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Everything posted by superallysbears

  1. One cross from Goss in particular was a carbon copy of Beckham, think Goss might be a big player for us.
  2. Gascoigne planked 2 fish in Gordon Duries motor one day for a laugh.
  3. Now that I've looked at it again you might have a point lol
  4. I'd prefer the enclosures for the safe standing area but I don't think that would happen, Ibrox would look even better that way imo.
  5. I bet a tenner on him for first goal scorer last night at 22/1 because it was his birthday, happy birthday Danny and geez another goal on saturday I'll be betting on you again
  6. Anyone think Sir Walter was behind the tactics or involved in someway with how the team played against the junkies the other night?
  7. In the future ibrox will need its capacity exctended, God knows how and when this will happen but I believe she needs it.
  8. Del piero was no bad tae, that goal he scored against us from a free kick near the by line at Ibrox, put it right over Goram from a tight angle, think we lost 4 - 0 that night
  9. Batistuta was good in his day, remember him well on channel 4s Italia in the 90s
  10. I'm fucking sick of this shite! Get to fuck now and bring in a genuine fucking manager the likes we've not seen since walter...
  11. Fucking shite warburton! If your not going to try something different then we are fucked with you in charge!!!
  12. Rip Daniel Prodan, remember alot of fans being excited when we signed him at the time only for it not to work out.
  13. No cunt makes it in to the building never mind the playing squad unless your Andy halliday with your season ticket on you.
  14. I hope Barry is our manager one day, best talent to come through in Scotland the last 30 years, and the Barry square baw bit was true in a lot of instances but he was a great player, just ignore me in future can't be doing with cunts like you.
  15. Had the name before the shit hit the fan with mcoist and Barry giving the V to the tartan trannys was great in my book
  16. What is it with fanny's like you on here and calling folk taigs? There might be a few on here but I'm certainly not one, now fuck off respectfully!
  17. A certain Mr mcoist? Might be a chance at redemption in a managerial sense, if strapon packs it in I'm going to put a bet on him at 20/1, you just never know!
  18. Waddel ya fenian bastard! Brown wiz shite and you give him a 7 ???? I can't wait till we take our place back at the summit cause cunts like you will be hurting like fuck, let's hope it's soon!
  19. Am no lying to my self, we've no had the best start but you can only pish with the cock your given, your point about the board I agree with, I'm hoping we can get better and I believe we will get better if we don't then I'll jump on the bandwagon tae, we need to start winning games.
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