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Rangers and Scotland: How they turned our own nation against us

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Excellent post and one that captures many of my own thoughts. 

However what good does it do us. 

We have too much apathy in our support. Too many people that say it's all paranoia. 

We are being alienated in our own country not because our detractors are smarter or more numerous. It's because they care more. They have worked their way into positions to do us and our like harm. 

i live overseas so maybe I am too removed and not seeing the day to day of it. Maybe that makes me believe something that isn't so. Or maybe it gives me a bigger picture view. The OP lives away from it too and seems to view it exactly as I do. 

The behaviour towards people who believe Britain is good is sinister. Rangers have unquestionably been treated completely unfairly over the last 10 years and anyone who denies that is seriously deluded or our enemy. Anyone that thinks football and politics are not entirely intertwined nowadays are similarly kidding themselves. 

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Cracking 'first post' and salient points put across, the main one being this:

8 hours ago, StaunchLondonGer said:

I honestly cannot see how any true Rangers fan can support the SNP, given that it is an organisation that has now proven itself beyond any doubt to be fundamentally infused with an unspoken yet powerful anti-Rangers doctrine to which the majority of its members and supporters gladly subscribe.

Nail on the head.

Well said.

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11 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

A long paranoid post pandering to and supported by the paranoid amongst us! What ever happened to 'nobody likes is we don't care'? 


No-one likes us we don't care is fine as a motto when it comes to footballing rivarly - it goes right out the window when you have the top flight Scottish teams try and kill you off, the footballing governing bodies give us illegal punishments for things that weren't our fault & attempt to take our titles from us, have fans of other teams attack our fans and players and a democratically elected SNP government who are anti-Rangers and everything we stand for who make ill-thought out legislation to punish Rangers fans.

Waken the fuck up. Thank God there's very few like you in our support.

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39 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

A long paranoid post pandering to and supported by the paranoid amongst us! What ever happened to 'nobody likes is we don't care'? 


It's that apathy that has got us where we are. 

dignified silence. It's only football. politics is nothing to do with football. The silly minorities and their paranoid concerns about the establishment. Just ignore them and they will go away

this has led us to where a proportion of the population are being dehumanised and treated like we deserve everything we get. We have been sleep walking while slowly our society and community has completely changed around about us and we have let it happen. 

Now Rangers supporters are associated with right wing BNP beliefs. The flag of our country is associated with bigotry and racism. Rangers supporters are considered to be Neanderthals and knuckle draggers. We are not considered a cross section of society. We are blamed for society's ills. Paranoia? Really? Have you been paying attention?


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57 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

A long paranoid post pandering to and supported by the paranoid amongst us! What ever happened to 'nobody likes is we don't care'? 


Just a mute point but the OP actually makes mention of this in his article. I take it you didnt get that far but felt qualified to criticise nonetheless ?

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50 minutes ago, K.A.I said:

No-one likes us we don't care is fine as a motto when it comes to footballing rivarly - it goes right out the window when you have the top flight Scottish teams try and kill you off, the footballing governing bodies give us illegal punishments for things that weren't our fault & attempt to take our titles from us, have fans of other teams attack our fans and players and a democratically elected SNP government who are anti-Rangers and everything we stand for who make ill-thought out legislation to punish Rangers fans.

Waken the fuck up. Thank God there's very few like you in our support.

:lol: yep the governments highest policy is to destroy Rangers. Yep  We have some shite to put up with that has developed this paranoia in our ranks - but we really should desist! We used to laugh at them for their paranoia but not we have joined them! 

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Just now, Bluepeter9 said:

:lol: yep the governments highest policy is to destroy Rangers. Yep  We have some shite to put up with that has developed this paranoia in our ranks - but we really should desist! We used to laugh at them for their paranoia but not we have joined them! 

Never said it was their highest policy. Everything they stand for is everything Rangers and their fans stand against. The SNP are no friends of Rangers.

If you are going to reply saying the usual shite like paranoid or supporting Rangers doesn't have politics then you are just getting blanked.

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18 minutes ago, Bakbear said:

It's that apathy that has got us where we are. 

dignified silence. It's only football. politics is nothing to do with football. The silly minorities and their paranoid concerns about the establishment. Just ignore them and they will go away

this has led us to where a proportion of the population are being dehumanised and treated like we deserve everything we get. We have been sleep walking while slowly our society and community has completely changed around about us and we have let it happen. 

Now Rangers supporters are associated with right wing BNP beliefs. The flag of our country is associated with bigotry and racism. Rangers supporters are considered to be Neanderthals and knuckle draggers. We are not considered a cross section of society. We are blamed for society's ills. Paranoia? Really? Have you been paying attention?


Dehumanised! :lol: 

and the rest of your post just smacks of paranoia! 

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10 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:

Just a mute point but the OP actually makes mention of this in his article. I take it you didnt get that far but felt qualified to criticise nonetheless ?

I read the whole article - but disagree! 

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1 minute ago, Bluepeter9 said:

:lol: yep the governments highest policy is to destroy Rangers. Yep  We have some shite to put up with that has developed this paranoia in our ranks - but we really should desist! We used to laugh at them for their paranoia but not we have joined them! 

I actually agree. But remember  this forum is only a very tiny section of our worldwide support, so I read most things with that in mind - it's "internetoia" you know :lol:

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1 minute ago, KeyserSoze said:

I actually agree. But remember  this forum is only a very tiny section of our worldwide support, so I read most things with that in mind - it's "internetoia" you know :lol:

If you think it's paranoia then you are in the same boat as him. I had you down as sensible too.

