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Everything posted by LochendBilly

  1. If they have given him time off, he has shit on them big time Taigs will sack him.
  2. Excellent and heartwarming read. Thanks for posting!
  3. How long before some mong in this backwater throws a sausage or similar at him?
  4. There is a ST waiting list, they do the renewals then seat moves and then waiting list. If any left they go on public sale. Details all on the website.
  5. When I were a lad, you paid fuck all to get in. "Hey mister, gonnae gies a lift ower" Always a good bear willing to help. Poofs nowadays expect seats and all.
  6. As he was in Columbia, it would make sense for him to fly direct to Tenerife rather coming here first......Non story!
  7. Boss in Dubai, McCrorie in Paris, Alfredo in Columbia and Ryan heads to Aberdeen
  8. Remember it used to be like this mate?
  9. There is just something about him I like, fuck knows why. Loan him out and see where it goes.
  10. I am fucking loving this meltdown, 55 will be sensational with taig suicides...the lot.
  11. Thanks Tam, i'm deffo on 2 now then including this.
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