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RST - Let it sink without trace


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The RST was a great idea, and it had some great people involved. However, there were also clearly some bad apples, and this element have managed to manouvere themselves into a position of influence.

I was never a member of the RST, and I always had my criticisms and concerns. However, I liked the idea and the fact that good work was done by the good members is undeniable. Now though, it is potentially a vehicle for an unsavoury element of our support to gain more exposure and arguably a degree of power.

Rather than the RST potentially being a positive body for it's members, the fans and the club in general......in my view, it can now only be a hinderance and cause future embarrassment.

I'd urge all non-members to not sign up. I'd urge all members to abandon ship ASAP. Let it sink, let it die and lets hope that in future other supporters bodies, old or new, can make a positive contribution.

It seems quite clear that the RST cannot be saved, certainly not in terms of offering representation that mirrors the majority of Rangers supporters.

There was a time where it could be argued that joining the RST could help move us forwards. Now I believe that it can only take us backwards.

What a truly pathetic post. Do you personally know the 20 people who form the RST Board and how are they 'bad apples'? Regardless of what you say the RST is very much alive and kicking and will not be going away. Give me your idea of what a supporters body can do to make a positive contribution and what kind of representation 'mirrors the majority of Rangers supporters'. What would have made you join the RST?

The way they conducted themselves over the last couple of months is exactly what would make people NOT join. Surely anyone could see that?

Yes but they were in exixtence for 5 years before this. The OP said it was a good idea, had good people on board yet he never joined. I simply asked him what would have made him join.

Indeed, but, to liken it to service cover you get, its never important until something breaks and then you find out its value. In this instance, I think personally the whole situation was handled poorly, and, with a lack of transparency, which does not bode well. Any organisation in which this type of thing happens, will be viewed poorly from the outside. Just a fact of life.

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I really don't understand this line of......well if you don't like it, join up to try and change things.


That's a shame, because it's not at all complicated.

Not the literal meaning, obviously, but why it is constantly wheeled out as a good reason to join. As I explained in the rest of that post. People don't tend to join organisations that they don't like/trust/respect. The Trust is no different.

If it wants more than 1000 members, it needs to come out with a better line than, 'hey, maybe we are pish, but why don't you pay us money to come on board and change that.'

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I really don't understand this line of......well if you don't like it, join up to try and change things.


That's a shame, because it's not at all complicated.

Not the literal meaning, obviously, but why it is constantly wheeled out as a good reason to join. As I explained in the rest of that post. People don't tend to join organisations that they don't like/trust/respect. The Trust is no different.

If it wants more than 1000 members, it needs to come out with a better line than, 'hey, maybe we are pish, but why don't you pay us money to come on board and change that.'

I don't know where you are getting your 1,000 members from. My memership number is 3413 and I'm sure there were many more joined in the year plus between me joining and the resignations.

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I don't know where you are getting your 1,000 members from. My memership number is 3413 and I'm sure there were many more joined in the year plus between me joining and the resignations.

The number came from Frankie. He said that there are 1000 paid members and a total of 3500-4000 have been involved with the trust at some point.

I personally dont count people who used to support the trust but dont anymore as members. If you wish to, that is your perogative.

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Question for the people on here.

If you disagree with the perceived new direction of the RST, would joining and giving money not just support that direction? Or, is it being implied that people should join to try and do back to the current board what they just did to the ones that left?

Sounds like a constant and boring power struggle emerging to tell people to join something to change it from within.

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bottom line is no one is twisting your arm to join the trust.

Agreed 100% - but when the trust is making public statements, some of which I dont believe represents my views, but more importantly, I dont think represents the views of the majority of fans, then it makes me question their credentials.

Like i've said, i believe that some sort of trust is beneficial and useful - particularly for the day when Murray leaves and hands over the reins of the club to someone else. When that day comes, if a trust did exist that represented the majority of the fans views and allowed the oppurtunity to communicate cleary and directly with the owners of the club, then this can only be a good thing.

