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2 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

I'm not the retard looking for unrealistic outcomes, ya fucking bellend!

You're a troll looking for any outcome you can muster, ya wanker! Almacger was spot on and you hit him with the outstandingly original "what school did you go to" shite....you reprobate!!

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5 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

I'm not the retard looking for unrealistic outcomes, ya fucking bellend!

So we should stop seeking parity because it is unlikely to come to fruition?  You and Mr Chamberlain would get on like a house on fucking fire.

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1 minute ago, GrizzlyBear72 said:

You're a troll looking for any outcome you can muster, ya wanker! Almacger was spot on and you hit him with the outstandingly original "what school did you go to" shite....you reprobate!!

It actually started off tounge in cheek on my part and have apologised. Glad I did coz I'm now shitting myself that a big gansta like you will come after me. Really scared now.

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1 minute ago, gogzy said:

Agree with everything but the last paragraph.  I don't see this making them want to leave, I see it making them stronger and more determined.


While I agree with your post, I don't see much of it happening tbh.  Hibs wont say sorry, look at their chairman saying it was rambunctious fans and Stubbs saying  he doesn't condone the actions but understands them.  There will be no aplogies from Hibs.

We might get one from the SFA, but we should be taking them to court if they don't do something about this.  they failed to keep a member clubs fans and staff safe.  this is a blatant dereliction of their duties.

We wont get one from the polis, there is more chance of bears having their doors chapped on monday than an appology ( which is a fucking scandal).

Hi Gogzy, with regards to my last paragraph, I seen a video clip on Sky tonight showing Mark Warburton at the end shaking his head and looking totally scunnered (as we all were) - my worry was he gets so much crap up here from the Mhedia and other clubs, then he has seen yet more hatred shown towards us on an epic scale today that results in his coach and players being assaulted.

Probably just the worry wart in me ( and the drink) - we need him to stay and build on what has been a brilliant season. 

Totally agree that SFA should be taken to court if they don't do something about this.

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1 minute ago, 1NachoNovo said:

It actually started off tounge in cheek on my part and have apologised. Glad I did coz I'm now shitting myself that a big gansta like you will come after me. Really scared now.


3 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

It actually started off tounge in cheek on my part and have apologised. Glad I did coz I'm now shitting myself that a big gansta like you will come after me. Really scared now.

Tongue in cheek is one thing mate...outright abuse is another! I tend to think yours was originally the latter! However, I'll afford you the benifit of the doubt due to your unequivocal apology and your heartfelt undertaking never to act like a bawbag again to your fellow Rangers supporters on this forum!! I'm no gansta btw but if you fuck with me, in future, I shall kill you and all of your genetic cohorts!!!

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1 minute ago, Almacger said:

Just seen some of the comments, no worries Nacho, it's been a long day!

Cheers mate. It's still a hurtful day for me. Especially after the shit that that happened after the game. It's the rage that's keeping me awake. Anyway, sorry again (tu)

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2 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

Cheers mate. It's still a hurtful day for me. Especially after the shit that that happened after the game. It's the rage that's keeping me awake. Anyway, sorry again (tu)

The defeat today was a sore one, but the shit that kicked of after the game was just too much - unbelievable. I'm still raging about what happened to our players and fans.  No need to apologise again (tu)

WATP! :ukflag:

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5 hours ago, BlueBearz1990 said:

I am waiting to see the statements released and the action taken, but I bet Hivs will get basically a slap on the wrists. 

We're without a doubt the most hated team in Scotland, and in football hate is something you have to earn.

We'll be fucking teams up in the SPL next season and if we come across Hivs I'll take total pleasure in seeing us destroying them, once we have got rid of deadwood and brought in quality. 

We're going for 55!

Out of likes so.......Sam English Loyal likes this!

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6 hours ago, Almacger said:

SFA, Police Scotland and Hibs FC - you owe Rangers one mighty apology and I expect severe punishment against those individuals who attacked our players and fans.  I also expect swift action to deal with incompetent individuals who were involved in organising the security for today's match.  Stewart Regan must resign and other SFA officials who were involved in dealing with todays event organisation must now be looking for alternative employment.  Police Scotland should be fully investigated and individuals brought to task over they total failure in dealing with today's events, again, P45's should be issued.  Hibs must strongly condem the large, yes large majority of their fans and should be heavily penalised by the authorities, nothing less will do.  Finally, I would like Hibs FC, the SFA and Police Scotland to apologise to Rangers fans for putting our safety at risk including that of my 10 year old son (who attended his first Rangers cup game) and my father who now uses a walking stick.  Had we not moved from the front of section c just before the final whistle we would have been caught up in the missiles thrown by Hibs fans as they approach our seating area.  My son no longer wishes to attend Hampden and insists on only attending Ibrox (don't worry son, I'll be doing likewise).  In all my years of attending football matches, I have never actually witnessed this, unbelievable scenes and worrying.

Time to get the club to act now guys and for club and fans to unite and mount a strong campaign to get SFA restructured and for the authorities to be investigated.

Today has set back Scottish Football by decades, I fear Warburton and Weir will now be sickened by what they have seen today and walk (hope I am wrong).

Yes mate .You have just given us the headlines if it had been the other way round .If it were Rangers orientated people in charge of Scottish football .If it had been us charging on to a football field .Apologies and threats of international bans would be getting mentioned in the scummy beggar loving media ..The club has to take up the mantle as no one else is going to do it for them .That includes the corrupt SFA and the slowly but surely beggar infiltrated at the top Police Scotland 

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Within an hour our club made a statement and so did the sfa,but not a cheep from that shower,

These are the same lot we are supposed to be building bridges with 

Mutiple players were assaulted and there is no way that petrie and leanne the man dont know of this,the silence is deafening ,what will be worse will be the lame actions froom the authorities 

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