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Ally is at it!


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He could buy the assets if we're in admin ? So my other point is he knows he is holding the club back by taking a pay off ? Why not just give it up as he is extremely wealthy and could afford to do so ?

the multi billionaires, and multi millionaires are holding the club back.pay ally his money get a new manager in and lets move forward.if they cant afford to pay out 750,000 pound to move us forward then is this really the people we want to run our club.
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the multi billionaires, and multi millionaires are holding the club back.pay ally his money get a new manager in and lets move forward.if they cant afford to pay out 750,000 pound to move us forward then is this really the people we want to run our club.

You do have a point and your right !
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they can afford it mate. ashley is worth about 4 billion ffs.easdales sold bus company for about 100 million blue pitch and margaritta by somers admission are very wealthy board members from overseas.they dont want to spend a penny,it is loans, or nothing and rangers cant afford to pay back loans.not in Scottish football.the only way Rangers made money in the past was from season tickets, shirt sales and other merchandise sales.but ashley now gives us less than a pound, for every 50pound shirt sold.so where is the money going to come from to pay back these loans that probs has murray park ibrox or another part of our clubs property secured on it.

You really love to do conjecture.

"About 4 billion", "about 100million", "less than a pound", "probs has murray park ibrox or another part of our clubs property secured on it".

You do NOT know, so you have a guess, a guess that is wrong.

2 points I would suggest to you are :-

1) When having a discussion or making an argument, get you're facts right or you will look a fool.

2) Your knowledge of the English language is somewhat limited, inasmuch as your Grammar and the use of Capitals is shocking.

We all know you are a member of the Union of Fannies, you're as thick as 2 short planks and easily led.

Further to being a member of the Union of Fannies, how dare you comment on the Clubs finances, when you idiots are the ones not giving the Club money.

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they can afford it mate. ashley is worth about 4 billion ffs.easdales sold bus company for about 100 million blue pitch and margaritta by somers admission are very wealthy board members from overseas.they dont want to spend a penny,it is loans, or nothing and rangers cant afford to pay back loans.not in Scottish football.the only way Rangers made money in the past was from season tickets, shirt sales and other merchandise sales.but ashley now gives us less than a pound, for every 50pound shirt sold.so where is the money going to come from to pay back these loans that probs has murray park ibrox or another part of our clubs property secured on it.

Re affording it, I hope it is the case & it's a matter of sorting out the structure, given the SFA's knock-back to MA.

Be a whole lot more comfortable if we can sort it through equity investment, instead of loans though.

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What a load of Butthurt here. Ally offered to work his notice. He was prepared to see this year through. The Board? (ha ha) thought they would be smart in paying him the clubs money to stay at home. Everyone in life is entitled to abide by a contract. The guy saw the terms of his contract out in every way. He may have manipulated his situation to get a result that suited him?........so what. Perfectly entitled to in a contract.

Let me know the next time you let your employer shit on you.

He took us through the divisions in the shittiest of times. We all knew this year would be the toughest so where is the surprise? You know the fans of Rangers sometimes sound similar to the whingeing press. Notice the Press having a field day again of course. Bad news is only ever what sells. Oh shock horror! You know what? <whisper> There is a chance that Rangers will not go up this year! Well whadyaknow? Whodathunk?

This is football, nothing taken for granted. When we are fit to go up, is when it will happen. Not just because we have wasted the second highest amount of money on players wages.

We might just get this right eventually if we don't all run away!

Why did he go public with the 12 months notice? What was his agenda ?

Ally is a very wealthy man and has earned that wealth mainly through our club.

No man is bigger than the club right? Well apparently not, apparently Ally is in some quarters.

Fuck him. He has turned is into a complete shambles on the park. Plenty on here seen the warning signs a long time ago.

PLG and Strachan walked away without getting what was due to them. He has ruined his reputation and will be seen as a money grabber by any future employers.

I genuinely think as well that he has an agenda. I wouldn't rule out Admin 2 with DK coming back then rehiring the fucking clown.

If he had the clubs best interest at heart he would walk away still a wealthy man.

I feel sick to the stomach the way some folk including KMCD talk about him as if he has died or was working in the trenches of Afghanistan for nothing. He was managing the greatest club in the world albeit under difficult circumstances biut not impossible.

