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Jim Traynor Attacked


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3 hours ago, KingKirk said:

Stewart has caused this.

These media cunts need to remember they have a responsibility to behave in a professional manner. I couldn't give a fuck what agenda they are pushing. Fuckin remember your words could have consequences.

Grow the fuck up

They don't give a fuck, they have enjoyed a long period of tarrier control where they can get away with anything and everything. 

Taig players stealing police hats 

Taigs giving death threats to refs

Taigs wrecking almost every town in the country 

Could be here all night, the cunts are lawless and are causing havoc in a so called civilised democratic country, Attacking a 66yr old man is all kinds of wrong 

We all knew this season was going to be a complete shit storm, but I don't think anybody in their wildest dreams would have thought fir one minute most of the goings on of the last 2 months. 

With the SFA controlled by taigs and a government obsessed with anti Union I can't see this ending soon and sadly attacks like this will happen again and again 

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Just now, Pure_Quality said:

Sweetheart likes this 

The stuff they took off king does make you think there is  more to it than just a robbery. Add to that the Morelos stuff and now this its like they are doing all they can to install fear within the club and unsettle people involved with it.

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7 minutes ago, magic8ball said:

They don't give a fuck, they have enjoyed a long period of tarrier control where they can get away with anything and everything. 

Taig players stealing police hats 

Taigs giving death threats to refs

Taigs wrecking almost every town in the country 

Could be here all night, the cunts are lawless and are causing havoc in a so called civilised democratic country, Attacking a 66yr old man is all kinds of wrong 

We all knew this season was going to be a complete shit storm, but I don't think anybody in their wildest dreams would have thought fir one minute most of the goings on of the last 2 months. 

With the SFA controlled by taigs and a government obsessed with anti Union I can't see this ending soon and sadly attacks like this will happen again and again 


Scotland is world renowned for common sense enlightenment, however, its being dragged into widespread division and driven toward the brink of potential civil unrest and anarchy by the snp and their comrade greens both of which are anti UK cults.

Westminster must surely be close to reigning in devolution that was supposedly brought about to achieve harmony. 

Holyrood is not working for the vast majority and must be nearing its end sooner rather than later.

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Just now, Perth_Campsie_Ger said:

The stuff they took off king does make you think there is  more to it than just a robbery. Add to that the Morelos stuff and now this its like they are doing all they can to install fear within the club and unsettle people involved with it.

I think this was probably something that was instigated by the South African Revenue Service because Morelos is Black and they don't like Blackies and Jim Traynor does and I hope everything is fine with the Takeover Panel HMRC as they are.

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17 minutes ago, Blue Avenger said:

I'm no fan of his, but those cunts have well crossed the line.

The political landscape and the narrarive in this backwater is such that it only empowers and emboldens those cunts. The two perp's will be lauded as heroes and wear their badge of shame with pride.

The club and all associated with it, are simply getting raped. As with rape cases, the conviction rate is extremely poor.

Sadly, it's it's time to stop with the rhetoric, as rare as that is and start taking action. The only thing I want to hear now, is that the club announce their banned list of haters, that a meeting has been requested with the SFA on the racism against our player, that a meeting has been requested with the SFA on the bias and incompetence of referees.

This should have been a matter of course by the club and if they are not prepared to do this, then we can forget it and expect more of the same. The board should hang their head in shame, but you need a conscience to do that.

If they cannot do this, then they are not fit for purpose, nor  the stewards that this great institution deserves and should be hunted.

When is this all going to end, does somebody have to die just for being associated to our club. 

Media, SFA are guilty as fuck, but any allegations will be met with the usual defence, how are the media to blame, we only report the facts, well in some cases that's correct but only reporting twisted selected facts leads to a very toxic situation. 

I'm not traynors biggest fan but a line has not just been stepped on, it has been shat all over on the way, unless there is proper action from the authorities here I would fully back us withdrawing from all domestic competition until this hatred is addressed and punished accordingly 

Who would have thought even 10years ago stuff like this would happen 

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1 minute ago, HermannRFC said:


Scotland is world renowned for common sense enlightenment, however, its being dragged into widespread division and driven toward the brink of potential civil unrest by mainly the snp and the greens which is an anti UK cult. 

Westminster must surely be close to reigning in devolution that was supposedly brought about to achieve harmony. 

Holyrood is not working for the vast majority and must be near its end sooner rather than later.

Time to send the tanks into that republican cesspit called Holyrood and shut it the fuck down. 

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5 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Time to send the tanks into that republican cesspit called Holyrood and shut it the fuck down. 

Sending in the bulldozers for the sake of the both the UK and Scotland would certainly be high up on my agenda if I was Boris and Gove. Definitely 100%.

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4 minutes ago, Pure_Quality said:

I think this was probably something that was instigated by the South African Revenue Service because Morelos is Black and they don't like Blackies and Jim Traynor does and I hope everything is fine with the Takeover Panel HMRC as they are.

You aff yer nut?

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3 minutes ago, HermannRFC said:


Scotland is world renowned for common sense enlightenment, however, its being dragged into widespread division and driven toward the brink of potential civil unrest and anarchy by the snp and their comrade greens both of which are anti UK cults.

Westminster must surely be close to reigning in devolution that was supposedly brought about to achieve harmony. 

Holyrood is not working for the vast majority and must be nearing its end sooner rather than later.

That famous sign at Glasgow Airport, welcome to Scotland, the greatest small country in the world, Cunts should be sued for fraud, We are turning into a banana Republic without the fucking bananas. 

