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A Ruth Dudley Edwards Far Right Hook


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It would seem that a Ruth Dudley Edwards “punchline” has left Phil - The Failed Journalist dazed and on the canvas, if his latest offering in the Belfast Telegraph is anything to go by. It prompted the latter to lay out his credentials and qualifications for Irish citizenship followed by the inevitable low blow towards the Rangers support which we are all too familiar with:

I would point out to Ms Dudley Edwards that it is the job of journalists to prise open cracks and let in the light.

Moreover, it is my intention to continue to do that, whether I am writing about the fascist underclass who gather at Ibrox, or the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Well let’s prise open Phil’s crack and see what kind of light pours in.

It could be that the bhoy Phil has been writing about Rangers for so long that he has committed the cardinal sin and forgotten the history, but there is a certain irony when you mix together his claims of nationhood and his accusations against the Rangers support.

A terse paragraph in the Irish national dailies on 3 May 1945 started the avalanche of international protest. Under the heading ‘People and Places’, the Fianna Fáil-backed Irish Press reported laconically that the Taoiseach and Minister for External Affairs, Éamon de Valera, accompanied by the Secretary of External Affairs, Joseph Walshe, ‘called on Dr Hempel, the German minister, last evening, to express his condolences’. The condolences were for Hitler who had committed suicide on 30 April.

He certainly got something right in that article – “History remembered is a weapon and sometimes in history it has been the time for weaponry”

Of course the thousands of Scots and Ulstermen who gathered at Ibrox on Saturday to cheer Rangers onto their 10th straight win can claim their own line of ancestry. I doubt very much there would be one amongst them whose distant relatives were not affected by the Clydebank or Belfast Blitz. As a support we are only too well aware of the product and consequences of fascist regimes.

It’s a support who cherishes our armed forces, well evidenced by our celebration of Armed Forces Day, an event we all know Mr - The Failed Journalist pays particular attention to. Had his square mile source been operating at full capacity perhaps he would have caught this expression of support for a fascist regime amongst Scotland’s football support.


It is vitally important we recognise that neither of the foregoing weapons of history are reflective of the Irish people nor the majority of the Celtic support, and attempting to stereotype or demonise a whole group of people accordingly should remain the exclusivity of the preachers of hatred.

Their “sermon” is based on carefully manipulated selection and omission – I’m sure Joseph Goebbels would be extremely proud of them.

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It would seem that a Ruth Dudley Edwards “punchline” has left Phil - The Failed Journalist dazed and on the canvas, if his latest offering in the Belfast Telegraph is anything to go by. It prompted the latter to lay out his credentials and qualifications for Irish citizenship followed by the inevitable low blow towards the Rangers support which we are all too familiar with:

I would point out to Ms Dudley Edwards that it is the job of journalists to prise open cracks and let in the light.

Moreover, it is my intention to continue to do that, whether I am writing about the fascist underclass who gather at Ibrox, or the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Well let’s prise open Phil’s crack and see what kind of light pours in.

It could be that the bhoy Phil has been writing about Rangers for so long that he has committed the cardinal sin and forgotten the history, but there is a certain irony when you mix together his claims of nationhood and his accusations against the Rangers support.

A terse paragraph in the Irish national dailies on 3 May 1945 started the avalanche of international protest. Under the heading ‘People and Places’, the Fianna Fáil-backed Irish Press reported laconically that the Taoiseach and Minister for External Affairs, Éamon de Valera, accompanied by the Secretary of External Affairs, Joseph Walshe, ‘called on Dr Hempel, the German minister, last evening, to express his condolences’. The condolences were for Hitler who had committed suicide on 30 April.

He certainly got something right in that article – “History remembered is a weapon and sometimes in history it has been the time for weaponry”

Of course the thousands of Scots and Ulstermen who gathered at Ibrox on Saturday to cheer Rangers onto their 10th straight win can claim their own line of ancestry. I doubt very much there would be one amongst them whose distant relatives were not affected by the Clydebank or Belfast Blitz. As a support we are only too well aware of the product and consequences of fascist regimes.

It’s a support who cherishes our armed forces, well evidenced by our celebration of Armed Forces Day, an event we all know Mr - The Failed Journalist pays particular attention to. Had his square mile source been operating at full capacity perhaps he would have caught this expression of support for a fascist regime amongst Scotland’s football support.


