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well, wtf are we doing giving him time here? why do we pay his no doubt handsome fee by picking up a 'record' in the morning. if we really feel that strongly, DO NOT BUY THE RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for what he's saying, since i have unfortunately read it now, he's doing the tim position more harm than good with that pish, since it is so easy to mock on various levels: inaccurate, venal, non-objective, quite possibly fallacious (still no police action on his terror at the airport, i notice), pompous, class-traitorous....quite apart from the insulting comparison between the experiences of real hatred in the deep south with some tims getting called names at one remove (on the TV, that is).

both george, and the pitiful excuse for a newspaper that mockingly claims to represent scotland, deserve nothing but our scorn. anyone who remains associated with the daily record is equally deserving. and imo, that includes purchasers.

I agree 100%, don't buy their toilet paper. :drool: The newspaper industry is struggling, sales are down and that means advertising revenues will drop. They struggle to compete against TV and more so, the internet. It will cost them jobs, some of the journos will move on (Spiers?) and others will become more desperate for headlines to please their editors that they'll plummet to new depths to grasp their next paycheck. What else does the cat licker have to look forward to? - his next giro? Remember the journos motto - Never Let The Truth get In The Way Of A Good Story!

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Perhaps the best reaction to Prettyboy is no reaction. Ignore him. I know its difficult,but remember,he was thrown out of the Labour party, and Phony Tony was never known for his honesty.IF he was too big a muppet for even TB,then he was well beyond the bounds of sanity. The rest of the UK are well aware of Galloways self promotion. He is a throughly detestable toad. While I realize how difficult it is to ignore him,any attempt to answer his bile is playing into his hands and gives him more attention.

If asked, simply say "Galloway,is that the guy who thinks Saddam was a good guy? He,s not exactly a good judge of character,is he?"

Why should we pay any attention to his vomit,nobody else does, but I agree with not buying the Rhecord. Hit them where it hurts. In their sales.

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Again i exclude his views on sectarianism, but alot of you are believing the same sort of sensationalist crap about his beliefs on things like Iraq, Saddam and terrorism. He was kicked out of the labour party for opposing the farcical war

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Well, as much as I hate Galloway, and I REALLY hate Galloway - I shall continue to read the Record online. Yeah, they are sensationalist and at times go very near the knuckle - but they are equally so for the other team. For example, wasnt it them that broke the BJK storyline?

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Well, as much as I hate Galloway, and I REALLY hate Galloway - I shall continue to read the Record online. Yeah, they are sensationalist and at times go very near the knuckle - but they are equally so for the other team. For example, wasnt it them that broke the BJK storyline?

Well if you work there you could tell us ? :sherlock:

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Are reporting tomorrow that in the 84th minute of the Killie v Rangers game they heard FTP coming from the away support.

Funny that,

The SPL observer has already stated there was no problem with the songs, the CEO of Rangers praised the Rangers fans' for their behaviour and the police made no arrests.

So they are now calling the SPL and Bain a liar. Time for Bain and Rangers to sue these b*stards. This is not acceptable.

Absolutely correct. And time for these guys to be excluded from Ibrox when they print libels against us.

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Well, as much as I hate Galloway, and I REALLY hate Galloway - I shall continue to read the Record online. Yeah, they are sensationalist and at times go very near the knuckle - but they are equally so for the other team. For example, wasnt it them that broke the BJK storyline?

Well if you work there you could tell us ? :sherlock:

Quite frankly, you can feck off!

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If asked, simply say "Galloway,is that the guy who thinks Saddam was a good guy? He,s not exactly a good judge of character,is he?"

Why should we pay any attention to his vomit,nobody else does, but I agree with not buying the Rhecord. Hit them where it hurts. In their sales.

Galloway denies ever saying Saddam was a good guy he called him a tyrant on many an occasion, has a lot of time for the Iraqi people, especially when under the tyranny of Saddam.

