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The Keep Chanting (or not) Thread


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You always claim that it's a minority, yet this song gets sung loudly at Ibrox.

Are you sure you go to Ibrox ?

Derry's Walls, The Sash,... also have nothing to do with Rangers Football Club, you want them banned as well ?

I need to go, so will come back to this later, but just to quickly make the point.........

Yes, I go to Ibrox. Season ticket holder for years, this season I'm going on a game by game basis so far because I'm moving away for 9 months, but I've been to every single home game so far this season as usual.

Something like Follow Follow is sung by the majority in my opinion. The famine song is definitely a minority song in my view. Probably depends on where you sit, if you are amongst a crowd that sing it every week then perhaps you get the impression it's been widely sung.

I've sat in every stand apart from the Copeland this season, and only in the Broomloan (v Hearts) did I think it was being sung by a sizeable (but still minority) number. However, that was just my impression during the Hearts game. Frankie, well known poster on here, was also in the Broomloan for the Hearts game and he said he never heard it at all. So it couldn't have been as widely audible as I first thought.

As for Derry's Walls, Sash............I don't sing them personally, never will. I like to stick to Rangers songs to support my team. But I don't have a problem with others singing them. Not offensive. They certainly don't come under the same heading as the famine song in my opinion.

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Then let me ask you this.

Have you ever been to another game besides a Rangers game ?

In every (And I do mean every) ground in the world people sing songs that can be deemed offensive to others ?

Why ? Because it helps to annoy their opponents, their enemies,... wich also can have an impact on the own team.

Not to mention, it's funny as pish to watch them grovel to try and get us punished.

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Not one of my favourite songs, but nevertheless, if it gets up the noses of our greatest rivals, then so be it.

It is neither racist, sectarian nor indeed contains any swear words - I'm no legal eagle, but I'd venture that one can't be arrested for singing something which is only in bad taste......well, not unless they change the rules and arrest ONLY Rangers supporters.

Clearly Rangers Football Club is distancing themselves from this as seen by the quotes from the Club in today's rags ("Don't sing it"). It is also clear that they refuse to back their support on any subject.

I'm afraid things will get worse whilst Sir David Murray rules the roost at our Club.

He is the problem.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are left to our own devices to fire-fight a situation that is taking arms and legs as we speak.

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One of the great, great things about RM is that we're one of the most open Rangers forums out there. Everyone's opinion is allowed to be aired.

It's great. We've got all sorts on this board from left wing students to right wing nutters (joke).

Don't treat that like it's a bad thing!

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if its gonna cost us points i would rather not sing it. i can see its abit of harmless fun about the plastic paddys that think there irish while waving a british passport, but three years without a title says to me of the sake of a song theres no point.


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if its gonna cost us points i would rather not sing it. i can see its abit of harmless fun about the plastic paddys that think there irish while waving a british passport, but three years without a title says to me of the sake of a song theres no point.


They won't take points off us. They know that if they take points off us then they will have to chap on the mhanks door and take points off them, and you can't take points off them jolly cranksters can you?? :rolleyes:

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what i will say is thank god i am older than most on this board and i have grown up with a support and people who run our club that we could trust, but now i hate the people who run our club and dont care about our club or fans, and some of our fans notice i say some, would give up our past no problems, and thats why we are attacked from all quarters, because all you hear is its not the rangers way, just sit back and it will go away, but it wont.

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In principle I totally agree with you Minstral, and do worry, especially with recent events, over the way the club is perceived to support/care about their fans.

At the same time though there has to be some middle ground, and we have to move with the times and how things change legally, regarding this particular song I don't think it should be classed as illegal, I just think it is very distasteful and unnessary there are much better songs which could be sung. My main gripe is the perceived action only ever being taken against our club when clubs like Celtic are still chanting support for IRA, and clubs like Aberdeen are still chanting about the Ibrox disaster, both of these chants are still fresh in the memories of many supporters due to the severity and horror of the incidents. The famine was about 150 years ago, it was an Act of God and even though I find it distasteful it is only banter.

