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Snuck into Hampden


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1 hour ago, BLUEDIGNITY said:

Brilliant, show us the pics bud! :sherlock:

I will post one on this thread tomorrow night. I'm sure I took a picture of my leather bound folder lying under the hampden seats. Left my phone at my old boys but going there tomorrow night after work 

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Hahahaha class story mate 

I remember you posting on Saturday about your plan if you didnt get a ticket and wondered what you were gonna try 

Fair play to you for having the bottle to carry it through 

My plan was slightly different and after a few folk laughing at me and a few silly looks i managed to sort a ticket outside hampden 

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On 19 April 2016 at 10:28 PM, ChesterPerry said:

Heres the story for the boys that were asking in the ticket section

Now before anybody starts, I know it is immature, but when you've got 2 STs unsuccessful in the ballot, went to every cup game including Rugby park - it's a bit frustrating when you're going to miss the biggest game of the season out of pot luck.

I tried & tried & tried other ways & means for a ticket but was getting nowhere. So a couple of weeks ago I started to build a back-up plan. A few of the boys on here had been asking to hear it beforehand but I had to keep a lid on it in case anyone at Hampden or my work got wind of it.

Some of you already know where I work or what industry but I will leave it to guesswork in this post if I can - I was back at work today and so far haven't been caught.

As I said the preparations started a couple of weeks ago and involved numerous "props" I'll call them. Doctored emails from SFA employees, clip boards etc. that kind of thing.

The morning started like any other Old Firm morning of old, except this time I was ironing shirt, tie & trousers rather than my usual jeans & polo. Was looking fuckin razor sharp and I set off out into the sun about 8.45am, walking down the road with a half bottle in my pocket and a spring in my step. As I continued walking towards the station I heard the sound of a flute band playing Here Lies a Soldier, was coming from a random house on the street "Fuckin yas" I said to myself, got me gee'd right up for the day ahead.

Got to the station and I had to wait half an hour for a train. I wasn't gonny do anything for that half hour but worry myself about whether my plan to get in would work or not, so I jumped in a taxi to Glasgow Central and then a train to Mt Florida on which I polished off my half bottle.

Having arrived at Mt Florida I bumped into 3 bears from Prestonpans, one of them I remember called Calvin, and after finding out they had no spares I told them about my plan. We carried on down past the florida park and towards a carryout shop for opening at 10.

Another half bottle purchased, though I knew I had to be compos mentis for my entrance into Hampden but I suppose the nerves were getting the better of me. Anyway, me and the Prestonpans boys were getting a good laugh up a wee side lane with our cargos and were soon joined by a couple of other bears from Renfrew & Baillieston.

They all thought I was daft and/or mental and I suppose so did I, but fuck it, I was there, I'd got taxis & trains up to Hampden, was too late to back out and the plans born out of frustrations were going to be carried out regardless. That wine makes you invincible anyway lol.

Carry outs finished we headed towards Hampden for the game. Initially my plan was to blag my way in to Hospitality - to do so I had got a pal of mine who is a graphic designer to make up a mock email from an SFA employee. 

It read something like:

I carried this in a leather bound folder along with other bits of riff raff, papers etc. Anything to make myself look legit.

Anyway, as I got myself round to the front entrance the steps were packed with people waiting to get in. Stewards at the top checking tickets before even the doors. "Here we go" I said. Showed the first steward my work pass and he let me by, leather folder under my arm. Got to another steward and for whatever reason I shat out of showing him the dodgy email and said "where's the press entrance bud?" showing my work pass again.

"Just round there at the side of the main entrance" said he.

"Fuckin jackpot" I thought to myself. "I'm in"

That "fuckin jackpot" soon turned into "fuckin bastard" as I walked through the door and there was a male & female steward standing behind a table, upon which sat a box of envelopes with names on them. Now I sell adverts for a living, I'm the furthest removed thing from a football writer youll see in your life but by this time I was committed, what was I gonny do, turn & bolt?

