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When our beloved club was forced into adversity you would have thought our friends (loosely) would show their true colours (they did)!!!

Well we have learnt that we have none within the SPFL, SFA, SMSM and within the current political climate, however they calmer for the blue pond and/or to castigate anything Rangers and our Protestant ethic.

For me and I am sure for all Rangers this has been a difficult time, however it stirred something deep in me, a resolve that I did not know or have felt before, No Surrender became real to me (I know it's a bit of a cliché').

I have been troubled by all the previous agitation between previous regimes and I include how King has gone about gaining control, however recently I now see hope that Ranger are back on a familiar path and are beginning to instil the traditions that has gone before a belief in and devotion to hard work, duty, thrift, self-discipline, and responsibility.


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Brilliant peice d'art,your contributions to the board are always top class!

Your right in that we should remember these dark days of the last few years (which incidentally been my 9yr olds first few years attending games)because when the good times return we shall all enjoy them even more!

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As ever, D'Art.
I'm a big pond away and it's hard to get the next generations involved. My son after a few 15-yr old malts ( never had a 43-yr old scotch ) has re-connected and is back in the fold ( mind you he was born in Bridgeton ). The grandson is a different problem, his head is full of Honda ( A.C. Milan ), Messi and Ronaldo. However, I did get him interested in Fraser Aird ( I know , but he is from Canada - whatever works, eh?).
Next year I'm bringing him to Ibrox to see the world's leader in major domestic trophies ( a guy has to be creative ). No Surrender.

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That was very stirring stuff D'art. I was holding back the tears towards the end there.

Our club nearly died, the haters would've loved that, but, from adversity grows strength, and we are stronger as one, we will meet our enemies head on, and with our heads held high, because we saw the Grim Reaper, he came for our club, and we sent him home with his tail between his legs, and the cries of No Surrender, ringing in his ears, for We Are The People!

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As ever, a great read read D !

The sentiment behind the tale is vitally important and many on here, from both camps, would be wise to read this and understand the importance of your words.

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For our club to come from such a wee country it never ceases to amaze me when I recall our pilgrimage to Manchester. We'll never know how many travelled that day but though I never take being a bear for granted that was the day I cherish most because we were at our best and what a force we are . Though the streets be broad or narrow



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We really need to move on in order to effectively tackle the real enemies of our club. We need to overcome the angst of “boycotter” versus “non boycotter” and recognise ourselves as one support with different viewpoints who all had the best interests of the club at heart. Because believe you me neither the boycotter nor the non-boycotter would wish to see our club dead. But our enemies would.

I think the above passage in your piece when you highlight the importance of unity moving forward is most important Dart in the coming seasons,whilst supporters with opposing views have understandably found it hard to reconcile their differences at some point all the different fans groups,forums,etc have to stop being "rival" groups and return to being just Rangers fans unified in the cause of Rangers.

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