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Everything posted by SteveEarle

  1. Was he the raging maddy who said celtic fans 'need to support the club not tomorrow, not today, but now!'
  2. Keevins - "That's the problem WE have" ..... FFS. Said while discussing replacing Lennon.
  3. Well well well, this is from the BBC website tonight. "The SPFL says "several clubs" have had a change of heart and indicated support for giving the board power to decide another incomplete season" Wonder what caused that..............? Here we go again!
  4. What we need to worry about is the lengths Liewell and Doncaster will go to to ensure the ‘consensus of opinion’ is the one they want it to be.
  5. Mike Tyson v Roy Jones Jnr, September 12th, Las Vegas!
  6. SFAnta Clause coming early with a present for the Tims
  7. Any decent suggestions as to which pubs in the city centre may be showing Joshua v Ruiz next Saturday night?
  8. Thank fuck we have proper football back this weekend!!!
  9. I remember genuine excitement of him coming back and taking over from Greig as manager. I think we all thought he'd sort us out! Sadly it didn't work out but we have two League Cups to remember from his second spell. I would have loved for him to lift another league title but it wasn't to be. Still a Rangers legend though!
  10. Most of the threads on RM are dream world to be fair. Who should we sign? If we’d made substitutions earlier, we all pick different players for every game. This is just another scenario to debate. There have been posters on here who have genuinely said celtic going out of Europe could harm our chances of winning the league. Christ bud, I clearly want the best for us all the time but I’m just flipping that theory and asking if it will be seen as positively if we fail to go through. For the record, I want us in every competition for as long as possible BUT going out of Europe, with them going through, MIGHT not be the biggest disaster. As a rule this would never normally even be a consideration but this is a crucial season for us to stop 9 in a row. I would probably like to achieve that at whatever the cost!
  11. A decent result for us tonight in Warsaw but the tie is certainly still in the balance. I’ve read a lot of comments on here recently regarding it being detrimental to our chances of winning the league this season should the scum not qualify for the Europa League stages as well as us. It’s felt they would be much fresher for their league games without midweek European fixtures and perhaps wouldn't drop as many points. They sadly now look like they have one foot in the group stages after tonight’s result. Obviously I want us to win every game we play and go as far in every competition that we enter as we can but, worst case scenario next Thursday we draw or don’t get through, how many fans would sacrifice a Europa League run if we knew it would stop the pricks winning nine in a row??? Would our freshness and their tiredness be beneficial for us getting 55? Obviously in an ideal world we do it both, but now that it looks like they’re through would us going out be seen as a complete disaster or possibly beneficial in the long run??? Not an easy question......
  12. Absolutely!! That slime ball McLaughlin giving her such a grilling for something so petty doesn't sit well with me. Prick!
  13. Anyone see the brave 'courageous journalism' of Chris McLaughin tearing into Shelly Kerr because she got a bit pished in France and told the Scottish Women's football team they weren't very good?? Main headline on tonight's Reporting Scotland no less!!! Pity he wouldn't take his investigative journalistic nous to the Paedo Dome and start asking some probing questions over there...………...
  14. Perfect hat trick today too, right foot, left foot and the header👍🏼⚽️⚽️⚽️
  15. Lets hope he earns the right to be flash by putting some silverware in the trophy cabinet this season, finally.
  16. Always going wide.........😂
  17. Surely to Christ they'll do them all? The rear panels will be shorter in length so hopefully not so much work involved.
  18. Yeah, same here. It was the early goal and the way we played that came as a bit of a surprise. One of the many highs in my time supporting the club!
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