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Everything posted by weejoseph

  1. Great read! Hopefully a future Rangers captain for years to come. His Loyalty towards us and our club is very refreshing after the shite we have been through.
  2. RIP Sandy Jardine. A real Rangers legend.
  3. You are a fucking idiot if that is all you can come out with after all of this. Are you enjoying this?
  4. Sad news. Thoughts go out to the young girls family and friends. Rip.
  5. Law was ok? Are you fucking for real? He is an imposter that has been stealing a wage for months now. He cost us the crucial first goal aswell!
  6. I sit in the govan east. Good view but couldnt be further away from the atmosphere in ordinary games in terms of UB and BO.
  7. Of course i have, have you? You have got to be trolling. How anybody can say silverware doesn't matter to a club like ours cannot be serious?
  8. Now that the last of us has been confirmed, it should be a no brainer!
  9. It could have been so much different under PLG if Buffel had scored half the fucking chances we made for him that first 4 months!
  10. The problem with the questions you are asking is there is not a hope in hell in my opinion that we will get anywhere near the top with the imposters in the dug out and the mercenaries running about in MY teams jersey every weekend. The only way i feel i can put my point across to the custodians in charge or Rangers is by voting with my feet.
  11. I am in the same boat as you apart from i am pissed off with the boardroom antics, fucking fan protests etc. That and McCoists reluctance to send a team out to play football have left me wondering if renewing a season ticket is actually worth it.
  12. Not a fucking hope in hell going by form. Anyone who thinks we can beat these manky bastards on current form is fucking delusional. Nothing i seen yesterday or in the past 5 months gives me any hope or confidence that we can turn that around.
  13. Slightly off topic but just seen on twitter that McCoists son Alex has had to deactivate his twitter account due to the levels of abuse getting hurled at him from fellow bears. Poor fucking show!
  14. Couldn't even bring myself to go for a pint after that shite last night. What a kick in the teeth if true!
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