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Have Tottenham Stolen Hutton?

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Did everyone see him last night? He seems to stroll through international games and is performing more than admirably down south. In my opinion he is certainly better than Ashley Cole and at least as good as Daniel Alves and they are worth £25million. I know Hutton had not proved himself in a major European league but when you look at the transfer fees teams like Sporting Lisbon and Ajax get it makes you wonder. If we had held on to Hutton till the end of the season, we could have got double.

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Did everyone see him last night? He seems to stroll through international games and is performing more than admirably down south. In my opinion he is certainly better than Ashley Cole and at least as good as Daniel Alves and they are worth £25million. I know Hutton had not proved himself in a major European league but when you look at the transfer fees teams like Sporting Lisbon and Ajax get it makes you wonder. If we had held on to Hutton till the end of the season, we could have got double.

I agree there, we sold to early, well.. he left to early.

COULD have potentially been seen in a UEFA cup final, ah well. We are doing pretty well despite his loss.

Good on him though doing well in the EPL.

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I think £10million in total was an acceptable fee to be honest.

Of course I'd like to have obtained more (or even kept the lad) but in terms of his overall career progression and experience what we received is as much as the SPL will ever get for a player.

If Rangers or Celtic unearth a real gem while competing more consistently at the business end of the European competitions then we might be able to ask for more but generally I doubt we'll ever see the likes of £20million+ for any of our players.

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Did everyone see him last night? He seems to stroll through international games and is performing more than admirably down south. In my opinion he is certainly better than Ashley Cole and at least as good as Daniel Alves and they are worth £25million. I know Hutton had not proved himself in a major European league but when you look at the transfer fees teams like Sporting Lisbon and Ajax get it makes you wonder. If we had held on to Hutton till the end of the season, we could have got double.

The boy was really something else last night like - that wee mazy run near the end to put through for Boydy was immense especially against players of that caliber.

Yeah we sold at the right time IMO - can't tell what might have happened if he stayed with regards to injuries etc, so a good deal

Come back soon lad! Once a bear always a bear...well maybe no Kenny Miller :lol:

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When he went on that run beating about 4 or 5 players with total ease, I was close to tears. And not ones of joy.

He should be doing that at Ibrox.

It re-opened all the wounds of losing him.

He doesn't even do it for Spurs.

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We sold Hutton for a good price and now he is in the Premiership and one of scotlands best players his price will just go up and up. I wish we held on to him till the end of the season just to see if we could have got a bit more for him.

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I think £10million in total was an acceptable fee to be honest.

Of course I'd like to have obtained more (or even kept the lad) but in terms of his overall career progression and experience what we received is as much as the SPL will ever get for a player.

If Rangers or Celtic unearth a real gem while competing more consistently at the business end of the European competitions then we might be able to ask for more but generally I doubt we'll ever see the likes of £20million+ for any of our players.

Maybe in 2050 when inflation kicks in ;)

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When he went on that run beating about 4 or 5 players with total ease, I was close to tears. And not ones of joy.

He should be doing that at Ibrox.

It re-opened all the wounds of losing him.

He doesn't even do it for Spurs.

To be fair I saw him do it last week in 2 - 0 win over Portsmouth, but not with the same conviction as he did for us. He passed the ball of very early too.

I think 10m was as good as we would have got anyway, can't deny that is good money for the club.

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To be fair I saw him do it last week in 2 - 0 win over Portsmouth, but not with the same conviction as he did for us. He passed the ball of very early too.

I think 10m was as good as we would have got anyway, can't deny that is good money for the club.

He has more options in front of him at Spurs and it's not surprising he's not quite making the same runs for them yet as he did for us.

His single transfer fee will essentially be our budget for next term so while it could be argued that we should have waited until the summer to sell him, hopefully all will turn out OK.

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He wasnt worth 20 odd Million when he was with us. 9M was a good bit of business for someone we brought through our youth ranks, and since he has left we have continued winning without him.

He will go on to great things as he is a top class player, but he aint a Ger no more so im not that arsed tbh

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Rangers should of held out for more, he's certainly worth it. We should of kept him until the summer. But it's done now and we have to move on.

I just hope we can get a quality RB in, in the summer. Someone who can replace Alan Hutton because the current two(Whittaker and Broadfoot) aren't good enough.

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I think Hutton should be the next Prime Minister.

He's just the greatest human being ever.

Will Rangers ever recover from the loss?

(yes, i AM being sarcastic, for those of you who didnt notice.)

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When he went on that run beating about 4 or 5 players with total ease, I was close to tears. And not ones of joy.

He should be doing that at Ibrox.

It re-opened all the wounds of losing him.

He doesn't even do it for Spurs.

Was watching him vs Portsmouth last week and from what I saw he didn't get forward much - they aint using him to the best of his ability.

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Alan Hutton was excellent again last night , £9m was a good price for him , but he looks to me to have the potential to be one of the best full backs in Europe . His value will soar to around £20m soon IMO , I hope we have a sell on clause in his contract , thay gives us a share of his next transfer

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When he went on that run beating about 4 or 5 players with total ease, I was close to tears. And not ones of joy.

He should be doing that at Ibrox.

It re-opened all the wounds of losing him.

He doesn't even do it for Spurs.

Was watching him vs Portsmouth last week and from what I saw he didn't get forward much - they aint using him to the best of his ability.

And that wasn't an isolated occassion mate. Spurs play very centrally or tend to use Lennon when they go forward and by doing that they are stifling Hutton's best asset.

What bewilders me is that Spurs fans think he's a great player now, yet his debut aside, Hutton has not come anywhere close to reaching the level of performances that he did for us.

If he does ever reach the levels of performance that he put in for us I suspect the media hype and press attention will go into over drive and he will move on for a huge sum of money.

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