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Everything posted by Cappa

  1. That shirt looks weird. It's tiny and the sponsor is too high up. If he hasn't pumped at least 100 burds by now he's a disgrace.
  2. You should've had a tug before you went in the bath, it'd have felt like someone else was doing it. I'm confident about this game. If we'd won on Saturday I may have felt differently but the team will bounce back well, I'm sure of it.
  3. Messi does track back. He just doesn't need to very often because Barcelona constantly have possession and when they don't they defend from the front. Rooney is the best player in England, imo. Ability wise I mean. He's got everything when he wants to show it. The only player equal to Lionel Messi was Diego Maradona.
  4. That's the thing, there's nobody who stands out. Hopefully we sign a good centre half in the summer who can take the armband on right away.
  5. He'll do a turn for the rest of the season simply because of how shite the midfield currently is. If he's captain next season.
  6. Götze was fantastic for the first goal. How was the atmosphere mate?
  7. When a blasted Messi's arse wae ma enormous 14 incher!
  8. The best ever! What's all this "for Sandy" baws. My wall is full of Messi posters, I've got a few books about him etc... the pages are even sticky! I'm the true fan boi.
  9. Would you say McGregor was world class mate? We've been blessed with quality players between the sticks in recent times. McGregor, Klos and Goram all in my supporting lifetime.
  10. I created a poll on that ages ago and it was pretty close. I personally think Klos was a better goalkeeper than McGregor. Klos was world class, imo.
  11. Fantastic goalkeeper. Top class reflexes. What was the script with his kicking though?
  12. There will never be another Lionel Messi! GOAT.
  13. It'll never happen, I think everybody knows that...
  14. When talking about greatest sportsmen ever then Roger Federer surely has to come into it. Class on the court and class off it.
  15. This. Great boxer but a total prick. Joe Frazier has always been one of my favourite boxers. Completely underrated and it's a tragedy.
  16. Whenever I hear of Ali I can't help but feel a tad bitter about how Iron Mike's career turned out. He really could've been the greatest if the head was screwed on.
  17. Unbelievable. Ronnie O'Sullivan would struggle to do that with a ball.
  18. Amazing pass. I've been saying it since yesterday, Weiss won the game, imo. He changed it completely when he came on, before that it seemed destined for penalties.
  19. Chelsea are a bit like the scousers. It's always 'their year', except it never really is.
  20. Do we play Bartley if he's 50% knowing it could possibly be his last game of the season if he takes a knock again?
  21. The Bougherra one was a clear penalty but you can hardly blame the officials for the handball. It was a mad scramble with almost everybody in the one area, hard for them to see it but like I said, no excuses for the one at the end.
  22. I know he wasn't the worst player on the park tonight and I know it'll be a controversial opinion but Bougherra ought to just stick to defending. He must watch guys like Pique and think that looks like a laugh, I'll try that. His passing tonight was terrible. Little fancy tricks in defence when you can just pass to a teammate 5 yards away ffs. It's so annoying. Wylde should start on Sunday imo. Played his way into the team. He'll tear Wilson a new one if he can get running at him and deliver some crosses into their suspect box for Jelavic. Imagine how good Davis would be if he had a decent partner in the middle for a change. He's basically having to play two roles to cover for Edu.
  23. Get Healy and Diouf on second half. Leave Naismith until around 70 and see what's happening then.
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