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Everything posted by bluedart1952

  1. Quickest and easiest thing to do is wash it, probably with it being poor quality it will shrink down a size.
  2. Cant wait to here their excuses for this result.
  3. For you it might be taking the piss, but do yourself a favour and get the quote removed and put it down to stupidity.
  4. That is a question, that the fans of this club should not need to ask, most of the fan base agree that the board should take action against our detractors instead of the silence.
  5. They wont say dick shit, because he's of the same ilk.
  6. Bloody lunatics, but their clubs refusal to speak up or distance themselves from this speaks volumes. They're now't but bigoted republican inbred shite.
  7. Like a cigarette hibs have just been STUBBED OUT.
  8. Shrek's sisters on a day out, you know I don't think even Donkey would shag them.
  9. That's not a lot for a very skilful person like Ian Black, I heard he was not bad at the painting and decorating game.
  10. I wasn't on about the bit about them being ultras, its the bit where the dr was on about the amounts of cash they were trying to raise and the intent behind it i.e £1690.00. Its not as if the dr is bigoted or a biased newspaper. Ps. I don't seem to remember the VB quote any particular figure they wanted to raise when they asked for donations, I will stand corrected if I am wrong.
  11. He was let out because according to the tim driven media, it didn't happen, though there is tons of evidence to prove it did. B@Q and all other DIY stores must have made an absolute killing with sales of whitewash in Scotland this weekend by the amount the media and arseholes connected to it are applying.
  12. They probably could, but the apology would be put somewhere hard to see and would fit in a postage stamp.
  13. Just looking at that is offensive to the bloody eyes, stokes could get up it, head first.
  14. He probably got his story from the bastion of truth, that is bbc scumland.
  15. Its not heading anywhere, Its arrived and its going to be a lot worse than George Orwell's 1984.
  16. Thanks Nicky Clark, Wishing you all the best for your future.
  17. Another blinker wearing fuckwit, and these c--ts say its only us that are biased and bigoted in our views. These people cant even be looking at any evidence of what happened on Saturday, before coming out with their shite.
  18. Well done to the Board for coming out with this statement, because the way the sfa, hibs and the media are trying to change the facts of what really happened yesterday is fucking disgusting. I thought I would get a bit calmer today, but the more shite I am reading the angrier I am getting, the amount of fucking liars in the media is beyond belief.
  19. Maybe to leave some explosives, total cunt of a human.
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