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Should all RFC players withdraw from National team?


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Must say i get happier by the minute watching RFC players withdraw from the National team!

Saw a kilted arsehole on saturday on union Street pissing up against a parked car and people passing and smiling - when you think of the hatred the media and footballing authorities drum up against Rangers fans and then contrast it to the tartan army it begs the question; we are the mainstay of the Scotland support 75-80% but should we continue supporting the Nation when the Media and other fans hate our guts?

I say they can go and fuck themselves!!

what a load of shite, honestly. all rangers players withdraw from the squad? most players grow up dreaming of playing for the national team and you want them to give that up? has to be the dumbest thing i've ever heard. and so what if the media hate us? coz the thing is, we dont give a fuck. i'll support my national team through thick and thin, as i would rangers.

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I will never stop supporting Scotland.

so your gonna keep on paying money into an body (sfa) that (along with all of the scottish football establishment) hate our guts and continue throwing bile our way...


maybe because hes scottish!!!!!!!!

British :pipe:

Sorry to tell you but british isn`t a nationality and before you say anything your nationality isn`t on your passport , Britain is a group of nations

Is this guy for real? I've heard it all now! :)

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I will never stop supporting Scotland.

so your gonna keep on paying money into an body (sfa) that (along with all of the scottish football establishment) hate our guts and continue throwing bile our way...


maybe because hes scottish!!!!!!!!

British :pipe:

Sorry to tell you but british isn`t a nationality and before you say anything your nationality isn`t on your passport , Britain is a group of nations

Is this guy for real? I've heard it all now! :)

Another non-educated celtic fan, what a surprise,eh?

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I will never stop supporting Scotland.

so your gonna keep on paying money into an body (sfa) that (along with all of the scottish football establishment) hate our guts and continue throwing bile our way...


maybe because hes scottish!!!!!!!!

British :pipe:

Sorry to tell you but british isn`t a nationality and before you say anything your nationality isn`t on your passport , Britain is a group of nations

Is this guy for real? I've heard it all now! :)

Great Britain is very often, but incorrectly, used as a synonym for the sovereign state properly known as the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland' (UK).

The UK includes Great Britain AND Northern Ireland)

Great Britain is a political term which describes the combination of England, Scotland, and Wales, the three nations which together include all the land on the island. It is also a geographical term referring to the island on which the greater parts of England, Wales and Scotland are situated.

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I chuckle at those who seem to think it heracy if anyone suggests that they put thier country above their team, there is nothing wrong with that.

If i had to choose Scotland winning the world cup over Rangers winning the Chamions league, then my choice would be Scotland every time.

My love of my national team does no obfuscate my love of Rangers, if i had two children would my love for one overpower the love of the other .. i doubt it very much.

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I chuckle at those who seem to think it heracy if anyone suggests that they put thier country above their team, there is nothing wrong with that.

If i had to choose Scotland winning the world cup over Rangers winning the Chamions league, then my choice would be Scotland every time.

My love of my national team does no obfuscate my love of Rangers, if i had two children would my love for one overpower the love of the other .. i doubt it very much.

have to disagree rangers winning the champions league over scotland winning the world cup anyday considering the fist has more chance of happening than the latter

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so what matter most to you Scotland or Rangers?


timothy here i think :shifty:

ha ha ha ha , sometimes supporting Rangers is REALLY Embarassing ,people like you shouldn`t be allowed into Ibrox

why dont you go home?


ha ha ha ha , My family has been here far longer than yours , you really should get an education

When you spell embarrassing as 'Embarassing' it tells me that you are the one who needs to get an education and not 'QuestionMarc'.

Yes i know , it was a mistake ,im only human .

Hence the name 'Human Being' to show that you are a person and not a potatoe?

Yes i know , it was a mistake ,im only human .

It should be -

Yes, i know. It was a mistake, i'm only human.

In fact, it should be -

Yes, I know. It was a mistake, I'm only human.

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Nothing will match my passion for Rangers Football Club.

As for Scotland, I couldn't give a toss about them. Booing rangers players etc, just shows the hate the tranny army harbour for us. Also it would be highly hypocritical of me to belt out Rule Britannia then sing FOS the next week. I'm British, Scottish and proud.

Rangers. There is no comparison.

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I will never stop supporting Scotland.

so your gonna keep on paying money into an body (sfa) that (along with all of the scottish football establishment) hate our guts and continue throwing bile our way...


maybe because hes scottish!!!!!!!!

British :pipe:

Sorry to tell you but british isn`t a nationality and before you say anything your nationality isn`t on your passport , Britain is a group of nations

Dearie me, dearie me.

Take a good look at a UK Passport if you have one.

'British Citizen' is the phrase used.

Of course British a nationality, just as Scottish is, and most of us are both.

S'pose your passport has a harp on the front?

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I will never stop supporting Scotland.

so your gonna keep on paying money into an body (sfa) that (along with all of the scottish football establishment) hate our guts and continue throwing bile our way...


maybe because hes scottish!!!!!!!!

