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Smell the hotdog

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Everything posted by Smell the hotdog

  1. If they stay in the prem they will be shopping in a very different market to us and given his record I wouldn’t be too worried about it anyway. Cantwell or Raskin haven’t done nearly enough to get a move to the prem yet. Concerning yourself about nothing.
  2. Thot Cantwell was decent up until the yellow card which took the edge off his game. Not like Clancy would have needed a 2nd chance.
  3. It’s really no, he’s had 1 full season in Scotland of note which consists of 9 pens and 9 goals from open play. Hearts aren’t selling him for buttons, they’d want 2 million plus and who’d blame them. Like many of our targets we’re a club/transfer behind the curve, we could have got him for 500k as 3rd choice in the summer which would have been good business. 2/3 mill for Shankland is madness considering we need to replace Morelos and we’ve limited funds.
  4. Hagi’s a good guy, shame a moment of madness will probably lose him his job. No doubt find it difficult to get back in somewhere else.
  5. Wild take. Boy has been out for so long, you’d expect his crossing to be a bit wayward got better as game went on. By that logic you must fuckin hate Kent given his shooting is beyond pathetic?
  6. Never done that with Gazza and Laudrup in our squad, we ain’t doing it with this mob.
  7. Soon as Raskin wasn’t in the team Beale opened himself up to every single criticism he’s getting now. Fuckin horrific choice off him, wasn’t only thing that was wrong right enough but deflated the support before we even kicked a ball
  8. Absolutely mental that anyone would consider starting Roofe on Sunday.
  9. To a degree Kent? I’d say Kent is the one he’s made most improvement in and I’m probably Kent’s biggest critic.
  10. Wouldn’t surprise to see Colak in for buff and maybe Kent rested with Cantwell coming in. Both played a lot of games under Beale.
  11. We canny pump 10 man St J and Ibrox what makes you think we can go Tynecastle and do it
  12. The ref didn’t even see it, he got booked cause it was Morelos and fuck all else.
  13. Both our keepers are shite, sooner we get a new one the better.
  14. This is the problem with so many of our players they should have been sold 18 months ago. Borna lost a yard during 55 season it was clear and should have been sold on end of that season. Can’t wait for Yilmaz to get back fit and see how he does with a proper run of games.
  15. Tarrier media campaign works once again
  16. Part of the reason we didn’t increase our lead though, Sakala was having a field day and moved inside to accommodate Wright, who as usual, did fuck all.
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