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Everything posted by Cappa

  1. Messsssi Messsssssi Messssssssi. The greatest of all time.
  2. It's an interesting point but I always thought Michael Owen's injury problems stem from that knee injury in the 2006 World Cup. Fabregas has a lot of hamstring problems but he appears to run normal. Just some players' luck, I guess. Although I think his main problem is Arsenal rush him back way too soon every time.
  3. Any spaces left for the new tournie? If so, AstafjevsCappa is my psn.
  4. The spitting is enough, once could be forgiven as it could be a heat of the moment mistake. Multiple times is unforgivable. He spat on an 11 year old boy and an opposition player in the one month! Reports that he racially abused a ball boy. Threatening to stab a teammate and is sold a few days later as a result. Arrested for reportedly hitting his wife. Imagine this was a tim I was talking about! The opinions would be oh so different, I'd imagine. Because of his past, the media go OTT on him which is unfair. He was never going to get a fair crack of the whip from the media up here. I also don't think he's done anything wrong in Scotland though. He done fantastic not to stick the nut on Brown, something I doubt most of us would've been able to stop ourselves from doing. I said from day one, and I have been saying it for years that I simply don't like him and never will. I also don't think he's as good a footballer as some make out but there's no denying he's one of the better players in the country and footballing wise will prove to be a good move by Smith.
  5. Brilliant news. Fantastic potential. Should be in the Scotland squad!
  6. So we're judging 'arseholes' on the amount of red cards they get? Let's not kid ourselves here, the guy is without doubt a bit of a prick. Doesn't matter how you pretty it up with stats about red cards. I won't even add the 'but he's a good player' line to please certain morons who'll be foaming at the mouth because I haven't changed my opinion of the man since he arrived in Glasgow.
  7. Ronaldo will sleep happy knowing he scored two more goals than Messi in this round of games. Messi will sleep happy knowing his side won in this round of games.
  8. Great player, great man.
  9. What the fuck! It'll end up running until about 4am. The officials that be up here couldnae run a bath.
  10. In fairness though, if the noise was so loud I doubt Ally would've heard it from the other side of the technical area. If he did, I'm fairly certain the fourth official would've as well and he'd be reported.
  11. He played well football wise, but he was fucking embarrassing with the red card. Even if you think it's harsh (it was) you just accept it and go down the tunnel. Grabbing the ref's hand and trying to put the card back in his pocket... fucking pathetic.
  12. Clutching at straws. If I were you I'd be raging at the only shot AT ALL from a Rangers point of view was a free kick in stoppage time.
  13. Clutching at straws. If I were you I'd be raging at the only shot AT ALL from a Rangers point of view was a free kick in stoppage time.
  14. Penalty for what? Can't remember any penalty claims. And no, Whittaker shouldn't have been sent off. His first yellow was shocking. Stupid of him to make a pointless tackle on a yellow but still, that should've been his first. Who wasn't sent off is the question?
  15. The only thing mate. Early in the first half he passed right to one of their defenders under absolutely no pressure. The guy is fucking outrageously shit.
  16. FFS. The whole team was sent off just about, surely this isn't true. Ref's a bawbag, both sides completely lost it and I haven't heard of on red card in the celtic camp.
  17. Cappa

    FIFA 11

    I am the FIFA king. My football is just absolutely stunning. When I'm on form I'm unbeatable. I will not allow any of you to play me though, you are not worthy! That ultimate team is fucking infuriating. I've just started so I'm lumped with big fat wanks at the back against teams with the likes of Eto'o. Fucking Usain Bolt would struggle catching him in FIFA. Don't really know how the UT works yet. The only players in my team worth mentioning are; Huntelaar, Thomas Muller, Toni Kroos, Igor Akinfeev and Benedikt Howedes from Schalke.
  18. Looks a great signing, much better than fat Alex that's for sure. Class big defender, I'll give you that one. He should have walked tonight though for his challenge on Rooney when he was already booked.
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