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11 minutes ago, King Jela said:

Martinez is pathetic actually allowing that pish from Ronaldo to continue. 

No way his teammates aren't thinking he's an unbearable baw bag.

Hasn’t been anything close to a decent free kick taker since about 2007, still takes every single one. His record from them must be one of the worst ever, even Kris Boyd had a better free kick record with his toe bash. 

On another note football needs a rule where a 0-0 is straight to pens. Nobody needs an extra 30 minutes of this garbage 

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4 minutes ago, Somemightsay7 said:

As much as I agree, it's hard to use that as an excuse in this stadium, given it has a roof.

There was a thing on the BBC the other day where some turf guy was saying he believes the issue with Frankfurt's ground is that if they close the roof it creates a humid greenhouse effect and because they have dug the pitch up and relaid it a few times this season it's not naturally binding and growing. 

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Just now, GA1972 said:

Hasn’t been anything close to a decent free kick taker since about 2007, still takes every single one. His record from them must be one of the worst ever, even Kris Boyd had a better free kick record with his toe bash. 

On another note football needs a rule where a 0-0 is straight to pens. Nobody needs an extra 30 minutes of this garbage 

And Martin Keown

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