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Everything posted by EcosseBear

  1. Cheers man. appreciated
  2. Could someone make this image bigger to Avatar size with a transparent background? Cheers
  3. I think he just copy & pasted it from wherever and it was a tim that wrote it originally.
  4. Thats minted, it does'nt look like his full name is there though.
  5. EcosseBear

    Edin Dzeko

    How many Dzeko sigs have you made?
  6. Looks like he has a wee gimp arm
  7. I saw a guy called Kerkar was that him?
  8. He'll end up at Everton or some shite like that.
  9. EcosseBear

    Sig ?

    V3 with no text is sexy.
  10. I think a few farts and bit of jobby would appear playing in front of that at 11.
  11. http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/1308/kilwinningbluenose91.jpg Put that between the image tags.
  12. Apparently Casillas does'nt talk to Diarra cos he's black.
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