British :pipe:

Sorry to tell you but british isn`t a nationality and before you say anything your nationality isn`t on your passport , Britain is a group of nations

Is this guy for real? I've heard it all now! :)

Great Britain is very often, but incorrectly, used as a synonym for the sovereign state properly known as the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland' (UK).

The UK includes Great Britain AND Northern Ireland)

Great Britain is a political term which describes the combination of England, Scotland, and Wales, the three nations which together include all the land on the island. It is also a geographical term referring to the island on which the greater parts of England, Wales and Scotland are situated.

I'm aware of what exactly comprises the United Kingdom of GB and NI (tu)

The term "British" refers to the fact that someone is a British citizen, not that they are from Great Britain in the strictly geographical sense. British citizens hail from all parts of the United Kingdom :pipe:

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I will never stop supporting Scotland.

so your gonna keep on paying money into an body (sfa) that (along with all of the scottish football establishment) hate our guts and continue throwing bile our way...


maybe because hes scottish!!!!!!!!

British :pipe:

Sorry to tell you but british isn`t a nationality and before you say anything your nationality isn`t on your passport , Britain is a group of nations

Dearie me, dearie me.

Take a good look at a UK Passport if you have one.

'British Citizen' is the phrase used.

Of course British a nationality, just as Scottish is, and most of us are both.

S'pose your passport has a harp on the front?

Beat me to it!

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Some of you chaps on here dont care about scotland? A little bit pot/kettle for me. You slag the manky mobs of for waving there irish flags, when you claim you dont support your own country of birth and dont give me the whole am british pish. We are british and i was in the royal navy and cheer on our boys at the olympics or anndy murray in the tennis or whatever, but if we are playing a sport as scotland, ie rugby, football then we should get behind them no???

Its unthinkable how many english, welsh or ulster chaps do you know that dont follow there nation, probably not many because even though they are british they still follow there own country through and through

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Some of you chaps on here dont care about scotland? A little bit pot/kettle for me. You slag the manky mobs of for waving there irish flags, when you claim you dont support your own country of birth and dont give me the whole am british pish. We are british and i was in the royal navy and cheer on our boys at the olympics or anndy murray in the tennis or whatever, but if we are playing a sport as scotland, ie rugby, football then we should get behind them no???

Its unthinkable how many english, welsh or ulster chaps do you know that dont follow there nation, probably not many because even though they are british they still follow there own country through and through

It is simply wrong to compare opting out of supporting one's National side with actively supporting a foreign one.

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Must say i get happier by the minute watching RFC players withdraw from the National team!

Saw a kilted arsehole on saturday on union Street pissing up against a parked car and people passing and smiling - when you think of the hatred the media and footballing authorities drum up against Rangers fans and then contrast it to the tartan army it begs the question; we are the mainstay of the Scotland support 75-80% but should we continue supporting the Nation when the Media and other fans hate our guts?

I say they can go and fuck themselves!!

You are as intelligent as your thick post

so ENLIGHTEN ME oh wise human being...

Pretty simple , I want all Rangers players to be internationalists , its good for the club

The question really is a lot W I D E R than that!

In some ways it does pay off but if the SFA the Mhedia and the whole of the Football and Political Establishment are RANGERS HATERS why subsidise them?

Rangers matter more than Scotland because Rangers Fans embody all that is good about the Nation - if we're under atttack ALL THATS GOOD ABOUT SCOTLAND is too!

So come on then tell us why Scotland are MORE IMPORTANT than the Rangers?

Answer, answer, answer...

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Must say i get happier by the minute watching RFC players withdraw from the National team!

Saw a kilted arsehole on saturday on union Street pissing up against a parked car and people passing and smiling - when you think of the hatred the media and footballing authorities drum up against Rangers fans and then contrast it to the tartan army it begs the question; we are the mainstay of the Scotland support 75-80% but should we continue supporting the Nation when the Media and other fans hate our guts?

I say they can go and fuck themselves!!

I would put money on this not being true.

I seen it with my own eyes just before entering 'G Force' on Union Street!

So you'd lose your cash Jasper - IT WAS TRUE!!!!!

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Must say i get happier by the minute watching RFC players withdraw from the National team!

Saw a kilted arsehole on saturday on union Street pissing up against a parked car and people passing and smiling - when you think of the hatred the media and footballing authorities drum up against Rangers fans and then contrast it to the tartan army it begs the question; we are the mainstay of the Scotland support 75-80% but should we continue supporting the Nation when the Media and other fans hate our guts?

I say they can go and fuck themselves!!

what a load of shite, honestly. all rangers players withdraw from the squad? most players grow up dreaming of playing for the national team and you want them to give that up? has to be the dumbest thing i've ever heard. and so what if the media hate us? coz the thing is, we dont give a fuck. i'll support my national team through thick and thin, as i would rangers.

No explanation i see, yet you come on slating my thread...

Thats the dummest thing you ever heared!!!

Trying going to the pub talking the way you are now and get someone to tape your night out THEN LISTEN! :D

"so what if the media hate us..." NOW THAT IS FEKKING DUMB!

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