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Everything posted by superallysbears

  1. Buffalo bill scene in silence of the lambs when he's dancing about with the mangina music in that scene is awesome....
  2. Jason will score if he gets half a chance, morelos might need more chances to score, I'd play both from the start.
  3. We'll be back performing on that stage soon, keep believing...
  4. If he keeps winning he'll get the job, tonight is another crucial night in the championship race, just keep winning.
  5. We beat St Johnstone the morra , and hope the the beast from the east can strike on Wednesday calling off the beasts from the east game against dundee lol which in turn could get us closer for a wee while longer.
  6. Dorrans could do the windass position further forward, I'd like to see that down the line.
  7. I think the midfield would be poorer with Jack and Dorrans in it, even if they were fit to start the next game, there's no danger they would be keeping Murphy or Goss or even Doc out the team.
  8. We'll need all our players for the champions league qualifiers so jamie will no be going to South America
  9. The players are starting to believe, I noticed them altogether today and there's a real confidence building, this taking one game at a time is the right attitude to have, it was like watching a team full of Rangers supporters today and we've not had that for year's.
  10. Plenty time for Docherty to stake a claim but I'd have holt back in for the hearts game.
  11. He kicked the ball straight to the opposition, that's happened a few times now, I think he's crap to be honest.
  12. Wonder if he's ever been asked if he was interested in managing us, don't think I've ever heard his name mentioned.
  13. I'll back Walter Smith whatever he chooses to do, personally I'd love him back at Rangers because he would stop 9 in a row, I have no doubts on that, on the other hand the man's getting on a bit now and deserves his retirement. Growing up seeing my team win title after title really was out of this world for me, Walter will always be my all time hero.
  14. It would go someway to putting things right with the right person in charge, but lm not sure Clarke is that person.
  15. Even if we could have got Clarke in I'd bet that we would be no better than we are now, the whole club has lost its winning mentality, players, managers, boardroom, the fans are the only thing left at our club that has that winning mentality, until the other parts of our club catch up then we'll stay the same.
  16. Holt was the worst, he couldn't get near that prick Allen in the middle today.
  17. I stood in the home end at starks Park with a friend in 1995, we were about 14 years old and when we scored we couldn't help but cheer and jump about mad, all the Raith fan's round about us started poking their fingers and shouting like fuck at us right in our faces, shouting 'your bumming our team standing there ya wegie bastards, the polis came up and we ended up getting took round behind the goals and in with our own fans, think mcoist scored that day and gazza ran over done the big gay kiss on him.
  18. He's a stick on to score against the spoon burners, I'll be lumping the lot on him on Saturday.
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