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Dont be grassing on those Bears


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They didn't simply fight back against the thugs of the police. Those who caused problems brought shame to the club.

try saying that after a copper has landed a couple of blows with a baton - lots of them had two choices 1 run and get the shit beaten out of you or 2 fight back

your no very empathetic i suppose when you have suffered a few blows you ll then come on and say you were wrong.

i know some casuals might have been involved but for the sake of decent Rangers fans who were attacked and reacted the CORRECT way dont grass them up if you do then its you that brings shame on the club

40 or 50 Bears, kicking one guy about the head, and youa re saying they were defending themselves??

I saw more shit wearing my colours than I had in a lifetime.

Get the scumbags grassed and get them to fuck!!

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If they are Rangers supporters I dont want them anywhere near our club now or in the future.

Those "thugs" involved had a choice.... They chose to fight the police and because of that innocent people got hurt as well

very true

I noticed, in the update, not the main show, they then stressed they werent necesarally Rangers fans, nor were they Scottish

Am sure some like brissybeat there will neglect to pick that up

edited for shocking name error

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If they are Rangers supporters I dont want them anywhere near our club now or in the future.

Those "thugs" involved had a choice.... They chose to fight the police and because of that innocent people got hurt as well

very true

I noticed, in the update, not the main show, they then stressed they werent necesarally Rangers fans, nor were they Scottish

Am sure some like brissybeat there will neglect to pick that up

edited for shocking name error

Of coures there were English casuals involved, but there were plenty of our own.

Did you go to manchester?

On the way back from the game, me and my mate were confronted by 5 "bears" who were launching bricks at parked cars from this roof.

We asked them what the fuck they were doing. PUnches were thrown and we ended up getting chased round a few cars until othe rbears backed us up.

They were scottish and they had colours on.

Nobody is denying every wee ratshagging scummy neddy Rangers supporting fuckwit was down there for the game.

No-one is denying tehre were Man City, Chelsea amongst others mulling about looking for trouble.

Unfortunately we brought our own "shit' down that couple of days.

In the square when the bottles were being launched I couldnt beleive what i was seeing. Bears weere getting hurt by other bears.

Of course out of 200,000 the trouble was perpetrated by a tiny minority. Anyone who was there and denies that it didnt change everything is a bare faced liar.

Even back at the camp site we went to, bears were fighting with each other.

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the council in Manchester along with the Police themselves were more to blame than Rangers fans

dont be grassing them up for fighting back against the thugs of the police

Who started the bottle throwing before the game started?

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One of the first things that was learned at primary school is no one likes a grass.

So if an old lady knew the name of someone who tampered with your kid she should keep it to herself? <cr>

If someone did something that wasn't to serious, fair enough. But if I knew someone that stabbed another person, fvk them.

This deflection that if someone is not Scottish they can't be a Rangers fan is a bit disingenuous imo.

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Yes but dont grass.

Someone harms my family, fuck them, if i can't get a hold of them then i'll make sure john q law does. Same rules apply. These clowns gave the mhedia just the fukin excuse it needed, fuck the lot of them bears or not.

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I think that everyone should do what they beleive is right.

Let's not judge the people in those pics though! That would be wrong in so many ways.

The fact the police want them identified does not prove that they have broken any law.

They are innocent so far.

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Yes but dont grass.

Someone harms my family, fuck them, if i can't get a hold of them then i'll make sure john q law does. Same rules apply. These clowns gave the mhedia just the fukin excuse it needed, fuck the lot of them bears or not.

Yes but don't grass.

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Do you know what the funny thing is, I bet most of the people who are saying grass them in are the ones who where shocked that Boab got a boy kicked out of Ibrox for reporting him to steward for singing.

Don't do the scum of Manchesters job for them, let them do the job for themselves and while they are there let them investigate the police officer who smacked my 14 year old brother in the neck during a police charge when he was trying to walk across a road.

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One of the first things that was learned at primary school is no one likes a grass.

So if an old lady knew the name of someone who tampered with your kid she should keep it to herself? <cr>

If someone did something that wasn't to serious, fair enough. But if I knew someone that stabbed another person, fvk them.