"Fuck it" showed the guy my work pass and he starts digging through the envelopes trying to match my name with one of them. "Nope canny find you here".

At this point it was all or nothing... "Has such & such or such & such came in yet" Just a couple of names that I thought would have been there in the press area

"Aye he's come in, come round and we'll find him" so I follow him round and Im thinking, if these 2 names I've just said actually meet me, not only will I get papped out but I'll no have my work to go to on Tuesday. But of course I was a bottle of wine to the good and having gotten so far brimming with confidence.

So we saunter round the corner into what seemed like either a restaurant or just a foyer/milling area. Small round tables with white tablecloths draped on them. Media folk everywhere. I dare not look to see if I recognised any of them and just dipped my head before saying to the steward "excuse me bud I'll need to nip to the toilet I'll catch up with you and such & such in a minute" to my surprise this didnt seem to bother the guy.

Off I dart into the toilet, still keeping the head down and straight into a cubical. Sat on the pan with my trousers still up at my waist for the next ten minutes half blootered taking daft videos and selfies of myself. For whatever reason when I got into the toilet, all the nerves etc. had fucked off and I was in a merry mindset.

So after some time passes I think "right lets go". Head out the cubical and at this point im gallus as fuck washing my hands and that "Im meant to be here" Im saying to myself lol. Anyway, just as I'm leaving the toilet theres a crowd of about 3 or 4 people walking past and through a set of doors. So i just tag on to the back of them and enter again what seems like another foyer area. Then onto another set of doors. Where am i? The fuckin concourse at the rangers end of the south stand haha. Not believing my luck I head for the first exit into the stands I see and down the stairs.

I was near enough right under the control room of hampden and I was in two minds whether to jump the wee barrier bit and disappear into the west stand. 

For whatever reason I stayed where I was, looking back up the stairs I'd come down to make sure there was no angry lookin stewards coming to huckle me.

Turned around at one point maybe about 10 mins before kick off and who do I see coming down towards me grinning like a cheshire cat? Big fuckin calvin fae prestonpans lol!! What a laugh honestly!! I've tried to add him on facebook.

And what a day it was, genuinely one of the best days of my life ever following Rangers, up there wi Manchester easy.

I'm readin this back howling wi laughter it sounds so far fetched but I promise you every word is 100% the truth.

What a day!




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I remember a story from my trip to strum Graz a bear made it through the main entrance and onto the pitchside with the team Karl power style (if you don't know who he is look it up) just because he was wearing the same tracksuit, but he couldn't get into the stands because there was a big drop between pitch and the fans. 

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On 20 April 2016 at 10:44 PM, GovanFrontSince96 said:

Good read mate! Did some Bears not do this sort of trick at the San Siro against Inter about 10 years ago when fans were banned from the game?


On 21 April 2016 at 10:08 PM, pcbear said:

Well done mate, no cheek no chance, I think some bears did something similar in a closed doors European away tie v Inter, I don't quite remember the details maybe someone on here remembers.

Several claimed to be press and got in then started singing TBB :lol:

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Was so much easier in the old days when you just bunged 10 bob to the guy at the turnstyle as you did the double shuffle (two at a time).

There were officially 122.714 at my first Rangers-cellic game, the cup final 0f 73, would guarntee the real atTendance was closer to 140,0000.


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On ‎20‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 10:44 PM, GovanFrontSince96 said:

Good read mate! Did some Bears not do this sort of trick at the San Siro against Inter about 10 years ago when fans were banned from the game?

