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Everything posted by Ger_onimo

  1. This post makes absolutely no sense in the context of this thread.
  2. I don't get it. 80% of them voted for independence. 45% of Scots voted for independence. Where's the similarity? What "treatment" has Scotland received from the UK government? The right to democratically reject independence? Bizarre.
  3. Don't think money will come into it. He'll leave when two things happen: the right club comes in for him (not the club offering the biggest wages or biggest war-chest) and more importantly, when he feels he's finished the job here. Only he knows how the second part is defined, but I reckon back to back league titles and a euro final/trophy a few years down the line isn't totally unrealistic.
  4. Fucks going on in here? More plot twists than breaking bad. And someone casually chucks in that Joey Barton is one of us? Can't keep up.
  5. I still reckon Talksport told him and Collymore to pick one each and go on the wind-up. Troll fest.
  6. From what he says it's fairly clear that he's working with the board to identify realistic targets, no? I don't think he's going to tell them he wants Messi and Ronaldo or anything.
  7. Hardly surprising though. Did they not publish a front page with a picture of Marc Vivien Foe lying dead? Utter scumbags.
  8. What's "McSciaf" all about?
  9. May I suggest not reading it, if it upsets you so much? May I further suggest not posting a link on Rangersmedia, meaning others not only read it but also give hits to the rag they both work for, thus keeping them both in a job? Thanks in advance. ??
  10. If we got the smellies in the final would that guarantee European football (assuming the sheep don't turn them over in the league)?
  11. Although in fairness it was one guy saying it and he got torn apart by the rest of the forum for about 20 pages
  12. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=290030&st=0%22%20title=%22Previous%20page%22%20rel=
  13. Absolutely. The amount of times we needed a hard man, sticking up for the youngsters when they were getting booted all over the place, getting a bit of well placed revenge here and there, he never failed to disappoint. Can't stand him. Although he wasn't the only one to be fair.
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