It is vitally important we recognise that neither of the foregoing weapons of history are reflective of the Irish people nor the majority of the Celtic support, and attempting to stereotype or demonise a whole group of people accordingly should remain the exclusivity of the preachers of hatred.

Their “sermon” is based on carefully manipulated selection and omission – I’m sure Joseph Goebbels would be extremely proud of them.

" Well let’s prise open Phil’s crack and see what kind of light pours in."

I am 100% positive that if anybody prised open Phil's crack; all they would get is shite identical as to what comes out his mouth. :pipe:

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I would echo the sentiments in the closing paragraph, however it hasn't gone unnoticed that the preachers of hate you speak of have had an increasingly louder voice in recent years directing all manor of poisonous crap in our direction. With this in mind I believe it's equally important we do our utmost to silence that voice by shouting the name of our great club from the rooftops at every opportunity!

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The problem is some national publications are not starving him.

The Guardian gave him a piece a few years back. The Guardian readership saw through him right away and fucking destroyed him in the comment section. Never worked for them since. Are they giving him oxygen or a rope?

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The Guardian gave him a piece a few years back. The Guardian readership saw through him right away and fucking destroyed him in the comment section. Never worked for them since. Are they giving him oxygen or a rope?

Thats not his first exposure GMac in the Belfast Telegraph


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Do we have a link to his tripe in the BT?

This is what he wrote.

I was rather puzzled to be the punchline of a piece by Ruth Dudley Edwards in this newspaper (DebateNI, October 5). She was taking Jeremy Corbyn and the SNP's Kenny MacAskill to task for their alleged "...ignorance and eejitry..." regarding 1916 and James Connolly.

I do not know Ms Dudley Edwards and she certainly does not know me. She is free to have an opinion about my opinions, but facts are sacred.

The "Scotsman", as she dubs me, is an Irish citizen and, like the Irishman from Edinburgh who injected social justice into the Proclamation, being Irish means rather a lot to me.

The United Nations recognises my nationality and in post-Agreement Northern Ireland the atavistic impulse to impose an identity that doesn't fit should be left in the Troubled past.

History remembered is a weapon and sometimes in history it has been the time for weaponry. We are now in the middle of the decade of centenaries on this island.

Across Ireland and throughout the world, the sentiments of Connolly still resonate with millions.

As the flag protests wore on, I came to the conclusion that the protesting Ulster Scots were vigorously authorising all of my harshest assessments of them.

Moreover, I believe that the analogy of the "poor whites in the Deep South" is apposite.

Rather than being "...skilful in the dark art of winding up the Prods..." my very existence appears to incense some of the chaps that Ms Dudley Edwards frets about.

My journalism on the death of Rangers and the ongoing troubles of the new club at Ibrox continue to attract opprobrium to myself, but also to colleagues.

This has led to police investigations, personal security advice from them and one Rangers chap in Scotland receiving six months in prison for threatening my book editor, Ms Angela Haggerty.

I would point out to Ms Dudley Edwards that it is the job of journalists to prise open cracks and let in the light.

Moreover, it is my intention to continue to do that, whether I am writing about the fascist underclass who gather at Ibrox, or the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

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Honestly, this world would be a far better place if people worried less about the past and tribal posturing and instead focused on the future. Religion served a purpose in the Dark Ages, surely as a species we can remove the shackles of dogma and move forward?

I find it difficult to engage with someone who has borderline fanaticism about a deity and even less so those who use such views to feel smug and righteous over others.

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I know I shouldn't let it but this actually has my blood boiling. My Protestant blood to be exact!

We have a choice Jinty - we can either respond to it, as I have done, or ignore it. There are plenty of wallopers out there printing similar garbage on the net.

But this is a guy who proudly waves his NUJ card, writes in MSM, is recommened reading by those in MSM and has been nominated for blogging awards - hence why I make that distinction with him.

Experience over the last 20 years should tell us that dignified silence is an incompetent strategy for tackling such lies and hatred towards our support and club.

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Thats not his first exposure GMac in the Belfast Telegraph


"We would like to thank our members for bringing the article to our attention and we are confident that they will not have to endure Mr MacGiollabhain's work appearing in the Belfast Telegraph again."

So much for that claim by the RST.

The thing with guys like Phil 3Names is that he thrives off controversy....so any attention given just feeds his ego.

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