Does not get away from the fact he is a bigot himself and does not recognise it, seems to me that a trait of Irish decendants is to assume evryone else is a bigot but them.

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You wouldn't even need to ban very many of them before their colleagues would get the message, as it is by continually doing nothing we are only inviting them to walk all over us.

absolutely agree.

As I often point out, if RFC was Murray's steel business and the Record ran a story that the firm had knowingly supplied sub-grade materials which had collapsed and endangered some passers-by, do you think he'd say nothing. Of course not. And do you think the shareholders would stand for the value of their holdings being damaged by libelous allegations but not care about getting them retracted. Of course not.

We aren't being paranoid or unreasonable, we are just expecting proper standards to be followed.

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Guest orangpendek

no-one, so far as i can see, is being paraniod. expecting proper standards in the newspaper industry is a little bit unlikely, it must be said. there have been no standards there since the industry began - i fail to see why there will suddenly be some now.

i advocate a shrug, others want to see action taken. the crux of the issue is then, is this article worthy of acting against? in content, probably yes. as nasty as it gets and full of more holes than compo's y-fronts. but against that, is authorship. yes, he has a platform in a paper. yes, he can string a sentence together quite well. but has he any credibility anywhere, in any sphere of life? politics, sport, feline impersonation? the answer must be no, and given that, we can lump george's hatred of RFC together with that of every brendan and eamonn you meet in the pub. would you lambast the club for not taking action against an idiot called declan who talks mince at the bar?

the main enemy here is not george - his financial peccadilloes have left him spread thin, thin, thin. and inevitably, when he is compelled to use every topic and thought available to him, the level of his intellectual contribution is going to suffer. the enemy is the vehicle which thought fit to publish such nonsense, knowing full well what would happen afterwards. if you want to stop these type of attacks on us, don't wait for david murray to do it for you. take action yourself! get a group of 5 pals who buy the rag and decide not to! buy the star, there's plenty of flesh in it. buy the sun, if you must have something. to use language george would no doubt be familiar with,

AGITATE - make sure every rangers fan in your work knows what they say about us

EDUCATE- make sure everyone knows exactly what is meant

ORGANISE - make sure no-one buys the record!

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no-one, so far as i can see, is being paraniod. expecting proper standards in the newspaper industry is a little bit unlikely, it must be said. there have been no standards there since the industry began - i fail to see why there will suddenly be some now.

Didn't mean the Rhebel should have standards - I'm optimistic not delusional.

I'm expecting a proper position from Murray et al to defend our club.

As for the Agitate, Educate, Organise, couldn't have put it better myself.

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A friend works with a former employer of mine and at a recent advertising meeting the boss, a diehard bluenose, talked about black balling the Record and associated companies from there list of suppliers. I know what they used to spend in recruitment ads and advertising and have to say that a 6 figure sum could well walk away from them if they continue down this line. I have no doubt the head man will do it as he owns the company and is so single minded he will pull the carpet without a care.

Now business is business and i dont think any company would like to lose that kind of customer, but then again it is the Record and they have really lost the plot and become a 3rd rate paper over the last few years.

Direct action is called for, they think this gutter journalism sells papers because it causes uproar. I think the directors of the paper are calling this wrong it will cost them money. Anyway if you buy or advertise or put money to this paper or you know someone who does look at the alternatives and take your cash elsewhere, now that will hurt.

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Boycott that rag.

blatant lies to get Rangers into bother.


Not 1 arrest this season for sectarianism and it was great to hear Follow follow,The Sash and Derry's walls sung with passion and no FTP at the end.

we are the people

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Boycott that rag.

blatant lies to get Rangers into bother.


Not 1 arrest this season for sectarianism and it was great to hear Follow follow,The Sash and Derry's walls sung with passion and no FTP at the end.

we are the people

Talkin about that any sign of our beloved leader comin out of wherever it is he hides to have a go at that slanderous racist piece of horseshit ? :sherlock:

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