I don't know if the club are trying to do anything behind the lines, but I think it is time that they stood up and publicly told the fans and the officials at the police, SFA, SPL Scottish Government etc that they do have a dossier on opposition fans and insist it is time that actions is taken against them.

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In principle I totally agree with you Minstral, and do worry, especially with recent events, over the way the club is perceived to support/care about their fans.

At the same time though there has to be some middle ground, and we have to move with the times and how things change legally, regarding this particular song I don't think it should be classed as illegal, I just think it is very distasteful and unnessary there are much better songs which could be sung. My main gripe is the perceived action only ever being taken against our club when clubs like Celtic are still chanting support for IRA, and clubs like Aberdeen are still chanting about the Ibrox disaster, both of these chants are still fresh in the memories of many supporters due to the severity and horror of the incidents. The famine was about 150 years ago, it was an Act of God and even though I find it distasteful it is only banter.

I don't know if the club are trying to do anything behind the lines, but I think it is time that they stood up and publicly told the fans and the officials at the police, SFA, SPL Scottish Government etc that they do have a dossier on opposition fans and insist it is time that actions is taken against them.

i agree with you its only a level playing field that we want, but you wonder who is behind asking the police to arrest our own fans, murray, bain or scott?

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Personally I think it is a stupid song and I can see how people can take offence to it. I understand it is aimed at the plastic paddies who support Ireland over Scotland/Britain but I think there are betters way to make this point. Singing a song highlighting an event in history during which over 1 million people died isn't the way.

My issue with this is the media and the constant negative reporting of Rangers fans. They really will take anything and use it against Rangers Football Club the fans.

We should just stick to singing pro Rangers songs, support the team and ignore Celtic fans.

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what i will say is thank god i am older than most on this board and i have grown up with a support and people who run our club that we could trust, but now i hate the people who run our club and dont care about our club or fans, and some of our fans notice i say some, would give up our past no problems, and thats why we are attacked from all quarters, because all you hear is its not the rangers way, just sit back and it will go away, but it wont.

Minstral we have 'discussed' the past many times before - what you seem to hate is that some of us (club included) want to put some distance between the unionist / protestant links between Rnagers Football Club and the supporters. I may not be as old as you (im 49) but nor am I afraid to move with society and the times, especially when I believe the move to be right. I've sung the BB's with gusto, FTP with the best of them, but over the years, and due to the publicity, I came to question why I did these things and decided that they were no longer for me. I dont deny our past, but I have a clearer vision of our future. I came to understand that Rangers are NOT defined by the unionist and protestant causes. Rangers are defined by their years of excellence in sport, their sportsmanship, their tradition of winning, participating and yes, sometimes even losing, but with grace. It is the ideals of sportsmanship, competitiveness and winning mentality that I admire. I now firmly believe that the rest is baggage and it would be to Rangers detriment if the fans base does not embrace change and recoginse that society is moving on and for the greater good that is Rangers the fan base must move on as well. Now you 'hate' me because I advocate change but the charge I do NOT accept is that I don't care for the cub - I do - and I believe the management does as well - that is why it is hard for the club to defend your views, they care for the club but wish to be distanced from causes that have no place in football. It is, IMHO and no matter what age you are, time to look forward instead of hankering back. We the fans decide the future traditions of the club. You and me differ on what the future should look like.

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Minstral we have 'discussed' the past many times before - what you seem to hate is that some of us (club included) want to put some distance between the unionist / protestant links between Rnagers Football Club and the supporters. I may not be as old as you (im 49) but nor am I afraid to move with society and the times, especially when I believe the move to be right. I've sung the BB's with gusto, FTP with the best of them, but over the years, and due to the publicity, I came to question why I did these things and decided that they were no longer for me. I dont deny our past, but I have a clearer vision of our future. I came to understand that Rangers are NOT defined by the unionist and protestant causes. Rangers are defined by their years of excellence in sport, their sportsmanship, their tradition of winning, participating and yes, sometimes even losing, but with grace. It is the ideals of sportsmanship, competitiveness and winning mentality that I admire. I now firmly believe that the rest is baggage and it would be to Rangers detriment if the fans base does not embrace change and recoginse that society is moving on and for the greater good that is Rangers the fan base must move on as well. Now you 'hate' me because I advocate change but the charge I do NOT accept is that I don't care for the cub - I do - and I believe the management does as well - that is why it is hard for the club to defend your views, they care for the club but wish to be distanced from causes that have no place in football. It is, IMHO and no matter what age you are, time to look forward instead of hankering back. We the fans decide the future traditions of the club. You and me differ on what the future should look like.

