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Cristiano Ronaldo leaked tape thing....

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I know its froma rumours site but thought id share....

From http://www.football-rumours.co.uk/


A tape has been leaked to the press in Scotland involving a discussion between Rangers chairman Sir David Murray and Man United chief executive David Gill. In it Gill tells Murray that Sir Alex Ferguson and Malcolm Glazer will not accept any bid for Cristiano Ronaldo. However, Ronaldo has already told Fergie that he will not pull on a United shirt ever again. Gill states in the discussion that he will send Ronaldo on loan to Rangers for six months in the hope that he will come back to Old Trafford in January with a different view. There are two stipulations though: 1– Ronaldo cannot play in Champions League games and 2– United get first refusal on Carlos Cuellar.

Expect this to be on Sky Sports Rumours by tonight.

Hahaha if only this was true would be interesting if it did go onto SS Rumours.

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Guest Andypendek

Could be the answer to our problem right back spot.

Cannonball Run:

'Kirk Broadfoot....you got yourself some competiton!!!'

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