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Baz the Bear

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Everything posted by Baz the Bear

  1. Dunno if this strictly counts but did you know that Toady from Neighbours is a mad bluenose? 100% genuine!!!
  2. eplsite.com usually show the games, failing that try livesoccer.net
  3. Alexander is a good keeper who has never let us down but McGregor is still far superior overall. Hearts got more than £10m for Craig Gordon so surely Shagger is worth more than £5m? Theres plenty PL looking for a good keeper and IMO Shagger is up there with the best in Britain at the moment so if we do sell it should be nearer £8m. Would take either Bell or Gilks on a free, both decent keepers but rather keep Shagger if at all possible!
  4. Hes a real gem and as Smith said after the game, once he gets a full pre-season under his belt he will be frightening. Got to keep the ball on the deck for him though, much better with ball at his feet, running at defenders. Certainly needs a partner in the Miller mould, possibly Goodwillie but not for more than £1.5m in my opinion. I think in the meantime Healy could possibly be a good mould for him.
  5. not to mention try get the goal difference down a bit, could be crucial come end of the season!
  6. Ye it had a kid on it. Didnt realise he had any!
  7. Exactly, just because hes over six feet doesnt mean we need to throw long balls up to him all game. Hes much better with the ball at his feet and running at defenders.
  8. You might be right but they wont fancy playing on that pitch so ye never know.
  9. Yes, its Spencers quotes i was talking about no the article as a whole.
  10. Was talking about Spencers quotes rather than the article as a whole.
  11. We got some tough games but so have they starting on tuesday against St.Johnstone on that midden of a pitch. If they slip up we gotta be more committed to take advantage. Were not playing well but neither are they so i think its gonna be more about bottle rather than ability in the last few weeks of season.
  12. Just telling it as it is, giving them more stick than us so dont think its so bad. Fair play to him for being honest!
  13. Glad to see at least some of our support are appreciating exactly what Murray brought to our club. Yes, there are plenty negatives but they are far out numbered by the positives such as rebuilding Ibrox, Murray Park, Laudrup, Gazza not to mention the afore mentioned trophy haul. Its easy to forget that had Murray not come in, i dont think there is any doubt we would not have won as many prizes. Obviously, looking back, there should have been more prudent spending but at the time we where all loving it, dont remember anyone ever complain. We would have been on his case had he not opened the cheque book so i think we should be saying thanks for the memories David Murray!
  14. Hes a good player n certainly better than Edu (who was actually better than pish tonight) although would only be buying potential, we need guys who can go straight into first team come the start of the season.
  15. Shagger n Weir pass marks but think Edu deserves a mention for finally being better than dire. Poor pitch didnt help performance. Tims not renowned for grinding out results like that on a shite pitch so could be interesting next week.
  16. Dunno what was wrong, theres no denying he is a good CB, can only think it was a psychological thing similar to when Snelders bottled playing for Holland. Just couldnt handle big games. Watched him again today and was excellent against Hibs.
  17. Totally agree, when it comes to Rangers and our fans it seems to be fair game to have a pop where as anything regarding Celtic fans is swept under the carpet. Dont remember so much as a mention in the mhedia when 50,000 of them where calling Walter Smith a "sad orange bastard" or about there support for terrorism all over the world, not to mention there total hatred towards the British Forces. So called "charity" match in Bilbao, more like a fund raiser for ETA.
  18. Just hope were not seeing history repeating with wee Flecky, from what i hear hes going down the same path after being touted as one of the biggest prospects in Britain. Hope not!
  19. Stomachs churning after watching that filth, scum of the fucking earth! Hope someone sends this filth to Graham Spiers who seems adamant that we are to blame for everything that happens in this country.
  20. Any idea why the boy Hemmings wasnt playing today? Hes the real star of the 19s, think he will be in about the first team squad next season.
  21. Strangely no mention of the pro-IRA songs or 50,000 Septic fans singing that Walter Smith was a "sad orange bastard" in the 3-0 game at the piggery. Wish to fuck someone would come out and defend the fans against this constant persecution from the mhedia and certain authorities. Dont really give a fuck what the Catholic Church have to say considering the abuse they have been sweeping under the carpet for decades.
  22. Met Goram in The Nile on West Nile Street not long after "that" van Hooijdoink pen save. Asked him what he really said but just laughed. Was brilliant with us, ended up sittin havin a few beers with us. Class!
  23. This has been kicking about for a while but just to add to it, these same councillers, mps, msps etc had a say in the decision NOT to allow Rangers to develop the areas in and around Ibrox whilst at the same time spending multi-millions to bring Parkhead and the surrounding areas up to scratch. Glasgow City Council are a disgrace, surely the Commonwealth Games should be centred around the national stadium but when you see some of the names mentioned it doesnt surprise me whatsoever that Septic got such a large slice of the pie. Mosson is the one that REALLY sticks in my throat, i know him and his family personally and they are as bitter as they come, not just IRA sympathisers but add PLO and ETA to that plus trips to Palestine and Cuba (all on the taxpayer of course) show you exactly what type of people we are dealing with here. How do people like that get to positions of such power in this corrupt city?
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