You most certainly speak for me on this Bluepeter. Excellent piece mate (tu)

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Minstral we have 'discussed' the past many times before - what you seem to hate is that some of us (club included) want to put some distance between the unionist / protestant links between Rnagers Football Club and the supporters. I may not be as old as you (im 49) but nor am I afraid to move with society and the times, especially when I believe the move to be right. I've sung the BB's with gusto, FTP with the best of them, but over the years, and due to the publicity, I came to question why I did these things and decided that they were no longer for me. I dont deny our past, but I have a clearer vision of our future. I came to understand that Rangers are NOT defined by the unionist and protestant causes. Rangers are defined by their years of excellence in sport, their sportsmanship, their tradition of winning, participating and yes, sometimes even losing, but with grace. It is the ideals of sportsmanship, competitiveness and winning mentality that I admire. I now firmly believe that the rest is baggage and it would be to Rangers detriment if the fans base does not embrace change and recoginse that society is moving on and for the greater good that is Rangers the fan base must move on as well. Now you 'hate' me because I advocate change but the charge I do NOT accept is that I don't care for the cub - I do - and I believe the management does as well - that is why it is hard for the club to defend your views, they care for the club but wish to be distanced from causes that have no place in football. It is, IMHO and no matter what age you are, time to look forward instead of hankering back. We the fans decide the future traditions of the club. You and me differ on what the future should look like.

You most certainly speak for me on this Bluepeter. Excellent piece mate (tu)

Steady youllneverwinaway - I get called all sorts for these radical views of mine - most hurtful so far is 'timmy' I hope you can take the slagging! :lol:

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Minstral we have 'discussed' the past many times before - what you seem to hate is that some of us (club included) want to put some distance between the unionist / protestant links between Rnagers Football Club and the supporters. I may not be as old as you (im 49) but nor am I afraid to move with society and the times, especially when I believe the move to be right. I've sung the BB's with gusto, FTP with the best of them, but over the years, and due to the publicity, I came to question why I did these things and decided that they were no longer for me. I dont deny our past, but I have a clearer vision of our future. I came to understand that Rangers are NOT defined by the unionist and protestant causes. Rangers are defined by their years of excellence in sport, their sportsmanship, their tradition of winning, participating and yes, sometimes even losing, but with grace. It is the ideals of sportsmanship, competitiveness and winning mentality that I admire. I now firmly believe that the rest is baggage and it would be to Rangers detriment if the fans base does not embrace change and recoginse that society is moving on and for the greater good that is Rangers the fan base must move on as well. Now you 'hate' me because I advocate change but the charge I do NOT accept is that I don't care for the cub - I do - and I believe the management does as well - that is why it is hard for the club to defend your views, they care for the club but wish to be distanced from causes that have no place in football. It is, IMHO and no matter what age you are, time to look forward instead of hankering back. We the fans decide the future traditions of the club. You and me differ on what the future should look like.

You most certainly speak for me on this Bluepeter. Excellent piece mate (tu)

Steady youllneverwinaway - I get called all sorts for these radical views of mine - most hurtful so far is 'timmy' I hope you can take the slagging! :lol:

iv got to admit i agree with blue peter aswell. i think sometimes we lose touch of what we are about. we are a football team at the end of day. i have been a rangers fan all of my life, twenty one years of following us and for the first time its all about the football for me. i went through the stage of having brittish flags over my room, singing secterain songs with my mates. now after looking into the conflict of northern ireland all i can do is sympathise with familys who have lost on both sides and realise that i am nothing to do with there struggle. Alot of what is fed on both sides is biggoted propaganda which is not needed on a football feild. Fuck it call me a timmy but thats how i feel now. I am rangers man through and through , season ticket holder who never misses a game.

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