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If you disagree with the perceived new direction of the RST, would joining and giving money not just support that direction?

There's an underlying assumption here that the baddies have won the day and the goodies are vanquished.

I think it's a bit more complicated than that.

The few members of the Board that I know I regard as good bears, as I do the couple of the departed ones that I know.

The aim of the RST remains the same whoever is on the Board, presumably the way of going about it will change.

So the question is do we give up on the Trust or do we hang in there because what was a good idea a couple of weeks ago is still a good idea? Give the new Board a chance?

Pesonally I'm hanging in there.

But then I don't share in RM's demonisation of Mark Dingwall.

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The bottom line here is do I wish the RST to represent me as a Rangers supporter ?

perhaps a poll would be in order?

How many times....

The RST represents its members.

Or not, some might say ;)

Well that`s not the way they have set themselves up or they come across in the media when they speak

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The bottom line here is do I wish the RST to represent me as a Rangers supporter ?

perhaps a poll would be in order?

How many times....

The RST represents its members.

Or not, some might say ;)

Well that`s not the way they have set themselves up or they come across in the media when they speak

Sorry, I just don't recognise that as being true.

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The bottom line here is do I wish the RST to represent me as a Rangers supporter ?

perhaps a poll would be in order?

How many times....

The RST represents its members.

Or not, some might say ;)

Well that`s not the way they have set themselves up or they come across in the media when they speak

Sorry, I just don't recognise that as being true.

Well thank fcuk for differences of opinions on this board

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I really don't understand this line of......well if you don't like it, join up to try and change things.


That's a shame, because it's not at all complicated.

got to agree with manticore here

it is the same with local councils

everyone complains that the republican/catholics or wotever ya want to call them get everything

thats because they are not enough of us attending these meetings(council meetings)

if ya want a vote on something you have got to be in it to win it

i am a member of the trust

just recently joined

so my vote will count

will yours

i have read many times on here about mr dingwall

dont know the man or his issues

but will certainly be watching out for them

and at the end of the day

if i dont like them or agree with them i can vote for them accordingly

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bottom line is no one is twisting your arm to join the trust.

Agreed 100% - but when the trust is making public statements, some of which I dont believe represents my views, but more importantly, I dont think represents the views of the majority of fans, then it makes me question their credentials.

Like i've said, i believe that some sort of trust is beneficial and useful - particularly for the day when Murray leaves and hands over the reins of the club to someone else. When that day comes, if a trust did exist that represented the majority of the fans views and allowed the oppurtunity to communicate cleary and directly with the owners of the club, then this can only be a good thing.

Absolutely (tu)

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I for one wont be renewing my membership, if the board members that resigned couldn't change things from the top of the organisation what chance does a normal member have. I don't urge anyone to join or avoid, individuals have thier own ideas and opinions. However if someone was to ask me what i would advise i would say it is not worth joining as we dont know what direction this is going to go.

I am disapointed to see this happening to the trust and hope that they either get back on track for the majority of our fans or a new organisation is born from this that has the club and fans opinions at heart.

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The folks that resigned were level headed, intelligent and knew that a militant approach does not work. (imho of course).

As are the Board members who remain.

That's just it....there will be some RST Members that will need to be convinced of that. Especially if this "militant" attitude is indeed the direction the RST is undertaking with it's remaining Board Members and those newly elected.

I foresee there will be many RST members, and those undecided, waiting to see what the RST does in the immediate future before they decide to renew or indeed commit to membership for the first time.

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So the question is do we give up on the Trust or do we hang in there because what was a good idea a couple of weeks ago is still a good idea? Give the new Board a chance?

But then I don't share in RM's demonisation of Mark Dingwall.

1. The RST, with Dingwall at the helm, will get precisely nowhere with The Rangers whilst Murray is in charge. Dingwall must know this. So many RST aims are scuppered before they take a foot forward.

2. Dingwall is far from demonised on here. He is open to criticism (and gets it) - something not allowed on the pages or internets of FF.

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