, and the whole world, knew that the club would never die no matter what came from the admin process because we would all fight together to make sure that we lived on.

And people trying to use that against him should be ashamed.

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