This deflection that if someone is not Scottish they can't be a Rangers fan is a bit disingenuous imo.

What an idiotic comment.

Child abuse or a drunken barny with coppers at a football game...aye I see the comparison! :rolleyes:

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I've met too many scummy police officers to even consider helping the force.

The whole thing where they arrested my autistic big brother for nothing was the final straw for me and I'll never do anything to help them. I won't go out of my way to hinder them, but they'll never get any respect or help from me. Ever.

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interestingly, on crimewatch there, they NEVER mentioned, or intimated that it was "Rangers" fans. Why is that then?

There was 1 photo of a rangers top, and, the guy looked pretty innocent in it.

The "big attack" that they showed, had no colours that i could see either

yup, no mention of it being Rangers fans, just "so called football fans"

Wouldnt have been the case IN scotland eh

Perhaps our PR company does work behind the scenes.

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If they are Rangers supporters I dont want them anywhere near our club now or in the future.

Those "thugs" involved had a choice.... They chose to fight the police and because of that innocent people got hurt as well

very true

I noticed, in the update, not the main show, they then stressed they werent necesarally Rangers fans, nor were they Scottish

Am sure some like brissybeat there will neglect to pick that up

edited for shocking name error

We don't know of they were true Rangers fans or not, agreed, but how can you suggest because someone's not Scottish they're automatically not a Rangers fan?

We have fans all around the world, are they suddenly not fans when it suits us?

Time will tell and I hope if people get caught the club will come out and say if they were ever season ticket holders or not and we can get a true handle on the number of our fans who were involved and the number of fans of other clubs. It's conceivable the number of our fans involved is a fraction of the number who went on the rampage and if that's the case I want the numbers out there in the media.

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One of the first things that was learned at primary school is no one likes a grass.

So if an old lady knew the name of someone who tampered with your kid she should keep it to herself? <cr>

If someone did something that wasn't to serious, fair enough. But if I knew someone that stabbed another person, fvk them.

This deflection that if someone is not Scottish they can't be a Rangers fan is a bit disingenuous imo.

What an idiotic comment.

Child abuse or a drunken barny with coppers at a football game...aye I see the comparison! :rolleyes:

What an idiotic statement by yourself. A blow to the head can kill so if you're happy to take the risk and potentially rob another man's family of a husband and father then you're lower than the low.

The people who rioted down there brought the name of my club into disrepute and heaped shame on it. If they're not Rangers fans but just neds out looking for a fight then I want to know and I want the world to know it wasn't Rangers fans, don't you? Or are you happy for the link to be there?

In order to find out if these people were not fans of the club then we have to find out who they were so those who suggest these people are not fans but advocate not 'grassing' (childish word straight from the playground) how do they suggest we find out if they were fans or not?

Can't have it both ways.

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It's actually getting to the point of being amused by the number of people that just don't understand that a crime is a crime - Bear or not.

If ANY Bear commits a crime -- not matter how serious -- screw them. Period. The entire culture of not grassing -- now, that is idiotic.

And to the OP -- what planet are you from? The title of the post says it all for me. Grow up, get a life, get a job, and lay off the bevvy early in the morning. It's not doing you any favours. Or, were you in the photographs? Perhaps that's your motivation for your post in the 1st place?

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It's actually getting to the point of being amused by the number of people that just don't understand that a crime is a crime - Bear or not.

If ANY Bear commits a crime -- not matter how serious -- screw them. Period. The entire culture of not grassing -- now, that is idiotic.


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I was not in Manchester for the game as I am an overseas Bearette so I don’t know all of what happened that day. I do know that the image of the club was tarnished worldwide by a small proportion of people that were there. The title of the post is “don’t be grassing on these bears” but then most people go in to say there are not Rangers fans anyway, if that is the case there should be no problem naming them. The days after the game this board was full of indignation at what happened and the main theme was lets prove they are not Bears, in addition if some are found to be let’s get them out. For now some of them may still be able to go to games and the potential for them to cause more trouble in the future should be a concern for all as it could lead to a ban. Not being able to go to the game was bad enough but to have the happy images I saw of the fans having fun was replaced in my mind by the videos of the fighting afterwards was equally as bad.

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