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Everything posted by Ben10

  1. How can people sit in their houses and seethe all the time ? It would surely fuck up your health. Treat it like an allergy.
  2. He's a bit of a clown. I suppose I have to say he's a good maannaajaaa His unrequited love of Man United should be enough to relegate him from Deity status.
  3. Can anyone tell me what the OP was trying to spit out ? He seems annoyed at something he's heard on the radio.
  4. Something seedy about that bastard. Think he might be a bit of a paedo or rapist type.
  5. I don't how to fuckin quote people so fuck it.
  6. I would love to know what he says in the dressing room before sending his team out to play Ross County, and then compare it to what he says before playing Barcelona. He is constantly snubbed by most of his players after a victory.. and then celebrates a goal on the touchline as if it was himself who scored it. I think his mental illness is worsening.
  7. Valencia should wear a single white glove
  8. I will not soon forget the moans and groans of pleasure some people on this forum have expressed over this particular scandal. Let's be honest here, what right-minded adult can take delight in a paedophile scandal ? We know what they are, but gleefully celebrating it at home and at matches exposes what you are quite blatantly.
  9. Our supporters' politics are correct, though. It literally is good vs evil. Gods chosen people vs self-hating, trampy, roman catholic pederasts conveniently allied with militant Islam ? That just about sums it up
  10. He is the only one that thinks that celtics title win was any sort of accomplishment.
  11. You're a class above the rest. Tell me about these 'Rangers songs' ya'n arsehole !
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