The way stories are presented and or twisted in the mainstream is beyond a joke now, A complete agenda against our culture, Our culture as a country has been closely tied to being part of the Union for longer than anybody alive, In the last 10years we have been dictated and controlled by a bigoted racist minority, covering up all sorts of crimes and discrimination 

Things will get worse over the next few months, believe me, these wankers have no sense of reason 

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6 minutes ago, Courtyard Bear said:

Time to send the tanks into that republican cesspit called Holyrood and shut it the fuck down. 

Going to take a lot more than bashing JT for that to happen, But it needs to happen, that glorified council in Edinburgh was meant to improve our country, It has done nothing of the sort, Really scared for this country, Where its OK to attack, physically and verbally the political opposition 

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7 minutes ago, magic8ball said:

That famous sign at Glasgow Airport, welcome to Scotland, the greatest small country in the world, Cunts should be sued for fraud, We are turning into a banana Republic without the fucking bananas. 

The way stories are presented and or twisted in the mainstream is beyond a joke now, A complete agenda against our culture, Our culture as a country has been closely tied to being part of the Union for longer than anybody alive, In the last 10years we have been dictated and controlled by a bigoted racist minority, covering up all sorts of crimes and discrimination 

Things will get worse over the next few months, believe me, these wankers have no sense of reason 

I couldn't agree more with you.

Scotland has declined very significantly under the snp simply because of their one agenda anti UK separatist purpose.

The time has come to get rid very soon indeed if not by the ballot box then by Westminster taking the bull by the horns in protecting the UK and Union from such very dangerous cults.


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16 minutes ago, Pure_Quality said:

I think this was probably something that was instigated by the South African Revenue Service because Morelos is Black and they don't like Blackies and Jim Traynor does and I hope everything is fine with the Takeover Panel HMRC as they are.


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2 hours ago, SeparateEntityMyArse said:

Our society hates everything we (most of us) are and has no hesitation or consequence in attacking every aspect of it.

The SNP is pro republican, anti pul. Most of its members are pro scum, anti Rangers. By default they deny, deflect, counter anything against their own whilst openly attacking everything and anything Rangers / PUL associated.

This is supported by a MSM which is entirely in their camp. Whilst not relevant to this topic, many public bodies / key organisations  seem this way inclined too. Police losing key evidence in cases, PFs office failing to prosecute folk hanging effigies, scum footballers getting away with racism but summits if 'sectarian' coins flung at them,  blatantly biased refs. None of it is coincidence.

We're in a civil war, we're the attacked / persecuted / victimised and we dont even realise it. We're being dehumanised and sleep walking through it.

Traynor is the latest victim, likely due to the frenzy the MSM brought about due to the audacity of working for Rangers and writing an article hes employed to write in defence of our club and employees. He wont be the last.

The closest historical comparison I can think of is Nazis patrolling streets looking for victims where everything supported their conduct. They were the law unto themselves. As this filth are now. No doubt some will mock this perspective, bu

I've minimal time for Traynor but by fuck I'd have his back before I'd allow 2 frnians to take a liberty, and that's what theyve done. 

Its getting to the point of no return and folk need to wake up to this a helluva fucking soon.

 "they'll likely be the SNP yessers, liberals, or bears who live outside Glasgow. "

Or just apologist cunts that bring shame on the real die hard bears . I hate these types almost as much as the bheasts 

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Hope the BBC and others with powerful media influence take heed and properly police,control and if necessary censure allegations from hired commentators on their platforms which may well be unfounded and irresponsible.If they do not have a code of conduct in such matters it is time they put one in place.


When an individual who is subject of those allegations is then assaulted you have to review your position and those whom you employ as a  responsible broadcaster ,not to do so,is simply not acceptable.

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4 hours ago, born a blue nose said:

We’ve been an easy target since Hibs/Motherwell.

a dignified silence is all good for their toe ticks at the end of the PR sheet. 

Look at what the fuck is happening to our club, just fucking look. 

we’ve went from a dominant side, wining titles, accolades, international caps. 

to a fucking second class citizen. 

im not pointing fingers, I’ve no really got the right to, other than loving our club. But fuck me our board have been a joke 

The ironic thing that is for me one of the things that sticks in the throat worst, David Murray had the press eating out of his hand, aye it helps that we were dominant, but he new how to court the press, in business and in football. His selling us out, and putting his patsy in charge to save his businesses from investigation by HMRC when our debts were manageable and decreasing above schedule, also was the turning point in our demonisation from media outlets. It’s no coincidence, and 100% that cunts fault, everything that happened on this day 14 years ago was avoidable and for that I hope he rots in hell 

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44 minutes ago, doc holliday said:

Hope the BBC and others with powerful media influence take heed and properly police,control and if necessary censure allegations from hired commentators on their platforms which may well be unfounded and irresponsible.If they do not have a code of conduct in such matters it is time they put one in place.


When an individual who is subject of those allegations is then assaulted you have to review your position and those whom you employ as a  responsible broadcaster ,not to do so,is simply not acceptable.

I’ll admit until I read this on here I’d not heard anything about it. Admittedly I don’t buy papers or really watch the news religiously but I’ve not heard anything on the radio while working. It states this happened earlier this week yet nothing? I know Traynor is not popular amongst his fellow hacks for jumping ship from written press to start his media consultancy years back (wasn’t popular anyway if truth be known) but an attack against their kind has brought media silence is amazing. Amazing as it just portrays just how powerful the taigs have become. Imagine the outcry had a couple of bears set about spears, or English, with more deserving a reason to be fair. If it’s as reported in the article been brought to the attention of the police then I hope it’s taken seriously as the sectarian hate crime anyone of us would be tagged with if it was an attack on a tarrier. 

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6 hours ago, Bears r us said:

Ffs not Traynor's greatest fan but this is getting out of control. 

Been out of control for over a decade now mate, they have the blessing of this sinister government regime who encourage it with their leniency on perpetrators, but in Rangers case they turn a blind eye to the perpetrators with glee.

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