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3 Coming In On Jan


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Was in Bar 72 today with Kenny Millers next door neighbour - was a guest of Southdowns so it's legit - from Millers mouth we have 3 coming in

Also Miller says he knows our fans can be ratty and doesn't blame them at times but all the teams he's been in he's never seen harmony and togetherness like this and thinks we are working towards something special

Take it or leave it - just sharing

How would Miller know who we are signing?

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How would Miller know who we are signing?

Miller needs to know, as he can then tell his neighbour. His neighbour can then tell some random bloke in pub who thinks he's an important source of information. Bloke in pub can then tell everyone else who we are signing. Please keep up. ;):D

All we need is confirmation from Lee Wallace's neighbour and it's a done deal.

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Was in Bar 72 today with Kenny Millers next door neighbour - was a guest of Southdowns so it's legit - from Millers mouth we have 3 coming in

Also Miller says he knows our fans can be ratty and doesn't blame them at times but all the teams he's been in he's never seen harmony and togetherness like this and thinks we are working towards something special

Take it or leave it - just sharing

Coming from you that is something special
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How would Miller know who we are signing?

Just a hunch the fact that he sees or talks to Warburton every day - I'd like to think he knows something

You the guy that tried to tell me Bobby Russell never married a Catholic and I proved you wrong

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Just a hunch the fact that he sees or talks to Warburton every day - I'd like to think he knows something

You the guy that tried to tell me Bobby Russell never married a Catholic and I proved you wrong

Surely you don't believe the manager tells players who he is singing? :)

No you said she was a tarrier, I said she wasn't. She is Catholic, there's a difference. Says everything that you think it's an issue.

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Surely you don't believe the manager tells players who he is singing? :)

No you said she was a tarrier, I said she wasn't. She is Catholic, there's a difference. Says everything that you think it's an issue.

Erm no I made it clear it was a catholic and you still denied it

It's not a problem for me either way who marries Catholics/tarriers just thought it was good you were so sure then proved wrong :lol:

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Erm no I made it clear it was a catholic and you still denied it

It's not a problem for me either way who marries Catholics/tarriers just thought it was good you were so sure then proved wrong :lol:

Seriously you're making this up as you go along. I've known her for over 20 years so well aware what religion she is. It was also well known back in the day what her religion was so that's not a mistalke anyone could make.

Kenny Miller knows who we are signing :)

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Seriously you're making this up as you go along. I've known her for over 20 years so well aware what religion she is. It was also well known back in the day what her religion was so that's not a mistalke anyone could make.

Kenny Miller knows who we are signing :)

Sounding desperate there - you thought you were smart and I proved you wrong and you've been back tracking since - it's cool D - I don't hold it against you - we are all wrong sometimes :)

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Sounding desperate there - you thought you were smart and I proved you wrong and you've been back tracking since - it's cool D - I don't hold it against you - we are all wrong sometimes :)

I'm giving you facts, you don't like them :)

A true Rangers man would know her religion was known when he played for Rangers

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I'm giving you facts, you don't like them :)

A true Rangers man would know her religion was known when he played for Rangers

Erm no - when proven wrong you backtracked and tried to tie me up in semantics about how tarrier and catholic are different when it suits

You know fine well the context it was used in was catholic considering he had just married a catholic abd objected to a flute band at a Rangers supporters function he was at

That's the facts

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Straight from the horses mouth then,we're definitely getting three, maybe two from Accrington, maybe 2 from Fleetwood, maybe two from fuck knows, and another definite one who is either Vlad or Harry.

Can just see the papers running with that tomorrow. :D

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I bet you 'Kenny Miller's Neighbour' is sitting in his wee flat in Yoker laughing his cock off at how many pints he got bought on the back of his transfer stories.

He now can't wait until the Cowdenbeath game when he'll be appearing as Nicky Law's car valeter.

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