In fact every board has allowed him to run riot there has been zero interference from them with on field matters.

Ally is a very clever man who might just be the biggest spiv of them all. I wouldn't trust him any more than the rest of them.

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well i hope he was fucking happy last night as the shambolic showing from a team that HE fucking built

The fat clown by the end of this season will have spent

21million on first team wages,

around 2.25million in managers wages

around 1.5mill in assistants wages

a reported 150k a year unaudited expenses account

an absolute fuck ton of penny shares

goodness knows what bonuses as well

free reign to do whatever he wanted with the first team

And what did the prick give us

2 part time league titles

No cups

No sellable assets bar macleod

and a team thats out of contract next summer, not good enough for the championship in scotland

let me put that into caps for you


Hearts and hibs combined will probably be spending our wage budget, our league record against them this season is

p4, w0, d0, l4 for 2 against 11

Now you tell me why he should get any sort of respect given we are stuck with kenny mcdowell the now because the fat grubber wants his 750k for doing fuck all

Didn't realise it was Ally that handed out the contracts and decided what wages to give the players.

Nice to know. (tu)

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Why did he go public with the 12 months notice? What was his agenda ?

Well we can guess? He had enough? He was looking after his well being? Do we know how he was feeling? Of course, millionaires don't have these problems ,right? Anxious, depressed, disillusioned? Nah.......you can't be? You have money right? So? these things don't exist.

Did he feel that his pound of flesh was due? He had taken cuts and after careful decision he felt that his money was due? I don't know. We all work for what we think we are worth. It is his right to do so too.

He won't be seen as any money grabber. Any future employers are smart enough to appreciate a guy who knows the value of a contract, as they do themselves when setting it up. I could easily afford to sell my car and not claim the tax disc back. Will I heck as like! So that the money can get wasted on whatever else? Maybe that is just what Ally was thinking. Ooops......conjecture.

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Didn't realise it was Ally that handed out the contracts and decided what wages to give the players.

Nice to know. (tu)

Didn't realise it was Ally that handed out the contracts and decided what wages to give the players.

Nice to know. (tu)

Take it you never seen what Kyle said then.

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Well we can guess? He had enough? He was looking after his well being? Do we know how he was feeling? Of course, millionaires don't have these problems ,right? Anxious, depressed, disillusioned? Nah.......you can't be? You have money right? So? these things don't exist.

Did he feel that his pound of flesh was due? He had taken cuts and after careful decision he felt that his money was due? I don't know. We all work for what we think we are worth. It is his right to do so too.

He won't be seen as any money grabber. Any future employers are smart enough to appreciate a guy who knows the value of a contract, as they do themselves when setting it up. I could easily afford to sell my car and not claim the tax disc back. Will I heck as like! So that the money can get wasted on whatever else? Maybe that is just what Ally was thinking. Ooops......conjecture.

For a guy who told us 'he never looked at the contract' and 'just signed' the piece of paper without knowing how much it was worth he certainly knows how to squeeze every last penny don't you think?

Stress? Anxiety? Really? You having a laugh ? What stress? Getting told by Green that your a dud after receiving a million pound in penny shares?

The guy has made a mug of us and appeals to the lower common denominator. Of course he read his contract and then some. Why fucking lie and insult our intelligence.

Any stress or anxiety he has has been brought on by his abysmal managent style and is totally self inflicted.

Fuck him! Rangers man my arse !

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For a guy who told us 'he never looked at the contract' and 'just signed' the piece of paper without knowing how much it was worth he certainly knows how to squeeze every last penny don't you think?

Stress? Anxiety? Really? You having a laugh ? What stress? Getting told by Green that your a dud after receiving a million pound in penny shares?

The guy has made a mug of us and appeals to the lower common denominator. Of course he read his contract and then some. Why fucking lie and insult our intelligence.

Any stress or anxiety he has has been brought on by his abysmal managent style and is totally self inflicted.

Fuck him! Rangers man my arse !

You're right there's been absolutely nothing going on at the club which could be viewed as stressful. Nope. Nothing at all.

