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Everything posted by JackAlex93

  1. hopefully edu and mculloch dont play together in the same midfield! edu is clueless, floats around chasing shadows and mculloch is a carthorse! we need creativity and youth in there!
  2. Plain and simple - Davie Weir has been an absolute star since he signed for us which seems about 25 years ago, i now feel he should join the coaching staff at ibrox or retire from rangers fully if that would be his wish. As a coach i think he would do very well and benefit us massively, the man is a class act on and off the park, but i do now feel he should hang up his boots go out on a high, rest up enjoy his retirement and look back on his career as one of success and joy!
  3. I think i may have clicked mculloch by mistake but it was between, mcgregor, mculloch or whittaker! Whittaker has been very decent in any position he has been thrown into and I value him for his versatility and consitent form!
  4. I think i may have clicked mculloch by mistake but it was between, mcgregor, mculloch or whittaker! Whittaker has been very decent in any position he has been thrown into and I value him for his versatility and consitent form!
  5. I personally would take goodwillie in a heartbeat, just look at how many goals he has scored already in the spl last season and currently this season! He would rip it up with us!
  6. it'll be a low tempo, boring win for us, maybe 2-0, i dont want to complain but i cant see much excitement in this one
  7. stick your boycott up your ARSE! rangers need us and we must answer that call!
  8. Would love to see our kits made by adidas, i reckon the designs would be pretty smart, we'd get way more money than we do from umbro and the material would be better quality - YES
  9. Well that cup win is right up there with some of the sweetest moments i have experienced in my time as a gers man! we have had to endure some amount of shite from the mhanks recently but we won, we fucked them and they canae take it, they will blame the ball, the posts, the ref, the pitch but we won and i dont give a fuck what they say! davis is BACK and so is the BILLY BOYS, which can only help us on our quest for victory to retain what is rightfully ours, the title! so fly the flags and banners high, sing ours songs and lets win this fuckin league! WE ARE THE PEOPLE
  10. duno mate just a bit cheesed off at the moment, not meant to be directed at u man. aye ano edu isnt the best player we've ever seen to wear our number 7 jersey but what can as fans do about it, nothing
  11. never said that pal! fed up of hearing people go on about how pish edu is, we are far too harsh on our own players at times. we fuckin make him the scapegoat all the time and maybe if we werent on his back, moaning and groaning at every bad pass/ tackle/ shot he makes then he may actually give us a performance.
  12. and you play for who, barcelona aye ?
  13. Play him on the right hand side from the start on sunday against celtic and he will rip that defence apart as would wylde would do on the left!
  14. thank you walter for all your hard work, success and trophies but it's time to go at the end of the season like u have chosen to. your tactics are becoming worse and worse every week and your team selection is baffling, hopefuly wee ally doesnt play the same way
  15. The Ayr United fans sing a song like that along the same lines about killie
  16. Yes we will. i still believe we have what it takes
  17. I really hope we play the way we did against Valencia at home, tight at the back but very exciting going forward creating lots of chances. we have nothing to fear
  18. All nighter for me because i can never sleep the night prior to an old firm, dont know how or why but i just cant, must just be the excitement for the big game!
  19. Yes, love it! Love the build up and when it kicks off the sheer volume of noise for the first 15 minutes or so
  20. in all honesty i think we will pump them 3-0, watch this spaces folks. :jelavic:
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