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Everything posted by djbroxybear

  1. The undroppable man who is a fucking wage thief and should be dropped from the team anyway for his contribution playing with the rest of the imposters.
  2. McCulloch is never a Rangers Captain in his life and how the fuck he has never been dropped is beyond belief.
  3. This spot on......But we know the same imposters will be playing again as McUseless hasn't got the balls to drop them.
  4. Jesus wept these cunts need hounded tae fuck out our club fucking kid on pros who are stealing a fucking wage from the club.
  5. Foster is a fraud like all the rest of the fucking imposters, he is utterly fucking shite and how he hasn't been dropped is beyond me.
  6. Absolute fucking clueless clown who is another one thieving a wage from the club. We should be hounding every imposter out of the club.
  7. I followed Rangers in the 80's pre - Souness everywhere, but i tell you what even though we were shite the players gave over 100% , these fucking imposters are thieving a wage from the club and don't seserve the support they get and i am now finding it hard to get masel up for Friday enough is enough..
  8. These imposters don't deserve the support they have , they have downed tools and should be dropped from the starting line up.
  9. Every fucking one of them don't deserve to be paid wages imposters the lot of them.
  10. There all wage thieves and should be dropped, i'd rather see our under 20 team playing than these imposters.
  11. McCall won't come near us as it stands with the present board.
  12. You will be probably right these cunts are untouchable, McDowell has to go because we aint getting promoted under these imposters as it stands.
  13. You sound like a tarrier what you have just wrote..
  14. We all know this imposter who is thieving a wage should be told to get tae fuck....but we all know he will be back to captain the team come Friday.
  15. Imposters every fucking one of them apart from loanee who has just came into team, McDowell is utterly fucking clueless, players still on the park even though there pish. This is not the Glasgow Rangers we know absolute fuckin sick of watching these cunts not giving 100%.
  16. Can't argue with that Captain the imposters don't deserve to wear the famous jersey..
  17. The standards have dropped so much since McCoist's reign these imposters think they are better than they are im afraid.
  18. In all honesty mate i am still waiting to hear from Ashley, Llambias, Somers, Easdales, there vision for our club.
  19. Another load of utter pish the slightest of things he say's lets bash King, i think King was talking tongue and cheek ...Oh and have i seen any of the Rangers 9 in a row or Goughie come out and crucify him NOPE....Will they NOPE... some folk need to get a fucking life.
  20. We know why he is staying and being humiliated by the board its all about the money , not that Kenny has been well paid in his time at Ibrox of coarse.
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