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You're right there's been absolutely nothing going on at the club which could be viewed as stressful. Nope. Nothing at all.

Nothing to interfere with on the pitch. Did Ally ever turn up and players had been sold from under him? This is the reality for most managers in Scotland and they aren't getting paid anywhere near the ££££'s he is on.

Can you or anyone else give 1 example where the board past or present have done anything to interfere with on the field matters?

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Nothing to interfere with on the pitch. Did Ally ever turn up and players had been sold from under him? This is the reality for most managers in Scotland and they aren't getting paid anywhere near the ££££'s he is on.

Can you or anyone else give 1 example where the board past or present have done anything to interfere with on the field matters?

Don't waste your time mate. He just wants to point score.

I agree with you btw

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Nothing to interfere with on the pitch. Did Ally ever turn up and players had been sold from under him? This is the reality for most managers in Scotland and they aren't getting paid anywhere near the ££££'s he is on.

Can you or anyone else give 1 example where the board past or present have done anything to interfere with on the field matters?

Roland Juhacz

Neil Alexanders contract dispute

The signing of Seastien Faure (allegedly)

Putting the company into administration.

Continued stories about the club being unable to meet payroll. (and the clubs admittance it doesn't have the funds to survive the season)

Leaking McCoist's resignation.

There's 6. I'm sure if I wasn't lying in bed hungover I'd have the inclination to find more.

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Didn't realise it was Ally that handed out the contracts and decided what wages to give the players.

Nice to know. (tu)

no but ally chose the players, he decided to go for SPL players who needed an extra wage bump to drop 3 or 2 divisions, ally shat it from plumbers and postmen and decided he needed international capped players and SPL full time professionals to scrape by them, and even then he made a rip roaring cunt of it at times

Plus if Kevin Kyle is to be believed then Ally had some say in wage negotiations

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no but ally chose the players, he decided to go for SPL players who needed an extra wage bump to drop 3 or 2 divisions, ally shat it from plumbers and postmen and decided he needed international capped players and SPL full time professionals to scrape by them, and even then he made a rip roaring cunt of it at times

Plus if Kevin Kyle is to be believed then Ally had some say in wage negotiations

If Kevin Kyle was to believed McCoists training was of a high standard.

The players we signed were nothing at all to do with the need to keep season tickets being sold. I'm sure we'd have had full houses every week to watch a team full of kids.

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Hibs have an U23 team? Thats quite odd. Nobody plays U23 football in Scotland.

not far away actually

Okley aged 24

Gray aged 26

Hanlon aged 24

Fontaine aged 28

Stevenson aged 26

Allan aged 23

Robertson aged 29

Craig aged 28

Handling aged 20

Cummings aged 19

Malonga aged 25

subs used

booth aged 23

kennedy aged 20

stanton aged 20

average age is just under 24 years old

shall i list our players used and the average age, i think i will

Simonsen aged 35

Foster aged 29

Mcgregor aged 29

McCulloch aged 36

Wallace aged 27

Aird aged 19

Black aged 29

Law aged 26

Smith aged 29

Clark aged 23

Miller aged 35

subs used

Hutton aged 23

Boyd aged 31

Shiels aged 29

average age 28 and a half years old, hibs didnt have one single player over the age of 30, 11 of their players are all aged under our average age and they didnt just play us off the park, they made it look like we were part time amateurs

shall we have a look at the ages of the hearts team and hell even the QotS teams?

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The players we signed were nothing at all to do with the need to keep season tickets being sold. I'm sure we'd have had full houses every week to watch a team full of kids.

so the big wage SPL stars have kept the arses on seats have they?

if we had a stadium with 17k in it, at least the kids on under a grand a week would be affordable, and probably play better

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You can bet your life that Ally's Lawer looked at the contract previously. When you trust your Lawyer and financial advisor, maybe you do just sign, knowing that it has been perused and there is nothing to worry about. I would not take his statement of signing as literal. That is Lawyers are paid to do. Ally don't do his own house conveyancing like...

No stress? What an imaginary world. Like working for a company and simply thinking the owners "have got it easy". Yeah, only the workers have stress. Them management?.........not a care in the world. Is that why David Moyes looked like he needed a few pints of blood when in MUT job?

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