Remember this, supposedly pretended to be press. Think I heard them singing too :lol:

Know a boy who's a Leeds supporter and he said it was the same at Elland Road when we put them out. Little groups of Bears going nuts all around the stadium. Don't know if it would be possible to keep our lot out. My favourite was the Villarreal game when our support took over the stadium. I'm biased but there is plenty of objective evidence to suggest that there really isn't many clubs like the Glasgow Rangers :uk:

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On ‎21‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 6:50 PM, sherwood bear said:

Hahahaha class story mate 

I remember you posting on Saturday about your plan if you didnt get a ticket and wondered what you were gonna try 

Fair play to you for having the bottle to carry it through 

My plan was slightly different and after a few folk laughing at me and a few silly looks i managed to sort a ticket outside hampden 

How did you manage to sort out a ticket mate?

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1 hour ago, William McBeath said:

Remember this, supposedly pretended to be press. Think I heard them singing too :lol:

Know a boy who's a Leeds supporter and he said it was the same at Elland Road when we put them out. Little groups of Bears going nuts all around the stadium. Don't know if it would be possible to keep our lot out. My favourite was the Villarreal game when our support took over the stadium. I'm biased but there is plenty of objective evidence to suggest that there really isn't many clubs like the Glasgow Rangers :uk:

I was thinking about the number of Bears in Villareal when I was watching Liverpool play there the other night. 

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5 minutes ago, harlands plater said:

I was thinking about the number of Bears in Villareal when I was watching Liverpool play there the other night. 

Never really keep up with football apart from us mate but was it well less than us? I suppose with the money it's more normal to them but I'd bet on us to turn up anywhere in greater numbers than just about any club for a big game. Although I Liverpool are different in that they did so well before the new money albeit with lots of our players. Has there been an English team win in Europe without Scottish players? I just wonder because now that we don't have an abundance of great players I often wonder how many continental trophies we could have won.

I'm a nobody as a Rangers supporter but attend ten times as many games as most Liverpool, Man U, and Man City supporters where I live despite being within an hour of all three stadiums. I worry that we are declining because of the promotion of TV leagues because I used to see Rangers strips all the time in England before it changed. Our image was great down here in the 90s and believe it or not but it was a common debate whether Man U were bigger than us. I mean this without my input. You would hear other supporters using our name in pubs just to get it up that lot :lol:

I believe most of these clubs have not really grown that much despite all the media and supporter talk. United and Madrid's shirt sales are not much over one million despite all the TV promotion. Massive really but if you live down here you would know its not so much compared to how far behind we seem. I think we used to compete with Man United before all the Sky hype. I say it's not as much as you would believe because fans through here actually argue about this shit as much as football results. It's a bit mad, last year it was who would build the biggest stadium and this year it seems to be who has the most hundreds of millions of fans in Asia or Africa. It is a bit crazy and I hope our club never becomes as plastic as this shit. It's ruined the authenticity of the English game if you ask me but I do wonder where it leaves Rangers.

What do you think? Do good clubs like ours need to join this commercial shit to stay relevant? Will we become a 20,000 a fortnight club without access to the star players and competition. It actually amazes me that we have such decent attendances despite the lack of competition in our league but if you google Rangers and move through the results you soon come across English football forums with Scots supporting teams as far afield as London. Sadly some of the weasels say they never supported the Glasgow clubs because of sectarianism. I think we are buffered from it a bit by being Scottish but it is not far away to travel to the odd game and kid on it is your club so I worry. Also had something I heard being confirmed on here that we are in decline in Northern Ireland. We need to somehow fight against this but I do not know how.

Sorry mate, had a few vodkas and just seen that I'm way off topic :lol:

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Aye it was me who posted on that subreddit. Its dedicated to different confidence cons so id been on there asking for some tips a couple of weeks ago.

One guy messaged me and said hed snuck into hampden for an AC/DC concert lol.

It got cross posted to the glasgow subreddit where a few thought id made it up. Canny seem to post on there for the pictures.

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Aye well done :clap:...but....

The best crimes are the ones no-one ever finds out about... so if you'd done this a few times everyone would have thought your were part of the Press Crew - they'd have started bringing you Moet at halftime , the works!

Now you're fucked... :wink:


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