You can believe me, or not, I said the same thing to Grandsuckmaster a month or so ago when he tried to say the same thing - from people who were involved behind the scenes in 2012 when it came to our footballing licence, the 5 way agreement, illegal sanctions against us such as transfer embargos, the teams relegating us to the lowest tier and the title stripping investigation - take it from me and I'll repeat it was sources who dealt first hand behind the scenes (one moderator on here will know the sources) there was an actual appetite to have us killed off in the first instance and then as some sort of consolation attempt to take our titles off us .... for what? being guilty of a fraudulant take over and him witholding tax and NI for a period of 4/5 months and sending us under ...

Seriously if that's paranoia then lock me up in the loony bin. Some of your seriously don't get it or have let your memories mellow and ease up over time.

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7 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

That an argument from a weak mind - 'oh someone disagrees let's ban them / censor then so we can wallow away unchallenged' 

Weak mind? Didn't you read the request? It wasn't for a ban or a censor.

Ya tart.

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19 minutes ago, D'Artagnan said:

Just a mute point but the OP actually makes mention of this in his article. I take it you didnt get that far but felt qualified to criticise nonetheless ?

Just wondering if he has read the article you pointed out to him on 7 days that shook our world I take it you are still waiting on an answer.Funny like some others when they get " stumped " shall we say they just ignore and move onto the next topic where most of the time they seem to go out their way to annoy anyone they can.Funny old place right enough.

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6 minutes ago, KeyserSoze said:

I actually agree. But remember  this forum is only a very tiny section of our worldwide support, so I read most things with that in mind - it's "internetoia" you know :lol:

Oh I know RM is only a small portion of the support - but some that post on here seem to also forget that. ( and it's kinda funny that the recent threads about FF try to show the differences ! And yet we are all Rangers fans! 

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1 minute ago, K.A.I said:

If you think it's paranoia then you are in the same boat as him. I had you down as sensible too.

You can believe me, or not, I said the same thing to Grandsuckmaster a month or so ago when he tried to say the same thing - from people who were involved behind the scenes in 2012 when it came to our footballing licence, the 5 way agreement, illegal sanctions against us such as transfer embargos, the teams relegating us to the lowest tier and the title stripping investigation - take it from me and I'll repeat it was sources who dealt first hand behind the scenes (one moderator on here will know the sources) there was an actual appetite to have us killed off in the first instance and then as some sort of consolation attempt to take our titles off us .... for what? being guilty of a fraudulant take over and him witholding tax and NI for a period of 4/5 months and sending us under ...

Seriously if that's paranoia then lock me up in the loony bin. Some of your seriously don't get it or have let your memories mellow and ease up over time.

It all started with John Reid. I have posted before about this and most people can see it. 

The latest is just simply the reaction to the cup final. If people can't see double standards in that then I am not sure they are willing to be objective. 

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1 hour ago, K.A.I said:

No-one likes us we don't care is fine as a motto when it comes to footballing rivarly - it goes right out the window when you have the top flight Scottish teams try and kill you off, the footballing governing bodies give us illegal punishments for things that weren't our fault & attempt to take our titles from us, have fans of other teams attack our fans and players and a democratically elected SNP government who are anti-Rangers and everything we stand for who make ill-thought out legislation to punish Rangers fans.

Waken the fuck up. Thank God there's very few like you in our support.


10 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

:lol: yep the governments highest policy is to destroy Rangers. Yep  We have some shite to put up with that has developed this paranoia in our ranks - but we really should desist! We used to laugh at them for their paranoia but not we have joined them! 

Notice you didn't disagree with the other points. I agree the SNP do not sit in a room planning how to attack Rangers next, plus the legislation was aimed at the great unwashed also.

However I do think they are no friends of the club and will not act to our benefit. Comments from Sturgeon after the Cup Final where she congratulated our opponents correctly, but refused to condemn or even comment on the behaviour of their support showed a distinct lack of balance in her attitude. Add to that comments by SNP mps like Brendan O'Hara, meetings with certain Irish groups and you have a political party whose leanings are certainly not in sync with ours. 

Add in the favouritism  in such as Glasgow City Council with its attendant members who are shareholders at the great unwashed and you see small but distinct negative attitudes towards us. Commonwealth Games anyone?

Your blind support of the SNP does you no favours and I can only assume your posts in favour of them every time they are mentioned, when you know the disagreements that will follow, is trolling by yourself.

Now if you wish to deliver your usual diagnosis of paranoia and that the SNP are really cuddly, cute and above all bias or leanings, it will confirm my suspicions of your motives.

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4 hours ago, Bakbear said:

Excellent post and one that captures many of my own thoughts. 

However what good does it do us. 

We have too much apathy in our support. Too many people that say it's all paranoia. 

We are being alienated in our own country not because our detractors are smarter or more numerous. It's because they care more. They have worked their way into positions to do us and our like harm. 

i live overseas so maybe I am too removed and not seeing the day to day of it. Maybe that makes me believe something that isn't so. Or maybe it gives me a bigger picture view. The OP lives away from it too and seems to view it exactly as I do. 

The behaviour towards people who believe Britain is good is sinister. Rangers have unquestionably been treated completely unfairly over the last 10 years and anyone who denies that is seriously deluded or our enemy. Anyone that thinks football and politics are not entirely intertwined nowadays are similarly kidding themselves. 

Totally agree with you and interesting you share the same view living outside Scotland. I actually think it’s easier for us to see the full extent of it from a distance tbh. When you’re living in the middle of something and the changes are happening by stealth it can be less obvious (although, in this particular scenario you’d have to have your head buried in concrete not to recognise the agenda at work against us)

As to the apathy – I don’t have any answers. I just hope that by discussing it we can jolt a few sleepy Bears awake!

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