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Posts posted by BlueboyG

  1. 1 minute ago, Jimfanciesthedude said:

    Ive been fighting with others about tav for years now, 

    For all the good he done going forward, every single time an opponents left mid got the ball you'd think "here we go again" 

    I still remember rob fucking kiernan of all people slaughtering him at ibrox in an OF game because he lost his man at the backpost and we conceded the losing goal lol

    He was done last season, as ive said plenty of times before his numbers are good but his defending is costing us goals, if we had a decent striker we wouldnt need his numbers. I honestly reckon Clement will have him here as captain next season, hope im wrong.

  2. 27 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

    I think other than the hands on Raskin’s waist, it’s just standard in the box at set-piece stuff.

    The question for me is, are the hands on his waist enough for a pen? (No for me)

    And do his hands go round his waist before or after the push? (About the same time I think) 

    Agree 100%, Dont think VAR got it wrong, if it was up the other end we would be screaming for a foul, if VAR was out to fuck us over as some suggest they would have given a pen for Davies hand ball, whether it warranted a pen or not it was an opportunity to give one.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Scottywellhousetb said:

    I can't wait for tomorrow, I don't give a fuck if we are expected to lose, it's a fucking cup final against those bastards, you would be as well fucking chucking football altogether if you can't get excited for that, really surprised the ticket section isn't overload with spares considering most on here seem to be so sure of a humping, I think we will beat the cunts. 

    Theres nothing would make me happier than doing these cunts tomorrow, i will be kicking every ball with them but these players failed us at the most crucial time of the season, i will celebrate like every other Rangers fan but it wont change my feeling on most of this team.

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