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Hillsborough: Verdict on 96 deaths to follow


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I remember sitting on our supporters bus in the scheme where the velodrome is now , it was surreal as the news was breaking and our poor semi final display was forgotten about as most of us realized that disaster could've happened to us at any of the shit holes we were herded into . The subsequent lies , innuendo and cover ups that the families have had to fight to get the truth shows the contempt that the authorities had for ordinary football fans at that time . Hopefully the friends and families of the 96 get the justice that their long and dignified campaign deserves.

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It has taken a long time (27 Years) to get the verdict that the Families have fought so hard for. The cover up and the smokescreens have been removed at long last.

On the day that this horrific incident took place Rangers were playing St Johnstone in the Scottish Cup Semi Final at the piggery. For weeks leading upto the game it was an almost constant chant at Ibrox and at other away games for The Bears to sing.."Were gonna sing the Sash in the jungle..!!"..On the day of the match with my "jungle end" ticket in hand we headed off to do just that..We were however very surprised that the majority of Rangers fans were instead herded into the end behind the goal..This lead to a bit of frustration and some anger that we might not get to do what we had been looking forward to for weeks..A large group of Bears made our way over to a big iron gate that was closed barring our way into the so called jungle end..

Various bursts of songs and the "bouncey" kept us occupied until rather foolishly some Steward opened a door of no more that 2 men wide into the end we all wanted to get into..A rush of bodies ensued and within seconds a crush began to occur, This crush only stopped after a few Bears opened the main gate despite the Police trying to stop them..We all just laughed it off and went into the jungle to do exactly what we had always intended..And we SASHED IT UP... In no way am I trying to cast dispersion's on anyone here,(the steward may have been told to open the door..!!??).. nor am I drawing any direct comparisons between what happened at Hillsborough to what could well have befallen a few Bears that day..But I for one will remember the silence and the empty feeling that came over the group of friends I was with that day when we got into the bookies in Bridgeton to watch the footage after Rangers had played out a drab 0-0 draw..

Our post match swallay was somber that day but I will always be grateful for the quick thinking actions of a few Bears that prevented injury to many and who knows what the outcome could have been..I attended the replay with an Uncle and my Dad and Rangers made short work of the men from Perth that night..After an impeccable minutes silence that was observed. For what remains a truly awful thing that Football Supporters went to see a game of Football and never made it home..

Of course the east end mhob jumped right in with the "never walk alone" fundraising game and attempted to hijack the grief and make links with the Liverpool Support. Alas we didn't have this forum and other related information outlets to inform the World of what could have happened at the piggery...I have swapped a few texts with mates that where with me at that match and we all have our opinions and we all agree that we and a good few Bears were lucky that day... 

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From fans robbing each other and pissing on bodies on the ground at the time (as reported in the press), let's not forget the murderers chants for the last 27 years, to the police censoring documents to stop pertinent information being released this is finally a day where the families of the 96 can get some respite and not have to fight any more. They have fought with dignity and prevailed in the end, there may be prosecutions in the future or not but at least the families now have some peace.



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51 minutes ago, Malvern said:

From fans robbing each other and pissing on bodies on the ground at the time (as reported in the press), let's not forget the murderers chants for the last 27 years, to the police censoring documents to stop pertinent information being released this is finally a day where the families of the 96 can get some respite and not have to fight any more. They have fought with dignity and prevailed in the end, there may be prosecutions in the future or not but at least the families now have some peace.



Murderers is chanted due Heysel is it not?

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2 hours ago, TEFTONG said:

It has taken a long time (27 Years) to get the verdict that the Families have fought so hard for. The cover up and the smokescreens have been removed at long last.

On the day that this horrific incident took place Rangers were playing St Johnstone in the Scottish Cup Semi Final at the piggery. For weeks leading upto the game it was an almost constant chant at Ibrox and at other away games for The Bears to sing.."Were gonna sing the Sash in the jungle..!!"..On the day of the match with my "jungle end" ticket in hand we headed off to do just that..We were however very surprised that the majority of Rangers fans were instead herded into the end behind the goal..This lead to a bit of frustration and some anger that we might not get to do what we had been looking forward to for weeks..A large group of Bears made our way over to a big iron gate that was closed barring our way into the so called jungle end..

Various bursts of songs and the "bouncey" kept us occupied until rather foolishly some Steward opened a door of no more that 2 men wide into the end we all wanted to get into..A rush of bodies ensued and within seconds a crush began to occur, This crush only stopped after a few Bears opened the main gate despite the Police trying to stop them..We all just laughed it off and went into the jungle to do exactly what we had always intended..And we SASHED IT UP... In no way am I trying to cast dispersion's on anyone here,(the steward may have been told to open the door..!!??).. nor am I drawing any direct comparisons between what happened at Hillsborough to what could well have befallen a few Bears that day..But I for one will remember the silence and the empty feeling that came over the group of friends I was with that day when we got into the bookies in Bridgeton to watch the footage after Rangers had played out a drab 0-0 draw..

Our post match swallay was somber that day but I will always be grateful for the quick thinking actions of a few Bears that prevented injury to many and who knows what the outcome could have been..I attended the replay with an Uncle and my Dad and Rangers made short work of the men from Perth that night..After an impeccable minutes silence that was observed. For what remains a truly awful thing that Football Supporters went to see a game of Football and never made it home..

Of course the east end mhob jumped right in with the "never walk alone" fundraising game and attempted to hijack the grief and make links with the Liverpool Support. Alas we didn't have this forum and other related information outlets to inform the World of what could have happened at the piggery...I have swapped a few texts with mates that where with me at that match and we all have our opinions and we all agree that we and a good few Bears were lucky that day... 


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12 minutes ago, heathen fish boy said:

Was there myself,was bloody terrifying when the crushing started,felt numb when the news filtered through from down south,spent whole night in a daze after that

I can't believe it 27 Years..And yeah the lads I was with that day were stunned and numb also..It didn't make the msm at all, but it was all too real...of course by the time the replay came and went it went to the back of the mind. It was hearing and watching the coverage today that brought the incident back to me..

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3 minutes ago, wearethepeople1 said:

Agreed, however Liverpool must shoulder some of the blame for heysel

been watching some footage of both disasters, both tradgic and easily avoidable 

Agreed Hysel should never have happened but I think that debate can be taken to another thread for now.

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4 minutes ago, Malvern said:

Agreed Hysel should never have happened but I think that debate can be taken to another thread for now.

A lot of factors in heysel, both fans, police etc

hillsborough was basically a logistical fuck by an inept and unprepared matchday police force. Opening that side gate to allow thousands more into they middle pens was an awful decision. So many bad calls that day. 

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14 minutes ago, TEFTONG said:

I can't believe it 27 Years..And yeah the lads I was with that day were stunned and numb also..It didn't make the msm at all, but it was all too real...of course by the time the replay came and went it went to the back of the mind. It was hearing and watching the coverage today that brought the incident back to me..

I never went to the replay,was still spooked,four nil if I remember 

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10 minutes ago, heathen fish boy said:

I never went to the replay,was still spooked,four nil if I remember 

Yeah the only reason I went was that my Dad was going with his Brother and they told me to come along. Gary Stevens scored a screamer that night...

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