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Posts posted by piperpete

  1. 4 minutes ago, josmc said:

    Here’s the thing. I couldn’t give a fuck what they sing,who they sing it about, or what Subject it has to do with. I’ve never been hospitalised because I got sang at from the other end of the ground.

    All this pish about being offended, reporting it to the police, tv companies, calling phone ins. I don’t get any of it and it just emphasises how obsessed they are.  I would rather we didn’t do it either as some sort of tit for tat thing because I think we’re better than that.  So sing and shout whatever you like at me , I won’t lose any sleep and I’ll still wake up as a bluenose the next morning. 

    Yes if they played with the same rules but they don’t, they want to sing what they want but want us to sit quietly. I don’t get offended by songs but I get offended by others wanting to run my life for me 

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Dude said:

    I really like Myles but he's not kicked on as I hoped he would in the last year. Expect he'll leave in the summer when his deal is up, same with Hardie. Think Kirkwood probably makes really good sense for it because he knows the Academy well and there are few players who I ever hear with a bad word to say about him so he clearly does something right.

    It’s Myles attitude that’s caused him problems by all accounts thinking he had made it and taking his eye of the ball, that’s from a good friend of his family back in Malta, it’s a shame as he looked a player.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Smile said:

    They are in their league they have only won three out of thirteen games and currently sit 16th. Last seven games they have only won once.

    They. Never won last night either does that put us on the same plain as the other Spanish clubs to do so?  Think back 8 months and if you ever dreamed we would not have been beaten against a Spanish side over two games. It’s not perfect but it’s a dam site or the right road where we can be disappointed in not beating a Spanish club who are not on song

  4. 1 hour ago, Fred H Crawford said:

    Unbelievable mate , miss 2 or 3 gilt edge chances then score a tap in after Cooper , Walters etc had put it on a plate , then off celebrating like he had just scored a world cup winner 😂  

    The hardest thing in football is being in the right place to tap it in the net, you can’t teach that that is instinct 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Fred H Crawford said:

    Early in Ally's career at Ibrox mate , but something he always remembered being on the end of . Credit where it's due , he didn't half answer his critics back in subsequent years , although he was still capable of missing his fair share chances .

    It never ever got him down as he knew another chance would be along sooner than later, Ally had a great attitude for a goal scorer 

  6. 1 hour ago, STEPBOY99 said:

    shameless bump for this thread from me as the thread has dropped to page 2!!

    come on bears look under your beds, the loft, under the stairs......

    im looking for the Auxerre one lads.....

    im keeping the faith

    Sorry mate never saw your posts or I wouldn’t have posted the post above.

  7. On 17/11/2018 at 14:57, BlueMe said:

    Just a quick update!

    Huge thanks to @Mr Soprano and his granda, after years of looking, i finally have the complete set! 



    Everyone who has helped me out will of course be invited to the museum once i open up again in the spring.

    These will sit proudly on display for everyone to enjoy for years to come. 


    Delighted for you mate, I have one but it wasn’t for sale so didn’t want to say before you got one, it’s still in the box and mint, I was given it by the owner of the Texan bar in Monaco who is pals with both Laudrup’s and Hateley.

  8. 5 hours ago, Sweettartangirl said:

    The Gunners or Gooners but never hear The Arsenal ever?  

    My Granda(not so much now with him no longer being here*sigh*Miss his excited little face)and Uncle both call them The Rangers or The Mighty Queens 11.... But it doesn't really matter who calls them what when you're a fan.  Really strange thing to be getting in a twist about.  

    Mon The Gers. 

    Mon The Rangers.  


    Mon then :p:

    One nil to “The Arsenal”  used to be sang at The Arsenal games all the time

  9. 2 hours ago, thebooler said:

    It’s got fuck all to do with being a skinflint mate. It’s more to do with the fact I won’t give Dingwall a fiver tae enter another guys pub!

    Ive been in pubs before that he organised, after a chat with the bar manager.

    Another Blue Pound chaser fleecing the fans.

    That’s a different reason than you first post as you said feck giving a £5 to go into a pub and left it at that

  10. 54 minutes ago, thebooler said:

    So s guy owns a pub that’s gonny be packed out, and he wants the punters tae pay for the DJ? Away tae fuck.

    More like tae line the batchelor’s sticky pockets.

    If I put 100 punters in your pub, who are gonny be drinking pretty heavily (see RFC52’s post!) are you not gonna be happy tae fork out for a greasy wee Austrian tae Stand there on yer laptop playing the tunes?

    Make hay mate, if dafties are willing then take it, it’s not as tho he needs to worry about coming next week

  11. 2 hours ago, five stars said:

    Yeah, i had a season ticket last year but only managed a couple of games, I'm going to write and demand a full refund.

    With the games already played the club didn’t get the chance to resell your seat mate so I think you may into plumbs demanding anything.

    Going down the demanding route will not work as you agitate the persons you demand from, you would be better going down the honesty route and asking for help to sort out the problem and a payment plan spread over a few months.

    goodluck with both your health and any financial issues you have encountered due to your illness.

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