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Andy Gray and Martin Tyler

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Was Watching the Chelsea Vs Everton game there and Thomas Gravesen was coming on as a Sub!

So Martin Tyler says"Of Course Gravesen is on loan from Celtic Who had a good result last night"

Andy Gray say "what did i tell you!", in a Joking way :lol:

Then Andy Gray says Davie Moyes was Delighted with the win.... he was telling me!!!

The Point to the story.... a few weeks Back some people were arguing over Moyes Becoming a Future Rangers Boss, and Moyes being a Rangers Fan !!! <cr>

Cheers Andy for Clearing that debate up (tu)

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Guest Andypendek

i'm quite happy with WS for the next 8 years or so, ta. but tbh if we got the chance of a manager of moyes's ablity i would overlook his tim credentials...he's fuckin superb.

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Slightly off topic here, but do you think Jimmy Calderwood will play Zander Diamond and Jackie Macnamamra against the tims this weekend knowing fine well where their loyalties lie?

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If he became manager of Rangers 'Who cares' who he supports, supported or played for. That 'he's no one o' us' stuff is nonsense. All I would care about was could he improve us and bring us continued sucess!! - thats ALL that matters - what happens on the field!

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I won't accept a Celtic fan as Rangers manager. I don't give a crap who he is.

You won't accept? What will you do, run to Ibrox and tell SDM to sack him?

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